The Queensland Naturalist Author Index

Aberdeen, J.E.C. Can I eat that toadstool? 14(5), 16; 15, 26 f. 

Larger fungi – hobby & research, 21, 113

Addicott, E.P.  Regional ecosystems of the western portion of the Princess Hills section of Lumholtz National Park, Nth Qld, 41, 52 f.

Alcorn, J.L.  A record of Xenosporium berkeleyi in Queensland, 33, 71 f.

Fungal diseases of some Fraser I. plants, 19, 20

Microfungi from Hinchinbrook I., 22, 58 f.

Alexander, W.B. The earliest descriptions of Aust. animals, 4, 107

Birds observed during Camp Mtn excn, May, 1925, 5, 31

Notes on the bird-life of Amity Pt., Stradbroke I., Easter excn, 1925, 5, 38

Address to members, 5, 84

―, Mayo, Mrs. W. M., & G. H. Barker. List of birds seen at Stradbroke I., June 1923, 4, 43

Allan, M.E. Hinchinbrook I. excursion, Aug. 1975, 22, 15

Allsopp, P.G. New records of scarab beetles from central Qld, 28, 87

Archibald, M. An unusual occurrence of a blue-green alga, 15, 71

Atkins, Andrew. Range extension for the Queensland Skipper butterfly, Arrhenes marnas affini,         30,14

Expedition Range revisited: a list of butterflies mainly from Blackdown Tableland, Central Qld, 34, 41

Distribution records and notes on the biology of Skipper Butterflies from central and southern Queensland (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), 38, 30

Additional butterflies listed for the Mouth Moffatt and Carnarvon Gorge sections of the Carnarvon National Park, central Queensland, 40, 69

Bage, F. The Field Naturalists’ Club – its scope and possibilities, 2, 47 

Barker, G. H. Notes on a visit to Gold Ck reserve, Sept., 1909, 1, 120 

     A few impressions of the birds of Northgate, Aug., 1910, 1, 162 

     List of birds seen at Enoggera, Sept., 1910, 1, 167

     Some night-calling birds, 2, 102, f. 

     Among the birds of Redcliffe, 4, 75 

     Welcome swallows, 4, 76

     Sunnybank excn, Aug., 1927. Report on ornithology, 6, 50 

     Canungra excn, Easter, 1928. Birds, 6, 76

     Notes on some night-flying birds, 8, 14

     Upper Cedar Ck excn, Easter, 1932.   Birds observed, 8, 44 

     A few bird notes, 8, 45

     Birds of Caloundra. Easter excn, 1933, 8, 75

     Native orchids at the wildflower show, Sept., 1933, 9, 7 

     Mt Edwards excn, Easter, 1934. Bird notes, 9, 40

     Numinbah Valley excn, Easter, 1935. Bird notes, 9, 82

     Report on the excn to Enoggera water reserve, Oct., 1935, 9, 112

     Upper Albert R., Lamington National Park, Easter excn, 1936. Birds, 10, 10

     Bird notes. Ashgrove, near the One-tree Hill summit, July excn, 1936, 10, 38

     Migration of birds. 13, 108

     Obituary (Charles William Holland), 14 (5), 20

―, Alexander, W.B. & Mayo, Mrs W.M. List of birds seen at Stradbroke I., June 1923, 4, 43

― & H.G. Barnard. Birds recorded at Canungra, Easter excn, 1930, 7, 96

― & N.Jack. Report on birds seen at Running Ck, Easter excn, 1941, 12, 13

Barnard, H.G.  Birds of the Cape York region, N.Qld, 6, 94

     Notes on the economic value (or otherwise) of some of our diurnal birds of prey, including 

          crows, 8, 7

     Observations on the disappearance, and probably cause, of many of our native birds in central Qld, 9, 3

― & Barker, G.H. Birds recorded at Canungra, Easter excn, 1930, 7, 96

Barnes, T., Hill, G., & Dyer, P.  The Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus breeding colony

     on Heron Island 1985-1990, 33, 66 f.

Barrow, G. J. Hydromys chrysogaster – some observations, 17, 43 

Bates, G. Some notes on Dendrobium phalaenopsis, the Cooktown orchid, 11, 109

Batianoff, G.H. Note on Wedelia trilobata Singapore daisy, an environmental problem as a

          bushland weed in tropical and subtropical areas of Queensland, 31, 91 f.

     Scawfell Island vegetation, 33, 84 f.

     Scawfell Island flora diversity, 33, 92

     Scawfell Island vascular plant catalogue, 33, 97

― & McDonald, T.J.  Report on a visit to Cape Flattery, 23, 1 f.

―, Sharpe, P.R., & Neldner, V.J. Flora & vegetation of Mt. Coolum, Qld, 25, 28 f. 

― & Sharpe, P.R. Mt Coolum, ferns, conifers & flowering plants checklist, 25 ,57 

Baxter, P. H.  Vegetation notes on Fraser I., 19, 11, f.

Bean, A.R. & Forster, P.I. Conservation coding of Leucopogon confertus, 30, 35 

Bean, A.R. The distribution of Leptospermum luehmannii Bailey, 31, 37, f

Bennett, G.F. A few notes on the history and habits of the Monotremes, 1, 105

Bennie, M. & J., Thomas, M.B., & Geeves, J.S. Eulo district excursion 1991, 31, 101

Berney, F.L.  Gould’s monitor (Varanus gouldiae), 10, 12

Bernhard, H.F. (or H.J.). A shell collecting trip in Keppel Bay, Easter, 1935, 9, 109

     Molluscan notes, 10, 26, 61

Bick, E.W.  Canberra, the Aust. capital city, and its trees, 9, 95

Bird, E.C.F . Dune stability on Fraser I., 21, 15 f.

Bird, L.H., Connel, M. & Hacker, J.B.  Vegetation of Rafting Ground Park, Brisbane, and community re-afforestation, 31, 132 f.

Blake, J.R.  New locality for Plunkett mallee (Eucalyptus curtisii), 15, 48 f.

Blake, S. T. The plant communities in the neighbourhood of Coolum, 10, 106 f.

     The grasses and grasslands of the Petrie district, 11, 52

     The vegetation of Goat Island and Bird Island in Moreton Bay, 11, 94 f.

     The vegetation of Running Ck valley, SEQ, and some neighbouring areas, 12, 4 f.

     Deserts, 12, 24

     Plants in the Lamington National Park not previously recorded for Qld, 12, 85 f.

     The vegetation of Noosa, 13, 47

     The vegetation of the country surrounding Somerset Dam, 13, 94

     A new species of Pultenaea from SE Qld, 14, 49 f.

     Some features of the grasses and grasslands of Qld, 15, 61

     Observations on insects, pollen and seed set among the Aselepiadaceae, 16, 99

     Qld sea-grasses, 17, 71, f. 

     Forestry on Fraser I., 19, 10 

     Plants and plant communities of Fraser, Moreton and Stradbroke Is., 19, 23, f.

     Flowering and seeding habits in some species of Banksia, 20, 21, f. 

― & Herbert, D.A. A new orchid from N Qld, 14, 57 f., 82

Bleakly, M.C. & Grant, E.M. Key to the common fresh-water fishes of S Qld, 15, 21 f.

Boorman, R. & Woodall, P.F. Molluscs of North Keppel I., 29, 85 

Bostock, P.D. Ferns of Iron Ra., 30, 2

Bouchard, D.L. Observations from Kolambangara Island, 38, 7 f.

Boyland, D.E.  The Wildlife Land Fund Limited, 42, 28

Braby, Michael F.  Range extensions and distribution records for some butterflies in north-eastern Qld – Part III, 32, 121

Bradley, A.J., Millis, A.L. &  Hale, P.T.  Field discrimination of the Petaurid gliders Petaurus 

          norfolcensis and P. breviceps in southeast Queensland, 40, 50

Bradley, Adrian J. & Millis, Adele L.  Trap success in relation to rainfall and moon phase in southeast Queensland Squirrel Glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) populations, 38, 69

Bradtke, W. The flora of a small tropical island, 2, 133

Brenan, J. O’N. Bird notes: Goodna & Woogaroo scrub, upper Brisbane R., June excn, 1930, 7, 78

Brighouse, E.  Orchid habitats on Carlisle I., 29, 8 

          Cooloola excursion report, 30, 126

     Orchids recorded on Scawfell Island, 33, 107

Brimblecombe, A.R. Observations on the insects of Caloundra. Easter excn, 1933, 8, 78

     Obituary (L. Franzen), 13, 18

Bristow, W. M.  A social wasp builds a house, 16, 62

     Your garden-a hunting ground, 16, 104 

     Memories and milestones, 17, 81

     The germination of a Crinum seed, 17, 112 

     The Club’s Fraser I. excursion, 19, 63 

     Fraser I. trip, general account, 21, 1

Brown, H.  A peculiar habit displayed by the mantis, Archimantis latistylus (Serville), 1, 152

Bryan, J.H., Reeves, D.M., & Kenway, B.  Dragonflies and damselflies: Odonata from Princess Hills area, Lumholtz Nat. Pk, Sept 2002, 41, 110

Bryan, W.H.  The modern aspect of the study of soils, 7, 44

     Volcanoes, 9, 103

     The pebbles on my garden path, 10, 83

Burtt, F.  Fern collecting, 2, 30

Buzacott, A. H. Source of the ‘scrub smell’, 19, 76

Cameron, C. A. C.   Birds seen at North West I., 19, 99

Cameron, E. M.  Spiders in our gardens, 16, 95

Cameron, M. A.  The flowering and fruiting of Hoop Pine, 16, 13, f. 

Campbell, M.M. & Kettle, D.S. Bionomics of Culicoides brevitarsis, 24, 33

Cantrell, B.K. & Shaw, D.E.  Further notes on seed set in Alocasia macrorrhiza & occurrence of   Neurochaeta inversa, 24, 71

Chaloupka, M.Y. & Godwin, M.D. Fife & Stainer Is – 1984 survey of terrestrial flora, 25, 104

Chisholm, A. H. Courtship among birds, 2, 83 f.

     Bowers and playgrounds, 2, 117

     Some Stradbroke I. birds, 2, 128 f.

     Bird seeking in Qld, or the ornithological history of Qld, 3, 66 f, 93, 115

  1. R. Elsey, surgeon, naturalist, explorer, 17, 60, f. 

     Some Qld ‘mystery birds’, 17, 87

     The ‘Blue Regent’ mystery, 18, 29 

     Excursions fifty years ago, 18, 118 

     Meeting the lotusbird, 20, 122 

― and White, C.T.  The late Dr Shirley, 3, 87

Clarke, C.   Brush-tailed Phascogale, 18, 50

Clarke, H. Let’s to the forest, 13, 7 f.

― & Grimes, D. Nerang Valley, Easter excn, 1935. The wanderers, 9, 74

Clarke, J. H.   Olive Whistler and Rufous Scrub-bird, 18, 87 

     Observations of Prince Albert’s Lyrebird, 18, 105

― & Clarke, C.  Scrub ticks and a bandicoot, 19, 81

Clarke, J., Elson, W., Sinclair, G., Melzer, R., Fensham, R., & Porter, G.  Conservation assessment for ‘Lorna Vale’, 42, 22

Clifford, H. T. Angiosperm hybrids in the Aust. flora, 17, 32, f. 

     A curious family of eucalypts, 30, 85

     Ferdinand Mueller as a paleobotanist, 40, 40

― & Hamley, T.  Seed dispersal by water dragon, 23(5-6), 49

Coaldrake, J.E. From botany to ecology, 24, 83

Cock, H.M.  A flight of butterflies, 11, 88

Colledge, W.R. Notes on Rotifera,, 1, 33, 52

     Glass House Mts. Exc., April/May 1910. Pond life, 1, 155

     Northgate Junction excn, Aug., 1910. Report on pond life, 1, 162

     Newmarket excn, Oct. 1910. Report on pond life, 1, 181

     The ideal of a field naturalist, 1, 200

     Currumbin excn. Report on pond and shore life, 1, 278

     Ashgrove excn, Oct. 1912. Report on pond life, 1, 278

     The story of a little fly (Simulium sp.), 2, 76

     An interesting copepod, 2, 105 f.

     Water bears or Tardigrada, 3, 28 f.

     A wonderful rotifer, 3, 50 f.

     A telescoping rotifer, 3, 111 f.

     An interesting insect larva, 4, 39 f.

     Notes on rotifers and some of the life in the Chelmer swamp, 4, 57

Colliver, F.S. The field naturalist and his place in the community, 14(5), 8

     Triassic footprints in Qld, 15, 78

     The Endeavour and Aboriginal contacts, 20, 25, f. 

     Some plant foods of Qld Aborigine, 21, 22 

     Dr F.W. Whitehouse (obituary), 21, 33 f. 

     Historical Aspects of Hinchinbrook I., 22, 17 

     Aborigines of Hinchinbrook I., 22,19

     Anthropological notes on channel country, 23(5-6), 10 

     Marjory Hawken (obituary), 24, 4 f.

     Hilda Curtis (obituary), 29, 42 f.

― & Woolston, F.P.  Anthropological notes from Qld, 18, 21, f, 57 

―, Hawken, M. &  Marks, E.N. Notes on the Fraser I. Aborigines I, II & III, 19, 53, f.

Colston, P. R. The occurrence of the painted honeyeater (Grantiella picta) in S.W. Qld, 18, 116

Comrie-Smith, Mrs. An account of the RAOU excn to Biggenden & camp out at Fraser I., Oct 1930, 7, 99

     Bird notes, Eight Mile Plains, Oct. 1931, 8, 11

     Bird notes from Binna Burra, Lamington Nat. Pk, 10, 97

Connel, M., Bird, L.H., & Hacker, J.B.  Vegetation of Rafting Ground Park, Brisbane, and community re-afforestation, 31, 132 f.

Constable, E. F. & H. C. Hayes.  Plants on the summit of Mt Lindesay, 17, 35

Corben, C., Rhodes, M.P., Hall, L.S. & DeOliviera, M.  The bat fauna of Kroombit Tops, 32, 18 f.

Coutts, P. J. F. Some prehistoric implements from Meteor Ck, Mt Moffatt Station, Qld, 20, 79

Covacevich, J. Reptiles of far northern Cape York Pen., 28, 22 f.

Cribb, A.B. Algal pollution of surf in S. Qld, 14, 123

     Plant colonization of the Southport sand spit, 15, 29

     A record of Trichopeltula sp. in Qld, 15, 36 f.

     Fairy rings in colonies of blue-green algae, 15, 46 f.

     A morel from Qld, 15, 65 

     Seed dispersal in the blue waterlily, 16, 12, f. 

     Algal food of the Rock Cale, 16, 31

     Does Thismia occur in Qld?, 16, 90, f. 

     A Cordyceps new to Qld, 16, 92, f.

     An occurrence of Rotifers within Vaucheria, 17, 74, f. 

     A green alga growing on a caterpillar, 17, 86, f.

     Algae on the silken canopy of an aquatic insect, 18, 21, f. 

     Historical notes on North West I., 19, 82 

     Vegetation of North West I., 19, 85, f. 

     Algae on a hawk’s-bill turtle, 19,108 

     The Pisonia, 19, 110, f.

     Sea Sawdust, 19, 115, f.

     Qld algae, 20, 14

     Some Trentepohliaceous algae from Carnarvon Gorge, 20, 90 

     Vegetation of Hoskyn I, and reef, 20, 92, f.

     Some freshwater algae from Fraser I., 21, 7 f. 

     Zonation of some sedges & restiads on Fraser I., 21, 12 

     Additions to rainforest flora of Fraser I., 21, 13 

     Masthead I. excursion, 21, 64

     Some fungi from Masthead I., 21, 73 

     Terrestrial vegetation of Masthead I., 21, 74 f. 

     Algal vegetation of Masthead I. reef, 21, 79 

     A simple self-registering tide gauge, 21, 84 f. 

     Scents of the bush, 21, 94

     Changes in terrestrial flora of Heron I., 21, 110 

     Blackdown Tableland excursion, 21, 118 f. 

     Some algae from Blackdown Tableland, 21, 132 

     Marine algal vegetation, Hinchinbrook I., 22, 62 f. 

     Marine algae list from Hinchinbook I., 22, 67 

     Desmond Andrew Herbert (obituary), 22, 72 f. 

     Tryon I. excursion, 22, 112

     Terrestrial vegetation of Tryon I., 22, 127 f.

     Algae on mud crab, 23, 29

     Algal staining on ocean beaches, 23, 30 

     Alga on crocodile, 23, 31

     Glomus pubescens in Qld, 23, 32 f.

     Some algae from inland Australia, 24, 53 

     Some algae from Hinchinbrook I., 24, 57 

     Some freshwater algae from Burdekin R., Qld, 24, 101 f.

     Aquatic vascular plants from Big Bend area, Burdekin R. Qld, 24, 110 

     Parasitic alga Phyllosiphon arisari, in Qld, 25, 119 f.

     Two terrestrial algae new to Qld, 25, 120 f. 

     Direction of twining in some Qld plants, 25,122 

     Marine algae of Cape Tribulation area, 26, 26 f. 

     Fairfax I. –  some historical notes, 26, 115 f. 

     Fairfax I. terrestrial vegetation, 26, 119 f.

     Thismia rodwayi –  extension of range in Qld, 27, 18 f.

     Two slime fungi new to Qld from Kroombit Tops, 1983, 27, 22 f. 

     Some algae from Kroombit Tops, Qld, 1983, 27, 24 f.

     Further algae from Blackdown Tableland, 1985, 27(5-6), 21

     Alga Enteromorpha flexuosa – non-marine occurrence in Qld, 27(5-6), 21 

     Trentepohlia, some species from Java & Bali, 27 (5-6), 31 f.

     Some marine algae from Cape York area, 28, 65 f. 

     Some freshwater algae from Jardine R. area, 28, 69 

     Aquatic fungus from pitchers of Nepenthes mirabilis, 28, 72 f. 

     Plants in myth and legend, 28(5-6), 1

     Some algae from Mt Moffatt area, 28(5-6), 23 f. 

     Marine algae of Carlisle I., Qld, 29, 33 f.

     Freshwater algae on Carlisle I., 29, 38 

     Morchella elata, fungus new to Qld, 29, 47 

     Algal genus Trentepohlia in Tasmania, 29, 107 f. 

     Fungi on wombat dung in Tasmania, 29,114 f. 

     Some marine algae from Portland Roads, Cape York Pen., 30, 15 

     Species of the fungal genus Xylaria at Iron Ra., Qld, 30, 17 f. 

     Cordyceps myrmecophila from Iron Ra., 30, 23 f.

     Xylaria aristata in Qld, 30, 87 f.

     Some freshwater algae associated with mangroves, 30,128 f. 

     Fungi on dung of emu, 30,130 f.

     The algae of Running Creek, Queensland, 31, 17, f.

     Some fungal spores from foam in Running Creek, Queensland, 31, 21, f.

     The aquatic discomycete fungus Hymenoscyphus varicosporoides in Queensland, 31, 26, f

     Algae on cattle dung, 31, 45

     Two fungi parasitic on aquatic plants in Queensland, 31, 94 f.

     Fungi on dung of a carpet python, 31, 137 f.

     The alga Trentepohlia ellipsiocarpa var. africana new to Australia, 32, 14 f.

     Change in habit in rust-infected plants of the Red Caustic-creeper, 32, 16

     John Howard Simmonds 1901-1992 (obituary), 32, 24 f.

     The slime fungus Physarum compressum on Emu dung, 32, 71 f.

     Occurrence of the sea lettuce (Ulva lactuca L.) on Capricorn and Bunker coral reefs, 32, 84

     Seaballs and algal balls in southern Queensland, 32,130 f.

     The green alga Zygnema melanosporum newly recorded from Australia, 32, 139 f.

     Freshwater green alga Chlorotylium cataractum recorded from Australia, 33, 33 f.

     The saprophytic flowering plant, Thismia yorkensis sp. Nov., from Australia, 33, 51 f          

     A large specimen of the fungus Xylaria poitei from Queensland, 33, 54

     Marine algae from Scawfell Island, Qld, 33, 110 f.

     A species of Xylaria from cattle dung in Qld, 34, 22 f.

     Flowering behaviour of Crinum flaccidum, the Darling lily, 34, 25 f.

     Two dung-inhabiting fungi newly recorded from Queensland, 34, 62 f.

     Occurrence of aerial roots in Eucalyptus robusta, 34, 64 f.

     The parasitic alga Cephaleuros parasiticus recorded from Australia, and its confusion with a fungus, 34, 68

     Queensland marine algae – the first 150 years, 35, 83

     Two coprophilous fungi on koala dung, 35, 91

     The fungus Chaetomium murorum on wombat dung, 37, 22 f.

     The Masthead Island excursion, 37, 32

     List of marine algae from Masthead I. Reef, 37, 48

     Two fungi on dead ants from Masthead I, 37, 52 f.

     The fungus Chaetomium homopilatum on dung of a Carpet Python, 37, 55 f.

     The alga Microspora quadrata newly recorded from Australia, 38, 33

     Some plant records, 38, 81

     Some algae from the western Darling Downs, 39, 37 f.

     The alga Oedogonium flexuosum newly recorded from Australia, 39, 80 f.

     Some ascomycete fungi on dung from western Queensland, 39, 82

     Some gasteroid fungi from western Qld, 39, 86 f.

     Some fungi from pademelon dung, 43, 19 f.

      An Aquatic Discomycete fungus,  Pachyella babingtonii, in Queensland, 44,94f

― & Cribb, J. W.  Some marine fungi from the Barrier Reef area, 19, 118, f.

          Polyporus fruiting following a bushfire, 20, 59 

          Some slime moulds from Cape York peninsula, 31, 81f.

          Fungal spores in freshwater foam from Lord Howe Island, 32, 114 f.

          Fungal spores in foam from Canungra Creek, Qld, 33, 75 f.

Cribb, I. B. Galahs near Brisbane, 17, 30

     Swamp-rats, 17, 113

― & Marks, E.N.  Notes on scrub ticks (Ixodes holocyclus) on native fauna in the Samford district, 18, 16

Cribb, J. W.  An occurrence of Endogone macrocarpa in Qld, 15, 45 f.

     Eating habit of a ring-tailed possum, 15, 65

     Puffballs and related fungi in Qld, 16, 13, f. 

     Pollination, with special reference to Qld plants, 19, 70 

     Some gasteromycetes from Fraser I., 21, 11 

     Natural history of grasses, 22, 1

     Hinchinbrook I. excursion, 1979, 24, 54

     Four Gasteromycetes from Burdekin R. area, 1981, 24, 119 

     Truffle new to Qld, 25, 124 f.

     Growth rate of a subtropical fairy ring, 26, 103 

     Fern newly recorded from Krakatau, 27(5-6), 34 f. 

     Some ferns of N. Cape York Pen., 28, 62 f. 

     Uncommon gasteromycete fungus near Cape York, 28, 73 f. 

     Carlisle I. excursion, 29, 6 f.

     Tasmania excursion, Jan. 1988, 29, 100 

     Occurrence of Castoreum on Cape York, 30, 25 f. 

     New records of Qld gasteromycetes, 30, 135 f.       

     Some puffballs from Eulo, western Queensland, 31, 127

     Two fungal pathogens of spiders in south-east Queensland, 31, 143 f.

     The fungus Panus tuber-regium in a Queensland Araucaria forest, 32, 137

     The fungus Secotium fragariosum newly recorded from Lord Howe I, 33, 32 f.

     The Scawfell Island excursion, 33, 82 f.

     Contribution of the Qld Naturalists’ Club to natural history in Qld, 34, 28

     Cyathus gracilis, a bird’s nest fungus newly recorded from Australia, 34, 66 f.

     A new species of Gelopellis from northern Australia, 35, 30 f.

     The fungus Mesophellia sp. eaten by mammals in Qld, 36, 25

     Betty McKenzie (obituary), 38, 3 f.

     Gasteromycete fungi from Burradoo Station, western Darling Downs, 39, 33 f.

     Some gasteroid fungi from western Queensland, 39, 86

     Variations observed in South-east Queensland stinkhorns, 43, 14 f.

― & Cribb, A.B.  Fungal spores in freshwater foam from Lord Howe Island, 32, 114 f.

― & Horton, H.P. Wallace D. McKenzie (obituary), 29, 46 f.

     See also Herbert, J.W.    

Cribb, R.B. Observations on the Green Turtle, Hoskyn I., 20, 116

     Observations on commensal crabs, Lady Musgrave I., 21, 112 

     Aspects of nesting behaviour of sea turtles, T’ryon I., 22, 6

     Nature, man & history, 22, 81

     Marine molluscs of Tryon I., Capricorn Group, 22, 141 

     Marine molluscs of Capricorn & Bunker Groups, 23 (5-6), 39

     Club excursion to Java, 27(5-6), 23

     Second Club excursion to Java, 1987, 29, 40 

     Club excursion to Indonesia, 30, 77

     Club excursion to Kalimantan and Bali, 32, 22

Cribb, T.H. New record of procamallanid nematode from the fish Siganus, 22,149 f. 

     Parasites of Australian wildlife: the inside story, 37, 3 f.

― & Pichelin, S. First record of Gigantolina magna (Platyhelminthes: Cestoda: Amphelinidea) from an Australian host, 31, 87

Curtis, Hilda S. Notes on egg-laying of the long-necked tortoise (Chelodina longicollis), 6, 66

     The red-browed finch (Agintha temporalis), 8, 30

     Bird life of Tamborine Mt. & list, 26, 89

     See also Geissman, H.

Curtis, Mrs S.  Water rats, 4, 115

     Notes on egg-laying of the long-necked tortoise (Chelodina longicollis), 6, 66

Curtis, W. G.   Bora grounds near Tamborine Village, 18, 32

Czechura, G.V. Frogs & reptiles recorded from Kroombit Tops, 27, 61

     Kroombit Tops Torrent Frog Taudactylus pleione with key to species of Taudactylus, 1983, 27, 68

Date, R.A. Warrumbungle Nat. Pk & Pilliga Scrub excn, 1984, 27(5-6), 16 

     Distribution, diversity, ecology & uses of Acacia in Aust., 28, 1 

     Goodnight Scrub excursion, 1987, 28(5-6), 25

     Running Creek – Easter excursion 1991. 31, 13

     On underground N factories, 33, 41

     Science and natural history: ethnobotanical snapshots of pre-Columbian America, 35, 45

     Natural history highlights of the QNC excursion to Columboola (Darling Downs and Leichhardt pastoral districts) Sep/Oct 1997, 36, 35

     Highlights of the QNC excursion to the Princess Hills section of Lumholtz National Park on the Herbert River, Nth Qld, Sept, 2002, 41, 49        

― & Popple, L.  Bird observations and notes for Murilla, Chinchilla & Taroom Shires, Qld, 36, 43

― & Ross, D.J. Cape Tribulation, altitudinal transect studies III: soils, 26, 53 f. 

― & Thompson, C.H.  Development of vegetation diversity in a young parabolic sand dune at Cooloola, Qld, 35, 57

Davies, V.T. Spiders of Kroombit Tops, 1983, 27, 58 f.

     Spiders from Carlisle I., 29, 31 

     Spiders from North Keppel I., 29, 80 

Dawson, P, Newbery, B., & Jones D.N. Density of Asian house geckos Hemidactylus frenatus 

          within suburban Brisbane, 43, 8

De Oliviera, M., Rhodes, M.P., Corben, C., & Hall, L.W.  The bat fauna of Kroombit Tops, 32, 18 f

De Oliveira, M.C., Schulz, & Eyre, T.  Notes on the Little Pied Bat Chalinolobus picatus in central Qld, 33, 35

Diatloff, A. The Rhizobium microflora of North West I., 19, 93 

Dick, W.D.  The life history of the cupid blue (Euchrysops cnejus cnidus), 13, 79

     A further note on the cupid blue butterfly, 14, 17

Ditton, R. A.   Boats versus birds on Dyer’s Lagoon, Laidley, 18, 18, f. 

Doley, D. The future forest – management or curation, 30, 100 

Domm, S. B. & Walker, T.A. Birds of North Reef I., 26, 99

Domrow, R.  Birds of the Biarra district, Esk, 19, 77

Don, A.R.  Deepwater National Park excursion 1992, 32, 56

     Mistletoes – myths and mysteries, 32, 47

     The nature of natural history, 39, 41

Dovey, L.G.  Notes on the sedges (Fam. Cyperaceae) found in the Bottle Ck section of the Baffle Ck catchment area, Port Curtis district, 9, 90

     Botanical notes from Rosedale: excn to Murchie’s scrub, Oct. 1935, 10, 28

Duke, M.M.  Fungi from Dunk I., N.Qld, 7, 49

Dunn, C.O.  Report on the orchids of the Springbook district, Easter 1955, 15, 53

Dunstan, B. Qld gemstones in the Prince’s casket, 3, 6 f.

Dyce, A.L. Cape Tribulation N.Qld – altitudinal transect studies VI: Culicoides, 26, 67 

Dyer, P., Hill, G., & Barnes, T.  The Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus breeding colony on Heron Island 1985-1990, 33, 66 f.

Dyne, G.R. Cape Tribulation N.Qld – altitudinal transect studies VIII: Oligochaeta, 26, 81

Elliott, B., Melzer, A, Tucker, G, & Hodgon, J. Note on predation on koalas Phascolarctos cinereus by raptors, including Wedge-tailed Eagles Aquila audax in Qld, 41, 38

Elmes, C.R. Marine observations from the Solomon Islands, 38, 9

Elson, W., Sinclair, G., Melzer, R., Fensham, R., Clarke, J. & Porter, G.  Conservation assessment for ‘Lorna Vale’, 42, 22

Esben-Petersen, P.  Australian Neuroptera, V., 6, 11 f; VI, 7, 31 f.

Evans, G. Lichens from North Keppel I., 29, 66

Everist, S. L.    Botany of the Mt Edwards and district: notes on the grasses, 9, 37

     Notes on some plants of W. Qld, 14, 52 f.

     Strangers within the gates (Plants naturalised in Qld), 16, 49, f.

     The Mitchell grass country, 17, 45, f.

     Lindsay Smith, botanist & naturalist, 20,62

     Stanley Thatcher Blake – botanist extraordinary (obituary), 21, 31 f. 

Ewart, A. Some aspects of geology of Hinchinbrook I., 22, 25 f.

     Notes on geology of Mt Coolum, 25, 1 f. 

     Geology, scenery & natural history, 25, 89 f. 

     Cape Tribulation, N Qld – altitudinal transect studies II: geological notes, 26, 49 f. 

     Cicadas of Kroombit Tops, 1983, 27, 50 f.

     Cicadas, and their songs, of the Miles-chinchilla region, 36, 54 f.

― & Popple, L.W.  Cicadas, and their songs, from south-western Queensland, 39, 52

Exley, E.M. Bees at Jardine R., Aug-Sept. 1985, 28, 33 

     Bees from Carlisle I., Dec. 1986, 29, 25 

     Insect-plant relationships, 29, 93

Eyre, T., Schulz, M, & de Oliveira, M.C.  Notes on the Little Pied Bat Chalinolobus picatus in central Qld, 33, 35

Fensham, R., Elson, W., Sinclair, G., Melzer, R., Clarke, J. & Porter, G.  Conservation assessment

           for ‘Lorna Vale’, 42, 22

Filmer, I.G.  The birds of Victoria Park, Brisbane, 13, 34 f.

Finch, Neal, McBrien, Kieron & Jones, Darryl N.  Opportunistic use of ephemeral suburban 

          habitats by brown hares Lepus capensis, 38, 64

Flecker, H. N.Qld – a naturalist’s paradise: the activities of the N.Qld Naturalists’ Club, 10, 20

Flood, P.G. Geomorphology of Tryon I. & reef, 22,113 f. 

Forster, P.I. Notes on Newcastelia velutina, 28, 84 f.

     James Keys F.L.S. & his contribution to early botanical exploration in S.E. Qld, 29, 116 f. 

     Distribution records for Qld flora & conservation codings, 30, 79

Forster, P.I.  A putative hybrid between Plectranthus alloplectus and P. graveolens, 31, 38 f.

     Capparis canescens, an additional host plant for Anaphaeis java teutonia, 31, 41

― & Bean, A. R. Conservation coding of Leucopogon confertus, 30, 35

― & Sharpe, P.R. Extension of range for Plectranthus argentatus in Qld, 29, 123

―, Kenning, G., Liddle, D.J. & Tucker, M.C. Cordyline fruticosa is native to Aust., 29, 124

     Additional fern records for Northern Cape York Pen. 30, 34

Francis, W.D.  The hoop pine and its allies, 2, 114 f.

     The forest trees between Flaggy Rock and Sarina, N Qld, 11, 67

     A change of name for a timber tree of the rainforest of  tropical Qld, 14, 56

     Australian stinging trees, 15, 66 f.

Franzen, L.  Two rare butterflies, 2, 103 f.

     A butterfly of melanic form, 2, 135 f.

     Note on the genus Stigmodera, 4, 96

     List of butterflies collected or observed during Easter excn to Moreton I., 1924, 4, 97

     Notes on a few entomological captures at Stradbroke I., Easter 1926, 6, 7

     A remarkable aberration in a common butterfly, 6, 10 f.

     Canungra excn, Easter 1928. List of butterflies captured or observed, 6 77

Frauca, H.  Notes on the breeding behaviour of a frog (Pseudophryne), 17, 94, f.

Gardner, A. Forests, foresters & forest botanists, 22, 96

Garnett, S.T., & Jackes, B.R. Vegetation of Badu I., Torres Str., 24, 40 f. 

Gaukrodger, D.W.  Spotted bower-birds at home, 3, 81 f.

Geeves, J.S. Birding in Java and checklist, 27 (5-6), 25

     Exploring Queensland’s natural history – a learning perspective, 31, 63

     Bush signs of rain – folklore or fact, 31, 128

―, Bennie, M. & J. & Thomas, M.B. Eulo district excursion 1991, 31, 101

― & Horton, H. Bird observations – Cairns to Iron Ra., 30, 6

― & Thomas, M.B. Club excursion Mt Moffatt 1986, 28 (5-6), 10 

     Birds of the Eulo district, south-west Qld, 31, 103

     Bird observations for Lake Numulla and Lake Wyara – Currawinya National Park, SW Qld, 31,


― & Woodall, P.F. Birds of North Keppel I., Central Qld, 29, 68 

Geissmann, H.  Orchids of a subtropical highland, 3, 53 f.

     Bird life at Cowan Cowan, Moreton I., Easter 1924, 4, 99

     See also Curtis, Mrs. H.

Gillies, A.J.  Learning from the past when planning for the future, 37, 25

     Elizabeth Nesta Marks (obituary), 43, 3 f.

Gillies, C.D.  A note on some freshwater Rhizopoda form Stradbroke I., Moreton Bay, 2, 69

     The testaceous Rhizopoca of the Brisbane district, 2, 110 f.

Girault, A.A.  Notes on the habits of a few insects, 1, 254

     Descriptions of a few new parasites of pests, Aust. mostly, 10, 74

     Descriptions of some chalcid wasps, 11, 14

     Three new Chalcidoidea from Aust., 11, 103

     A new genus of Qld Chalcidoidea, 11, 132

Goddard, E.J.  Presidential address, 5, 5

     Some Aust. life forms and their significance, 5, 19

Godwin, M.D. & Chaloupka, M.Y. Fife &. Stainer Is 1984, survey of terrestrial flora, 25,104 

Goy, D.A.  Aust. ferns of the genus Cyclophorus, 10, 45 f.

     Shield ferns.  The genus Polystichum in Aust., 10, 66 f.

     A new fern record for Qld, 10, 96 f.; 11, 85 f.

     The rasp ferns of Aust., 11, 23 f.

     A new filmy fern (Hymenophyllum) from N Qld., 11, 126 f.

     The tree-ferns of Qld, 12, 40 f.

Green, L.C. & A.T. Hockings. Notes on specimens of magnesite from near Toowoomba, 1, 32

Grimes, D. & Clarke, H.  Nerang Valley, Easter excn, 1935. The wanderers, 9, 74

Guymer, G.P. & Jessup, L.W. Vascular plants, Cape Tribulation area, 26, 2 f.    

Gwynn, A. M.  A bird-watcher’s impressions of Fraser I., May 1966, 19, 42.

Hacker, H. Insects on Masthead I., 1934, 21, 65

Hacker, J.B., Bird, L.H., & Connel, M.  Vegetation of Rafting Ground Park, Brisbane, and community re-afforestation, 31, 132 f.

Hacker, J.B.  To name a plant – a historical perspective, 32, 2

Hale, P.T., Millis, A.L. & Bradley, A.J. Field discrimination of the petaurid gliders Petaurus norfolcensis and P. breviceps in southeast Queensland, 40, 50

Hall, Leslie S. & Little, Lana.  Preliminary observations on the bats of Cape Melville National Park, 34, 53

Hall, L.S., Rhodes, M.P., Corben, C., & DeOliviera, M.  The bat fauna of Kroombit Tops, 32, 18 f.

Hall, M. E.  Spider captures vertebrate, 16, 161 

     Spider egg sacs in honeyeater’s nest, 17, 31 

     Some spiders from Fraser I., 19, 52

Hamilton, R.C.  Notes on a geological trip to Moogerah, near Cunningham’s Gap, 1, 222

Hamlet, S. & Moss, J. St.L. Freshwater fishes of Moreton I., 30, 62 

Hamley, T. & Clifford, H.T. Seed dispersal by water dragons, 23(5-6), 49 

Hanger, Ann Kelynge.  South-west Queensland excursion, 2000, 39, 49

Hanger, B.A.  Barakula State Forest excursion, 33, 9

     Natural history stories, 35, 3

Hanger, D.S.  Report on the Iron Range excursion, July 1988, 30, 1

     Observations on some proteoid type roots on some Queensland rainforest trees, 31, 1

     Shelburne Bay excursion, 1990, 31, 73

     Plant life on Bukkulla, 42, 34

Hannah, D.S. & Schulz, M.  The bats of Jourama Falls National Park, NE Qld, 34, 9

Harley, K.L.S. Avifauna of the Esk-Somerset Dam district, 13, 84

     Birds observed in the Camp Mt-Samford district, 14, 25 f.

     A pied currawong in the city, 14, 84

Harris J.M. and Maloney K.S.  Annotated possum and Glider Records from the Queensland Naturalist, 44, 84f

Harrold, A. Heathland regeneration after fire at Noosa, 22, 88 f. 

Harrold, A. G.  Fraser I., general botany, 19, 21 

     Cooloola – an ecological mosaic, 20, 7, f. 

Harslett, J.  Butterflies from the Stanthorpe district, 17, 106 

Harslett, J. & Reeves, D.  Notes on butterflies from Fraser I. 1971, 21, 5 

Hasenpusch, J. & Wood, G.A. Simple method of elevating artificial light sources to attract insects, 30, 36

Hawken, M. What’s that? – Some uncommon birds seen recently, 15, 77

     Blue wrens in mangroves, 17, 30

     Some Western Qld birds, 17, 70 

     A strange refuge, 17, 98

     A naturalist’s rambles, 18, 88

     Historical notes on Fraser I., 19, 61 

     Notes on birds of Hoskyn I., 20, 120 

―, Colliver, F.S. & Marks, E.N.   Notes on the Fraser I. Aborigines I, II, 19, 53, f.

Hayes, H.C.  Further notes on mistletoes, 3, 58

     Kookaburra pranks, 3, 101

­―, & Constable, E.F. Plants on the summit of Mt Lindesay, 17, 35

Heatwole, H. & Smith, J.M.B. Heron I. & cays of Capricornia Group – changing flora, 25,126 f

Hegarty, E, Jahnke, B.R., McKenzie, E.E. & Marks, E.N. Frederic Stanley Colliver (obituary), 31, 49 f.

Hegarty, M.P. Defence systems in plants – variations on ‘Don’t Bug me’, 31, 58

Heidecker, E.J. Burdekin photomaps, historical geology, 24,120 f. 

Hembrow, C.R. Some notes on birds of Carlisle I., Dec. 1986, 29, 15 

     Report on butterfly migration, 13th November 1966, 18, 115, map

Henderson, R.J.F. History & floristics of Blackdown Tableland, 21, 119 

     Plants of Blackdown Tableland, 21, 125 

     Writing for Flora of Australia, 28, 75 

Herbert, B. Cherax quadricarinatus from Jardine R., Cape York Pen., 28, 19 f. 

Herbert, D. A.   A naturalist in the Philippines, 5, 53

     The sun and plant distribution, 6, 58

     Canungra, Easter excn 1928, botanical notes, 6, 75

     The plant ecology of Palm I., N.Qld, 7, 51, 68, 87; 8, 24

     Records of Qld fungi, 9, 44; 10, 59

     An advancing Antarctic beech forest, 10, 8

     Subterranean plant life, 11, 34

     Upper Albert R. & National park, Easter excn 1939 – botanical notes, 11, 42

     Cyril Tenison White, 14, 43 f.

     The Brisbane Botanic Gardens, 14, 69

     Herbert Albert Longman (obituary), 15, 38 f. 

     Natural air layering in humus-collecting epiphytes, 16, 22

     Bee-eating by Kookaburras, 17, 30 

     Bees and Iceland poppies, 17, 34

― & S.T. Blake.  A new orchid from N. Qld, 14, 57 f, 82

Herbert, J.W.  A new record of a club-fungus, 14, 83

     An occurrence of Geastrum pectinatum, 14, 83

     A Pyronema from Qld, 14 (5), 18

     Podaxis pistillaris, a fungus growing on termite mounds, 14, 120 f.

     See also Cribb, Mrs. J.W.

Higgins, R.L.  The photographer naturalist, 4, 5

Hill, D. Notes on the geology of the Noosa district, 13, 43

     Note on the geology of Somerset Dam, 13, 90 f.

     The earth beneath Qld, 18, 97, f.

     Edward Oswald Marks. 1882-1971, 20, 124, f.

Hill, G., Dyer, P. & Barnes, T.  The Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus breeding colony on Heron Island, 1985-1990, 33, 66 f. 

Hines, Harry B. Frogs of the New Georgia group of islands, western province, Solomon Islands with comments on their conservation, 38, 16

― & Leggett, R.  Herpetofauna of Scawfell Island, with a review of museum specimens from the Cumberland group of islands, 34, 1

― & McDonald, K.R.  Survey of the terrestrial vertebrates of the western portion of the 

          Princess Hills section of Lumnholtz National Park, Nth Qld, 41, 68

Hines, Mike.  Bird observations in the Cooloola National Park, October 1996, 35, 64

Hobler, Mrs. F.H. (M.T.) Jabiru (Xenorhynchus asiaticus), 1, 255

     Frog-eating carabs, Catadromus lacordairei, 2, 132

     From a bush window, 3, 59

     Why the birds should be protected, 4, 19

     Nature notes, 4, 44

     Coleoptera found on Moreton I., Easter excn 1924, 4, 98

     A beautiful Buprestid (Coleoptera), 5, 42

Hobson, R., Mathieson, M., & Johnson, R. Additional vertebrate fauna records for Lake 

          Broadwater Conservation Park, 37, 12

Hocking, F.D. Terrestrial vegetation noted on Hinchinbrook I., 24, 56 

     The culture of Aust. plants, 18, 81

Hockings, A.T.  & Green, L.C. Notes on specimens of magnesite from near Toowoomba, 1, 32

Hodgon, J., Melzer, A, Tucker, G, & Elliott, B. Note on predation on koalas Phascolarctos 

          cinereus by raptors, including Wedge-tailed Eagles Aquila audax in Qld, 41, 38

Holland, C.W.  Rabbits and their introduction into Aust., 4, 7 f.

     A clever plant, 11, 87

     The late Henry Tryon, 12, 117

     Origin and early years of the Qld Naturalists’ Club, 13, 26 f., 81

     A plea for the native birds, 14, 80

Holland, M.G.  A chat about birds, 12, 62 f.

     Birds of Noosa, Easter excn 1946, 13, 53

     Ancient bird-lore, 13, 63

Holt, John.  Notes on ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Gibraltar Range National Park, NSW,

           38, 61

― & Woodall, P.F.  The location and size of nests of the Green Tree Ant Oecophylla 

          smaragdina on Scawfell I, 33, 135

Home, D. N.  Diversions of a naturalist, 20, 87 

Hopkins, N.  Notes on birds of the Round Hill Head area, 20, 56 

Horton, H.P. Excursion to channel country, SW Qld 1978, 23(5-6), 8

     Birds observed, SW Qld, Aug 1978, 23(5-6),13

     Bird observations Old Dalrymple, Burdekin R., 1981, 24,113 

     Bird observations – Jardine R. excursion, 28, 55

     Comparative look at megapodes, 29, 47 

     Moreton I. excursions, 1988-89, 30, 43 

     Moreton I. flora, 30, 46

     Notes on birds observed on the Shelburne Bay excursion, July 1990, 31, 76

     Bird observations on Scawfell Island – September 1994, 33, 116

     Enoggera Creek, 35, 66

     Some fascinating facets of birdsong: how, what, why, when and where birds vocalise, 38, 37

     Bird observations at Gibraltar Range, northern New South Wales, 38, 47

     Bird observations, Princess Hills National Park, Sept, 2002, 41, 90

     A survivor fern, Cheilanthes nudiuscula, 42, 64

― & Cribb, J.W.  Wallace D. McKenzie (obituary), 29, 46

― & Geeves, J.  Bird Observations – Cairns to Iron Ra., 30, 6

― & Muir, D.  Bird observations, Bukkulla Conservation Park, 42, 56

Horton, W. Gould’s Petrel, Moreton I., 30, 61

― & Jahnke, B. R. Birds from Kroombit Tops, 1983, 27, 72

House, Mrs. M.  Nature notes from the central Dawson R., 9, 64

     The black-breasted plover (Gonifer tricolor), 9, 88

Houston, T. F. Notes on Apoides from Fraser I., 19, 51

Houston, Wayne. Bukkulla vegetation monitoring, 42, 71

Hull, G.W.M.  A night-singing native bird, 1, 40, 112

Hulsen, R. Heredity, 1, 267

Hunt, T. E.   Notes on the orchids at Noosa Heads, Easter excn 1946, 13, 50

     Orchids noted at Dunwich, Easter excn 1948, 14, 12

     A new species of Dendrobium from N. Qld, 14, 60, 82

     Orchids of the Mt Ballow area, 14, 125

     On the genus Taeniophyllum in Qld, 14, 127

     A proposed new genus (Peristeranthus) of the family Orchidaceae, 15, 17 f.

     A new Eria from N Qld, 15, 33 f.

     A new orchid (Saccolabium virgatum) from S Qld, 15, 50 f.

     A new Pterostylis from Stradbroke I., 16, 7, f. 

     Notes on two Aust. orchids, 16, 27, f.

― & R.A.  Two compound tree growths, 14, 84 f.

Hunter, J.T.  Some observations on the fire responses of two rare species in the Girraween and Bald

           Rock National Parks, 33, 146

     A further record of Leucopogon cicatricatus for Queensland, 34, 16

     A further record of Homoranthus lunatus for northern NSW, 35, 24

     The use of host specific galls in the identification of vascular plant species, 35, 26 f.

     Severe blistering caused by Parsonsia straminea at Girraween Nat. Pk, 35, 28

     Notes on the occurrence of Monotaxis macrophylla, with particular reference to NSW, 36, 21

     Grevillea kennedyana F.Muell., an overview of distribution demography, 40, 63 f.

Illidge, R.  Notes on insects of the Wellington Pt district, 1, 42

     Insects collected in one day (21st June, 1908) in the Bulimba Swamps, near the Brisbane R., 1,


     Bulwer, Moreton Is., Sept excn, 1908 – entomology, 1, 63

     Glass House Mts excn April/May 1910 – entomology, 1, 153

     Timber moths from W. Aust. (Charagia nobilis & C. scripta), 1, 164

     African orange tip butterflies, 1, 165

     Notes on the dragoon bird (Pitta strepitans), 1, 221

     Notes on some insects from Rosewood, 1, 274

     Anostostoma australasiae G.R.Gray, 1, 275

     Odd notes on some insects from the garden, 1, 276

     Notes on a visit to W. Aust., 2, 24

     Life history of Trichaulax marginipennis, and notes on other Cetonidae etc., 2, 50

     Eulepis (Charaxes) sempronius, 2, 64

     Notes on two butterflies of the genus Delias, 2, 79

     Rhopalocera of  S Qld, 2, 86

     Wrens of the Brisbane district, 2, 87

     Predaceous ground beetles, 2, 97

     Channel-bill or rain-bird (Scythrops novaehollandiae), 2, 106

     Insects of the Stradbroke I., 2, 127

     Rhopalocera of the Jandowae district of the Darling Downs, 3, 23, 48

     Two notable beetles, 3, 29

     Insects of the wattle trees, 3, 61

     Birds of Stradbroke I., 3, 107

     Some city moths, 3, 112

     A piece of fungus, Polyporus portentosus, 4, 33

     Insects and birds observed during Cedar Ck & D’Aguilar Ra. excn, May 1923, 4, 34

     Notes on the Nymphalid butterfly, Hypolimnas bolina nerina, 4, 36 f.

     Notes on a new species of moth, Fam. Schoenobiadae, 4, 55 f.

     Notes on the bronzewing pigeon, 4, 72

     Insect notes, 4, 78

     The blue-faced lorilet, also called Coxen’s fig parakeet (Opopsitta coxeni), 4, 113

     Notes accompanying exhibits, 5, 11, 32, 45

     Note accompanying exhibit of a bag-moth (Thyridopteryx herrichii) case forwarded by Mr. C. 

          McKenzie, Yalebone Ck, via Roma, 5, 36

     Insects of the river mangrove (Aegiceras majus) 5, 46

     Notes on Stradbroke I., 5, 90

     Some recent avian visitors at Bulimba, Brisbane R., 6, 9

     Brisbane butterflies of the family Papilionidae, 6, 33, 47, 55 f.

― & Tryon, H.  Report on the Sandgate excn Mar. 1910 – ornithological and entomological notes, 

          1, 144

Jack, N.  Birds at Bald Knob, Blackall Ra., May excn, 1935, 9, 85

     Rose Robin, 10, 14

     Ornithology of the Mt Coot-tha Reserve, Taylor Ra., 10, 114

     Some birds and mammals of the Glass House Mts district, 11, 127

     The rufous whistler – some notes on song and migration, 12, 93

     Some Brisbane honeyeaters, 14 (5), 14; 14,126

― & Barker, G. H. Report on birds seen at Running Ck, Easter excn 1941, 12, 13

Jackes, B.R. & Garnett, S. T.  Vegetation of Badu I., Torres Str., 24, 40 f. 

Jackes, B.R., Setzer, W.N, & Talley, S.M. Pesticidal activity and phytochemical screening of north Qld tropical rainforest plant extracts, 36, 11

Jackson, G.K. Botany of Easter excn to Upper Cedar Ck, 1932, 8, 41

     Botany of Caloundra, Easter excn 1933, 8, 74

     The Keperra bora ring, 10, 94 f.

     Upper Albert R. & National Park, Easter excn 1939 – ethnological notes, 11, 43

     Comparison of native rock shelters of Sydney and Moreton Bay, 11, 92

     Notes on the Cretacous deep sea deposits of England and the shallow sea deposits of the Libyan desert, 11, 134

     Dug-out canoe from Rokell R., Sierra Leone, W.Africa, 12, 81 f.

Jackson, G.L.  Leaves from a garden diary, 11, 80

Jahnke, B.R. Ernest James Smith (obituary), 21, 34 f.

     Notes on some freshwater crustaceans of the Cooloola area, 21, 60 

     Population studies of some bird species on Masthead I., 21, 67 f. 

     Notes on the birds of Isla Gorge Nat. Pk,1973, 21, 100

     Notes on birds seen on Hinchinbrook I., 1975, 22, 44 

     Notes on birds seen on Tryon I., Aug 1977, 22,132 

     Observations on crustaceans & molluscs, SWQld, 1978, 23(5-6),17 

     Preliminary survey of spiders of Mt Coolum, 25, 20

     Birds observed at Cape Tribulation, NC Qld, 1982, 26, 32 f.

     Blackdown Tableland excursion 1985, 27(5-6), 18

     Notes on Bryophyta found on Moreton Is., 1988-89, 30,50

     Biology according to RACSES, 36, 29

     Solomon Islands field trip, June-July 1999, 38, 5

―, Hegarty, E., McKenzie, E.E. & Marks, E.N. Frederic Stanley Colliver (obituary), 31, 49 f.

― & Horton, W. Birds recorded from Kroombit Tops, 1983, 27,72 

― & Jahnke, M.J. Spider observations, Fraser I, 21, 4

― & Tan, L. Vegetation transects in coastal foredunes of Deepwater National Park, Qld, 33, 24

― & Windolf, J.  Notes on some Bryophytes from Scawfell I, Qld, 33, 108

Jarvis, E.  Notes on insect protective colouring and mimicry, with some Aust. examples, 1, 92

     Notes on the life history of Spodoptera mauritia, 1, 146

     Notes on the song of Thopha saccata, 1, 229

― & Tryon, H.  Rockley excn, Oct. 1909. Report on entomology, 1, 123

Jessup, L.W. Checklist & notes on rainforest of Iron Ra. area, 30, 26

― & Guymer, G.P. Vascular plants from Cape Tribulation area, 26, 2 f. 

Jobson, P.C.  Range extension of the weed Tagetes minuta (Asteraceae) in Qld, 33, 74

Johnson, R.W. Queensland palm flora, 23, 10

     Selwyn Lawrence Everist (obituary), 24, 68 

Johnson, R., Mathieson, M., & Hobson, R. Additional vertebrate fauna records for Lake 

          Broadwater Conservation Park, 37, 12

Johnston, L.M. Butterflies of the Burdekin, 1981, 24, 111 

―, Johnston, R.K. & Johnston D.R. Butterflies of Cape Tribulation, 1982, 26, 30

Johnston, T.H.  Ecological notes on the littoral fauna and flora of Caloundra, 2, 53

Jones, Darryl N., Finch, Neal & McBrien, Kieron.  Opportunistic use of ephemeral suburban 

          habitats by brown hares Lepus capensis, 38, 64

Jones, D.N., Newbery, B. & Dawson, P.  Density of Asian house geckos Hemidactylus frenatus 

          within suburban Brisbane, 43, 8

Jones, W.T.  Field identification and distribution of mangroves in E. Aust., 20, 35, f.

Kaveney, M. & O’Connor, Diana. Survey of the birds of Deepwater National Park, Qld, 32, 110 

Kawakatsu, Masaharu & Sluys, Ronald. New, southernmost record of  Paucumara trigonocephala 

(Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Maricola) from Queensland, with documentation of earlier records from Japan, 38, 24 f.

Kenning, G., Forster, P.I., Liddle, D.J. & Tucker, M.C. Cordyline fruticosa is native to Australia, 29,124

     Additional fern records for N. Cape York Pen. 30, 34

Kenny, F.H.  Bird life about Gayndah, 2, 16

Kenway, B., Reeves, D.M. & Bryan, J.H.  Dragonflies and damselflies: Odonata from Princess Hills are, Lumholtz Natl Pk, Sept 2002, 41, 110

Kettle, D.A. & Campbell, M.M. Bionomics of Culicoides brevitarsis, 24, 33

King, C. Life History notes on moths of the genus Aenetus (Lepidoptera, Hepialidae), 16, 102

Kott, P. Cosmopolitan Eunicidae (Polychaeta, Errantia) from Moreton B., 17, 13

Kristensen, K, & Schulz, M. Bat survey of Lady Musgrave Is., Bunker group, 32, 135

Kubler, C. Torres Str. pigeons, 17, 114

     An aboriginal burial cave at Mt Edwards, 18, 47 

Kumar, R.  On the feeding habits of bull-dog ants, 17, 73

Kunze, F.V.  Jottings of an amateur pond-lifer, 15, 71

Kutt, A.S. & Skull, S.D.  Fauna in the riparian zone on the middle Burdekin River, with reference

           to vegetation, habitat and conservation status, 33, 57

Lahey, R. The changing face of the countryside, 16, 73

Lambkin, J.J. A record of Austrosialis Tillyard from the Queensland Palaeocene, 31, 84 f

Lambkin, K.J. Neuroptera & Megaloptera, Fraser I., 27 (5-6), 7 f. 

     Megaloptera & Neuroptera, Mt Moffatt Nat. Pk, 28 (5-6), 12 

Lamprell, K., Woodall, P.F., Woodall, L.B., Potter, D. & Whitehead, T.  Molluscs from 

          Eurimbula Nat. Pk, 30,112

Langdon, R.F.N.  Notes on some fungi found at Noosa, 13, 52

Lavery, S., & Pollitt, C.  The Mammals of Moreton I., 30, 53 f.

Lawn, Ian D.  Symbiosis and other interactions between organisms in nature, 40, 3 f.

Lawn, R.J. the Australian Vigna species – beans, bush-tucker, beach cover, 32, 92

Ledward, C.P. & Smales, M.  Notes on the life-histories of some Lycaenid butterflies (Part 2, with 

          notes on some skippers), 12, 14, 47

Leggett, R. Experimental crossing of eastern & western populations of the Rainbow Fish 

          Melanotaenia fluviatilis, 23, 34

     Fish collected at Hinchinbrook I., 1979, 24, 64 

     Fish species collected, Burdekin R., 1981, 24, 118 

     Birds seen on Fairfax I., 1984, 26, 127

     Creek survey at Kroombit Tops, 1983, 27, 60 

     Jardine R. excursion – introduction, 28, 11 f. 

     Freshwater fish of the Cape York area, 28, 13 f. 

     Diet & reproduction of Silver Batfish, Monodactylus argenteus, 28, 18 

     Reptiles of Carlisle I., Dec. 1986, 29, 13

     Reptiles & amphibians of North Keppel I., 1987, 29, 78 

     Freshwater fishes from Iron Ra. and adjoining areas, 30, 12 

     Report of freshwater fish and water quality at Eulo and other sites in SW Qld, 31, 119

     ‘A fowl talk’: man’s development of the Red Jungle Fowl of Asia to the battery hens of today, 

          40, 45

     Collection of freshwater fish from the Upper Herbert River, 41, 98

     Observations on mammals and reptiles of Bukkulla, 42, 61

― & Hines, H.B.  Herpetofauna of Scawfell Island, with a review of museum specimens from the Cumberland group of islands, 34, 1

Liddle, D.J., Forster, P.I. Kenning, G. & Tucker, M.C. Cordyline fruticosa is native to Australia, 29, 124

     Additional fern records for Northern Cape York Pen. 30, 34

Lithgow, G. & Moss, J.T. New butterfly records from the Chinchilla region, Qld, with special 

          reference to mistletoe butterflies and their larval host plants at Barakula State Forest, 33, 10 f.

Little, Lana & Hall, Leslie S.  Preliminary observations on the bats of Cape Melville National Park, 34, 53

Longman, H.A.  Modern evolutionary thought, 2, 8

     Note on climbing habits of a snake, 2, 68

     A death adder’s meal, 2, 120

     A Qld rabbit-bandicoot, 3, 52

     Notes on land vertebrates (of Moreton I.), 4, 93

     The late Professor S.B.J. Skertchly, 5, 70 f.

     Vale George Kenneth Jackson, 12, 79 f.

Lord, E.A.R. Cracticus nigrogularis (black-throated butcherbird) as a mimic, 12, 118

     Some birds and plants of Murphy’s Ck, 14, 21

Lowry, J. Brian. Sustainable grazing systems and Australian vegetational history – the ‘return to Eden’ hypothesis, 36, 3

     Preliminary notes on Bukkulla, 42, 32

     Some route descriptions for Bukkulla, 42, 49 f.

     Albizia canescens: observations on Bukkulla and some wider aspects of a little-

          known tree, 42, 66

     Grazing, monitoring and sustainability, 42, 69

     Marching after the megafauna, 43, 24

― & Lowry, Grace: Introduction to issue – Bukkulla Conservation Park, 42, 21

Mabbett, J. D. Some aspects of natural history and environmental health, 18, 41

Mackerras, I. M.  Some Tabanidae from Fraser I., 19, 51

Mackerras, M. J.  Cockroaches taken on Fraser I., 19, 45 

     The Simuliidae taken on Fraser I., 19, 50

Macqueen, J. Notes on two species of Aust. Lycaenid butterflies, (Ialmenus ictinus & I. sp.? 

          (schraderi?) 13, 75

Makin, D. Birds of Sandy C., 19, 31, f.

Maloney K.S. and Harris J.M. Annotated possum and Glider Records from the Queensland Naturalist, 44, 84f

Manski, M. J. Food plants of some Qld Lepidoptera, 16, 68

     Aust. Neuroptera (Stilbopteryx brocki, n. sp.), 13, 114 f.

Marks, E.N.  Note on the mosquito fauna of the Noosa-Tewantin area, 13, 54

     Obituary (Dr Alfred Jefferis Turner), 13, 119

     Note on the mosquito fauna of the Dunwich area, 14, 9

     C.T.White lecture, 14 (5), 19

     A visit to Murray and Darnley Is, 14, 112 f.

     Horizons of taxonomy, 15, 7

     Mosquitoes of the Tewantin district, 15, 43

     Further mosquito records from the Tewantin district, 15, 65

     Notes on mosquitoes, sand flies and march flies in the Carnarvon Gorge area, 16, 106, f.

     Silvester Diggles – A Qld naturalist one hundred years ago, 17, 15, f. 

     A moth that feeds on Drosera, 17, 31

     Notes on Diggles’ Ornithology of Australia, 17, 99 

     Gecko and honeyeater, 17, 114

     Bora ground near Tamborine Village, 18, 31

     Commemoration of the Club’s first visit to Lamington National Park, 18, 48, f.

     The preservation of Samford Bora Grounds, 18, 107 

     Miscellaneous animals from Fraser I., 19, 9

     Parasites of a Grey-headed Albatross from Fraser I., 19, 30 

     Mosquitoes (Culicidae) of Fraser I., 19, 47

     Mosquitoes (Culicidae) on Qld’s coral cays, 19, 94

     Mosquitoes (Culicidae) in the changing Aust. environment, 20, 101 

     Some mosquitoes of Blackdown Tableland, 21,118 

     Mosquitoes of Fraser I. – II, 22,12

     Mosquitoes & other biting flies from Hinchinbrook I., 22, 51 

     Marine insects collected at Tryon I., 22, 140

     Mosquitoes on Qld coral cays – II, 22,146 

     Marjory Hawken (obituary), 24, 1 f. 

     Seventy-five years of natural history, 24, 6 f. 

     Mosquitoes & other biting flies from Hinchinbrook I. – II, 24, 66 

     Mosquitoes of Stradbroke I., 25, 116

     Cape Tribulation, N Qld: altitudinal transect studies V: mosquitoes, with notes on 

          additional collections, 26, 62

     Mosquitoes of Kroombit Tops, 1983, 27, 46 

     Biting flies of Carlisle I., 29, 27

―, Colliver, F.S. & Hawken, M.  Notes on Fraser I. Aborigines I, 19, 53

― & Cribb, I.B.  Notes on scrub ticks (Ixodes holocyclus) on native fauna in the Samford district, 

          18, 16

―, Hegarty, E, Jahnke, B.R., & McKenzie, E.E. Frederic Stanley Colliver (obituary), 31, 49 f.

Marks, E. O.    A few notes on the geology and physiography of Moreton I., 4, 92

     Geological notes taken on the Enoggera excn (1924), 4, 106

     Geological notes on the Easter excn 1926, Stradbroke I., 5, 91

     Streams and their past, 6, 24 f.

     Canungra excn, Easter 1928. Geological notes, 6, 73

     Candle Mtn excn, May 1929. Geological notes, 7, 27

     Mt Edwards excn, Easter 1934. Geological notes, 9, 34

     Easter excn, 1935. Geology of the upper Nerang Valley, 9, 78

     Upper Albert R., Easter 1936. Geological notes, 10, 5

     Upper Albert R. & National Park, Easter excn 1939. Geological notes, 11, 45

     Excursion in local geological history, 12, 72

     Amusing incidents associated with some early Club members, 18, 92

Marr, Noela. Birds reported in the western province of the Solomon Islands, June 1999, 38, 12

Marshall, T.C.  Monsters of the deep, 8, 40

Martin, M. & Winks, B. A note on the algal food of three marine fish from Qld, 15, 79

Mathieson, M., Johnson, R. & Hobson, R. Additional vertebrate fauna records for Lake Broadwater

           Conservation Park, 37, 12

Mathieson, M.A., Pavey, C.R., & Smyth, A.K.  The vertebrate fauna of the J.C.Slaughter Falls and 

          Simpson Falls area, Mt Coot-tha, Brisbane Forest Park, 32, 101

Maxwell, W. G. H. The Great Barrier Reef – past, present and future, 20, 65, f.

May, G.M.S. To each his own, 21, 91 

     Spiders, Isla Gorge, 1973, 21, 104 

Mayo, Mrs W.M. (L.M.) Birds of the Bay (Moreton Bay), 3, 4

     Some birds of Stradbroke I. of to-day, 4, 23

     Some birds of the Albert R., 4, 52

     The white-winged Black Tern (Chlidonias leucoptera), 5, 47

     ‘Orange’ birds, 6, 18

     Mimicry amongst birds, 6, 51

     Bird notes on Bribie I. and the Pumice Stone Passage, 9, 12

     Random bird notes. Mangrove canary (Gerygone cantator), 10 37

―, Barker, G.H. & Alexander, W.B.  List of birds seen at Stradbroke I., June 1923, 4, 43

McBride, G.  Chickens at North West I., 19, 100

McBrien, Kieron, Finch, Neal, & Jones, Darryl N.  Opportunistic use of ephemeral suburban 

          habitats by brown hares Lepus capensis, 38, 64

McDonald, K.R. & Hines, H.B.  Survey of the terrestrial vertebrates of the western portion of the 

          Princess Hills section of Lumnholtz National Park, Nth Qld, 41, 68

McDonald, T.J. & Batianoff, G.N. Visit to Cape Flattery, 23, 1 f.

McDonald, W.J.F. & Sharpe, P.R. Plant communities & flora, Kroombit Tops, 27, 3 

     Vascular flora of Kroombit Tops, checklist, 27, 11

McKenzie, E. M. Comparisons in nest building, 16, 30 

     Aboriginal ‘Possum Tree’, 17, 58, f.

     Eating habits of a small tortoise, 17, 102 

     Sunbirds, 18, 20

     Birds and bladder cicadas, 18, 73 

     Growing up with Aborigines, 21, 46 

     Camp at Isla Gorge, 21, 100 f.

     Aboriginal sites at Isla Gorge, 21, 104 f 

―, Hegarty, E, Jahnke, B.R., & Marks, E.N. Frederic Stanley Colliver (obituary), 31, 49 f.

McKenzie, F. Climbing plants from Cape Tribulation, 26, 20 f. 

McKenzie, J. Behaviour of insects nesting in mudbrick wall, 21, 63 

McKenzie, R.A. Borgia’s bouquet: poisonous plants from Qld, 27, 80 

     Cyanide, strychnine bush and other poisonous hazards in the Queensland flora: have we 

          progressed since C.T. White? 41, 6 f.

McKenzie, W. D. Give peewees cheese! 16, 31 

     Living with nature five miles from the G.P.O., 19, 65 

― & McKenzie, E.  Unusual bird visitors, 18, 20 

McLean, J.A. Notes on two host plants of Delias argenthona argenthona in north Queensland, 32


     Notes on the pink flowering form of Lumnitzera racemosa in north Qld, 34, 58

     Further notes on the pink flowering form of Lumnitzera racemosa in north Qld, 37, 18

Meggitt, S. & Waddle, I.  Regent bower bird at St Lucia, 17, 30

Melzer, A.J. Vegetative response to fire by Acacia leiocalyx, 28 (5-6), 42 f. 

Melzer, A, Tucker, G., Hodgon, J. & Elliott, B. Note on predation on koalas Phascolarctos 

          cinereus by raptors, including Wedge-tailed Eagles Aquila audax in Qld, 41, 38

Melzer, R., Elson, W., Sinclair, G., Fensham, R., Clarke, J. & Porter, G.  Conservation assessment

           for ‘Lorna Vale’, 42, 22

Messmer, Mrs. C.A. Notes on a rare Atherine (Rhadinocentrus ornatus) found upon Moreton I., 4


Michener, C. D. Observations on the behaviour of a burrowing bee (Amegilla) near Brisbane, Qld 

          (Hymenoptera, Anthophorinae), 16, 63 

Millis, Adele L. & Bradley, Adrian J.  Trap success in relation to rainfall and moon phase in

           southeast Queensland Squirrel Glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) populations, 38, 69

Millis, A.L., Bradley, A.J., & Hale, P.T.  Field discrimination of the petaurid gliders Petaurus 

          norfolcensis and P. breviceps in southeast Queensland, 40, 50

Monteith, G. B. Some insects collected on Fraser I., April-May 1967, 19, 44

     Notes on Aradidae from Fraser I., 19, 46

     The type of Stilbopteryx brocki Manski (Neuroptera: Stilbopterygidae), 17, 50

     Some insects from Hinchinbrook I., Qld, 22, 53

     Cape Tribulation excursion report, 1982, 26, 1

     Altitudinal transect studies at Cape Tribulation, Nth Qld, I: introduction & summary, 26, 40 f.

     Cape Tribulation: altitudinal transect studies VII: Coleoptera & Hemiptera, 26, 70 f. 

     Cape Tribulation – altitudinal transect studies IX: palms, 26, 85 f.

     Some curious insect-plant associations in Qld, 26,105 f. 

     Kroombit Tops excursion – introduction, 27, 1

     Insects from Kroombit Tops, Qld, with site survey of Coleoptera, 27, 27 

     History of biological collecting at Cape York Qld, 1770-1970, 28, 42 f. 

     Butterflies of Mt Moffatt & Carnarvon Nat. Pks, Old, 28 (5-6), 14 f. 

     The foodplant and a range extension for the shield bug, Catacanthus punctus, 32, 64 f.

     Gayndah, lungfish and beetles – a fishy tale, 39, 5 f.

     Dung beetles from three inland national parks in Nth Qld, 41, 101

― & Moss, J.T. St L. Butterflies from Eurimbula Natl Pk, 30,117

― & Wood, G.A. Endospermum, ants and Uraniid moths in Australia, 28, 35 f.

― & Yeates, D.K. Butterflies of Kroombit Tops, Qld, 27, 35 f.

―, Moss, J.T., & Woodall, P.F. Butterfly records from Deepwater and Eurimbula National Parks, 

          central coastal Queensland, 32, 60

Monteith, S. R. Insects from Carlisle I., Dec. 1986, 29, 17 f.

Morgan, G.J. The spiny freshwater crayfish of Queensland, 31, 29, f.

Morwood, D.L.  Location and physical description of vegetation transects at Deepwater National

           Park, 33, 17 f.

Moss, J.T. St.L,. Cicada fauna of Carlisle I., with habit & songs, 29, 29 

     Tasmanian cicada fauna & its uniqueness, 29,102

     Notes on Moreton I. butterflies, 30, 66 

     Cicadas, Moreton I., 30, 68

     Butterfly records from Scawfell Island, Qld, with a note on the local form of

          Hesperilla malindeva, Lower (Lepidoptera, Hesperidae), 33, 124

     Mistletoe/hostplant associations of the Barakula, Columboola & Gurulmundi region, SEQld, 36

          73 f.

― & Hamlet, S. Freshwater fishes of Moreton I., 30, 62

― & Lithgow, G. New butterfly records from the Chinchilla region, Qld, with special reference to 

          mistletoe butterflies and their larval host plants at Barakula State Forest, 33, 10 f.

― & Monteith, G.B. Butterflies from Eurimbula Nat. Pk, 30,117

― & Popple, Lindsay W. Cicada, butterfly and moth records from the Gibraltar Range, New South 

          Wales (Hemiptera: Cicadidae; Lepidoptera), 38, 53

― & Woodall, P.R.  Some butterflies from Kinkuna National Park, central Qld, 32, 76

― ― & Monteith, G.B.  Butterfly records from Deepwater and Eurimbula National Parks, central

           coastal Queensland, 32, 60

Muir, D. & Horton, H.  Bird observations, Bukkulla Conservation Park, 42, 56

Nebe, J. A naturalist’s holiday on the Great Barrier Reef, 6, 102 f.

     Roentgen or X-rays: their production and properties, 7, 62

     A second holiday on the Barrier Reef Is, 8, 54

     Nature’s way and harmony, 8, 66

Neldner, V.J., Sharpe, P.R. & Batianoff, G.N. Flora &. vegetation of Mt Coolum, 25, 28 f.

Newbery, B., Dawson, P, & Jones D.N. Density of Asian house gecos ahemidactylus frenatus within suburban Brisbane, 43, 8

Nicholls, W.H.  A new species of the genus Pterostylis R.Br., 10, 39 f.

O’Brien, Ralph D.  Thinking about natural history, 33, 1

O’Connor, Diana & Kaveney, M. Survey of the birds of Deepwater National Park, Qld, 32, 110

Ogilby, J.D.  Bulwer, Moreton I., Sept excn 1908. Ichthyology, 1, 66

     Ichthyological notes, 2, 29

Ogilvie, C.  The hydrologist at large, 16, 81 

     The Salad Bowl, 17, 11

     The day the anvil was washed away, 17, 50

Ogilvie, P. S. New records of Southern fish in Qld waters, 17,104

― & Walker, T.A. Vegetation of North Reef I., 28 (5-6), 37 f.

Opala, R. Ecologically evicted?  33, 78 f.

     A stranger on the shore: Thespesia populnea (Hibiscus populneus), an unusual species for south 

          Moreton Bay, 34, 60 f.

Owen, D.  The name ‘Glass Houses’, 1, 184

Pavey, C.R., Smyth, A.K. & Mathieson, M.A.  The vertebrate fauna of the J.C.Slaughter Falls and

          Simpson Falls area, Mt Coot-tha, Brisbane Forest Park, 32, 101

Pearson, J.H. Reptiles observed at Hinchinbrook I., 1979, 24, 64 

Pearson, O. & Reeves, G. Reptiles of Hinchinbrook I., 22, 69 

Pedley, L. New Flora for Queensland, 22, 8

Perkins, F. A.  Stoneflies, 16, 18, f.

     Entomology for Qld naturalists, 9, 22

     Entomology at Mt Edwards, 9, 43

     ‘Glow-worms’ and other insects collected at Numinbah, Nerang Valley, Easter excn 1935, 9, 84

     Upper Albert R. & National Park, Easter excn 1939. Entomology, 11, 46

     Notes on Peripatoides (Peripatus) leuckarti Sanger, 11, 47

Pichelin, S. & Cribb, T.H. First record of Gigantolina magna (Platyhelminthes: Cestoda: 

          Amphelinidea) from an Australian host, 31, 87 f.

Pigram, F. The Qld Spirogyra, 1, 96 f.

Pollitt, C. & Lavery, S. Mammals of Moreton I., 30, 53 f. 

Pollock, A.B.  Pitfall trapping within two habitat types at Slade Point Natural Resources Reserve, 

          central Qld, 34, 16

     Some butterflies of the Slade Point Natural Resources Reserve, Mackay, central coast, 

          Queensland, 39, 90

     Fauna use of artificial tree hollows in an intact forest in south-east Queensland           – a preliminary study, 40, 31

Popple, Lindsay. Bird observations in the Charleville, Quilpie & Windorah districts, SW Qld, 39


― & Date, R.A.  Bird observations and notes for Murilla, Chinchilla & Taroom Shires, Qld, 36, 43

― & Ewart, A.  Cicadas, and their songs, from south-western Queensland, 39, 52 f.

― & Moss, J.T. St L.  Cicada, butterfly and moth records from the Gibraltar Range, New South 

          Wales (Hemiptera: Cicadidae; Lepidoptera), 38, 53

― & Strange, A.D.  Cicadas, and their songs, from Tara and Waroo shires, southern central 

          Queensland, 40, 15 f.

Popple, W. Birds seen at Hinchinbrook I., 1979, 24, 61 

Porter, G., Elson, W., Sinclair, G., Melzer, R., Fensham, R. & Clarke, J.  Conservation assessment 

          for ‘Lorna Vale’, 42, 22

Potter, D., Woodall, P.F., Woodall, L.B., Lamprell, K. & Whitehead, T. Molluscs of Eurimbula 

          Nat. Pk, 30,112

Pulsford, T. & Woodall, P.F.  Birds of Eurimbula Nat. Pk, 30,121 f. 

Purdie, R.W.  Plants of the channel country, SW Qld, 23(5-6), 1 

     Vegetation report – QNC Birdsville trip, 1978, 23(5-6), 21

Quick, W.N.B.  Early stages of Danis danis serapis Miskin, 1891 (Large Green-banded Blue) 

     (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae), 33, 39

Ratcliffe, F. N.  Perspectives in conservation, 20, 1

Reeves, D. M.   Notes on some butterflies from North West I., Capricorn Group, 19, 103

     Notes on some butterflies from Erskine I., Capricorn Group, 20, 54 

     Notes on some butterflies from Hoskyn I., 20, 118

     Dragonflies & butterflies from Hinchinbrook I., 22, 50 

     An island love affair, 22,106

     Some dragonflies from Jardine R., Cape York Pen., 28, 31 

     Off at a tanget – how an odonatist becomes diverted, 29, 1 

     Butterflies & dragonflies of Carlisle I. & Cumberland Group, 29, 21 

     Dragonflies & damselflies, Moreton I., 30, 71

     Whirligig beetles from Moreton I., 30, 74

     Emergence of two libellulid dragonfly species from Moreton Island, 31, 42

     Butterflies and dragonflies on Masthead I, Capricorn group, Qld, May 1998, 37, 40

―, Bryan, J.H. & Kenway, B.  Dragonflies and damselflies: Odonata from Princess Hills

           area, Lumholtz Nat. Pk, Sept 2002, 41, 110

― & Harslett, J. Notes on butterflies from Fraser I., 21, 5

― & Woodall, P.F. Some Odonata from Eurimbula Nat. Pk, 30,115 

Reeves, G. List of reptiles, SW Qld, Aug. 1978, 23 (5-6), 11

― & Pearson, O. Reptiles of Hinchinbrook I., 22, 69 

Reye, E. J. Biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) at Fraser I., April-May 1967, 19, 50

     Biting midges (Ceratopogonidae) on Qld’s coral cays, 19, 121

     Finding tidal contours, 23, 21 f.

     Simple indicator of high water in sheltered places, 23, 25 f.

Rhodes, M.P., Corben, C., Hall, L.W. & DeOliviera, M.  The bat fauna of Kroombit Tops, 32, 18 f.

Richards, H.C.  Notes on the vent structures and jointing of the municipal quarry, Toowoomba, Qld, 2, 94

     Geology of the Coolum area, 10, 102

Riek, E.F.  Report on zoology (Arthropoda), Running Ck excn, Easter 1941, 12,12

Roderick, G. Bird observations in Cooloola area, 1972, 21, 58 

Rogers, R.W. Annotated list of lichens from Mt Coolum, 25, 78 

     Key to foliose & fruticose lichens of Mt Coolum, 25, 81

Ross, D.J. & Date, R.A. Cape Tribulation: altitudinal transect studies III: soils, 26, 53 f.

Rupp, H.M.R.  Notes on certain species of Dendrobium, 9, 51 f.

     Notes on two closely allied Dendrobs, 9, 61 f.

     A new orchid for S Qld, Acianthus ledwardii, n.sp., 10, 113 f.

     Dendrobium schneiderae Bail.  A new northern form, 11, 3

     A distinctive form of Caladenia carnea R. B., 11, 86 f.

     A previously undescribed orchid from N.Qld (Saccolabium tierneyanum, n.sp.), 12, 18 f.

     Note on Dendrobium carrii Rupp & White, 12, 19

     Notes on Pterostylis daintreyana & P. parviflora in Qld, 12, 35

     A new terrestrial orchid for S Qld, Prasophyllum parvicallum, n. sp., 12, 52 f.

     Denderobium adae F.M.Bailey, 12, 114 f.

     A new species of Dendrobium from N Qld, 12, 115 f.

     Dendrobium adae F.M.Bailey and D. ancorarium Rupp: a dimorphic species? 13, 12

     A missing Pterostylis, 13, 56 f.

     Oberonia muelleriana Schltr., 13, 116

― & White, C.T.  Two new Dendrobs for N Qld, 10, 25, 50

Sandars, D.F.  Fish at Somerset Dam-Stanley R., 13, 88

Savory, R. Prey remains from Osprey & White-bellied Sea-Eagle nests on North Keppel I., 29, 76

Schulz, M. Notes on selected bat species from Mt Sturgeon and Chudleigh Park stations, north of  Hughenden, 34, 48

     Diurnal feeding in the Little Red Flying-fox Pteropus scapulatus, 35, 34

     Incidental captures in harp traps, 35, 37

―, de Oliveira, M.C. & Eyre, T.  Notes on the Little Pied Bat Chalinolobus picatus in central Qld, 33, 35

― & Hannah, D.S.  The bats of Jourama Falls National Park, NE Qld, 34, 9

― & Kristensen, K.  Bat survey of Lady Musgrave Is., Bunker group, 32, 135

Scott, G.A.M. Some leafy liverworts from Cape York Pen., 28, 64

Semple, M.A.  Notes on some weed species collected at Scawfell Island, 33, 104

Setzer, W.N, Talley, S.M. & Jackes, B.R. Pesticidal activity and phytochemical screening of north  Qld tropical rainforest plant extracts, 36, 11

Sharpe, P.R. List of vascular plants from Hinchinbrook I., 22, 38 

     Marjory Hawken (obituary), 24, 4 f.

     Plant list for Burdekin area, 24, 94

―, Batianoff, G.N. & Neldner, V.J. Flora & vegetation of Mt Coolum, 25, 28 f.

― & Batianoff, G.N. Mt Coolum ferns, conifers & flowering plants checklist, 25, 57 

― & McDonald, W.J.F. Plant communities & flora of Kroombit Tops, 1983, 27, 3 

     Vascular plants of Kroombit Tops, checklist, 27, 11

― & Thomas, M.B. Sedges from Cape York Pen. with new record for Australia, 28, 61 

     Some notes on vegetation of North Keppel I., 29, 58

― & Forster, P. I.  Extension of range for Plectranthus argentatus in Qld, 29, 123

Shaw, A.E.  Supella supellectillium Serville: a cockroach not before recorded for Aust., 4, 115

Shaw, D.E. & Cantrell, R.K. Further notes on seed set in Alocasia macrorrhiza & occurrence 

          of Neurochaeta inversa, 24, 71

Shaw, Matthew. Some mammal observations from the McIllwraith Ra. Including a new roost     record from the Dusky Leafnosed Bat, Hipposideros ater, 34, 35

     Mites and ticks from Wedge-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus pacificus) burrows on Masthead I, 37, 43

Shearwin, E.H.  Notes on the life history of the moth, Anteraea eucalypti, 1, 277

Shirley, J.  Tamborine Mtn, 1, 46

     Charles Robert Darwin, 1, 84

     Bribie I. excn, April 1915.  Mollusca collected, 2, 35

     Tamborine Mtn excn, May 1915. Shells collected, 2, 37

     Mollusca from Euri Ck, Bowen, 2, 45

     A new fossil plant, 2, 82

     On two introduced slugs, 2, 87

     Land shells of the Qld National Park, 3, 32 f.

Simmonds, J. H. A little known parasitic flowering plant, 14, 66 f. 

     Diseases of plants in Qld, 18, 5

Simmonds, J.H.  A short history of the early years of plant pathology in Queensland, 31, 4, f.

Sinclair, G., Elson, W., G. Melzer, R., Fensham, R., Clarke, J. & Porter, G.  Conservation assessment for ‘Lorna Vale’, 42, 22

Sinclair, P. Notes on biology of the salt-marsh mosquito Aedes vigilax in SE Qld, 21, 134

Skertchly, S.B.J.  The Brisbane Tertiaries, 1, 28 f, 50

     The so-called ‘imperfection of the geological record’, 1, 125

     Notes on the geology of Rosewood, 1, 232

     A note on the use of cycad wood for brake-blocks, 5, 30

     Notes on a bamboo borer, 5, 75

Skull, S.D. & Kutt, A.S.  Fauna in the riparian zone on the middle Burdekin River, with reference

          to vegetation, habitat and conservation status, 33, 57

Sluys, Ronald & Kawakatsu, Masaharu. New, southernmost record of Paucumara trigonocephala

           (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Maricola) from Queensland, with documentation of earlier records from Japan, 38, 24 f.

Smales, M. & Ledward, C.P.  Notes on the life-histories of some Lycaenid butterflies (Part 2, with notes on some skippers), 12, 14, 47

Smith, E. J.  Journey of Logan, Cunningham and Fraser near Mt Alford township, 14, 34

     The basket nest spider, Saccodomus formivorus, 15, 15 f.

     Cootharaba lake and the wreck of the ‘Stirling Castle’, 15, 41

     A peculiar structure in petrified wood, 16, 61, f. 

     Darwin and evolution, 16, 85

     Man eats insect, 16, 92

     Confessions of a Field Naturalist, 17, 26, f. 

Smith, J.C.  Excursion to Dunwich, Easter 1948, 14, 8

     Our first fifty years, 15, 72

Smith, J.M.B. & Heatwole, H. Heron I. & cays of Capricornia Group, changing flora, 25, 126

Smith, L. S.  Henslowia – an addition to the Aust. genera of Santalaceae, 14, 62 f. The bark of trees, 18, 1

Smyth, A.K., Pavey, C.R., & Mathieson, M.A.  The vertebrate fauna of the J.C.Slaughter Falls and Simpson Falls area, Mt Coot-tha, Brisbane Forest Park, 32, 101

 Sparshott, P. & K.  Notes on New Holland Mouse (Pseudomys novaehollandiae) at ‘Tyirrima’, Ravensbourne, SE Qld, 41, 42

Standfast, H. A.  Notes on the birds of Mitchell R., 17, 91 

Stanisic, J. The Colliver shell collection, 31, 54

Stephenson, W. Notes on Qld Stomatopoda (mantis prawn), 16, 61 

     A peculiar jellyfish from Moreton B., 16, 94

Strange, A.D. & Popple, L.W.  Cicadas, and their songs, from Tara and Waroo shires, southern central Queensland, 40, 15 f.

Tait, D. R.   An alga in flooded wheat fields, 16, 101

Talley, S.M., Setzer, W.N, & Jackes, B.R. Pesticidal activity and phytochemical screening of north Qld tropical rainforest plant extracts, 36, 11

Tan, L. & Jahnke, B.R.  Vegetation transects in coastal foredunes of Deepwater National Park, Qld,     33, 24

Thomas, M.B. & Geeves, J.S. Club excn to Mt Moffatt 1986, 28(5-6), 10

     Birds of the Eulo district, south-west Qld, 31, 103

     Bird observations for Lake Numulla and Lake Wyara – Currawinya National Park, SW Qld, 31


― & Bennie, M. & J. Eulo district excursion 1991, 31, 101

Thomas, M.B. & Sharpe, P.R. Sedges from Cape York Pen. with new record for Australia, 28, 61 

     Some notes on vegetation of North Keppel I., 29, 58

Thompson, C.H. & Date, R.A.  Development of vegetation diversity in a young parabolic sand dune at Cooloola, Qld, 35, 57

Thomson, Mrs. E.  The contribution of some women to the study of botany, 8, 34

Tindale, N.B.  A microlithic mounted stone engraver from W.Qld, 12, 83 f.

Tothill, J.C.   Grasses & grasslands – Beauty & the beast, 25, 107 f. 

Tracey, J.G. & Webb, L.J.  Vegetation of Hinchinbrook I., 22, 31 f.

     Rainforest species recorded from Hinchinbook I., 22, 36

Tryon, H.  Linnaeus and Buffon, 1, 4

     The spine-tailed swift (Chaetura caudacuta) and its food, 1, 38

     Notes on night-singing birds, 1, 41

     On birds observed during the excn to Sankey’s scrub, Aug. 1908, 1, 56

     The occurrence of Diatomaceous rock in S Qld, 1, 59

     Glimpses of the Cairns fern world, 1, 60

     Brush-tailed phascogale (Phascogale penicillata), 1, 62

     Notes accompanying exhibits, etc. (1) Leaf-tail lizard (Gymnodactylus); (2) Children’s Liasis snake; (3) Glossopteris in Trias-Jura rocks, 1, 108

     Bulwer, Moreton I., excn Sept.1908.  Conchology, 1, 70

     Glass House Mts. excn, April/May 1910. Termites (white ants) and Myriopoda-Chilopoda, 1, 155

     An insect importation under an unusual mode of occurrence, 1, 165

     Meteoric stones, with reference to discoveries in Qld, 1, 167

     Notes on fungus parasites from Newmarket, 1, 181

     Strange idiosyncrasies of a corella (Licmetis nasica), 1, 189

     The naturalization of an exotic ant (Pheidole megacephala Fab.), 1, 224

     Biology: the science of living things, 1, 241

     Rowland Illidge (obituary), 7, 13 f.

     Thomas Lane Bancroft, naturalist, 9, 25 f.

― & Illidge, R.  Bulwer, Moreton I., Sept excn, 1908. Entomology, 1, 63

          Report on the Sandgate excn, Mar. 1910. Ornithological and entomological notes, 1, 144

― & Jarvis, E. Rockley excn, Oct. 1909. Report on entomology, 1, 123

― & Weatherill, W.E.  Bulwer, Moreton I., Sept excn 1908. Ornithology, 1, 67

Tucker, M.C., Forster, P.I., Kenning, G. & Liddle, D.J. Cordyline fruticosa is native to Australia, 29, 124

     Additional fern records for N. Cape York Pen., 30, 34

Tucker, G., Melzer, A,  Hodgon, J. & Elliott, B. Note on predation on koalas Phascolarctos    cinereus by raptors, including Wedge-tailed Eagles Aquila audax in Qld, 41, 38

Turner, A.J.  An entomologist in the interior, 3, 17, 40

     Amalie Dietrich – a forgotten naturalist, 8, 82

Turner, S. An enigmatic Triassic fossil plant from the Crater, Rewan, Qld, 24, 90 f.

Vernon, D. P. Collecting for Qld Museum, 16, 45 

     Marjory Hawken (obituary), 24, 3 f.

Waddle, I. & Meggitt, S.  Regent bower bird at St Lucia, 17, 30 

Walker, T.A. Flora & fauna of Bramble Cay, Jan. 1987, 28(5-6), 32 f. 

― & Domm, S.B. Birds of North Reef  I., 28(5-6), 37 f. 

― & Ogilvie, P.  Vegetation of North Reef I., 28(5-6), 37 f.

Walter, J. & R.  The birds of Masthead Island, 37, 34

Watson, C.J.J.  Notes on the growth of the grey mangrove (Avicennia) in the upper Brisbane R., 6, 83

Watson, Robert. Bird list – Victoria Park, Brisbane, 21, 140 

     Frogs trapped with inanimate bait, 21,141

Weatherill, W.E.  Description of a new Pseudogerygone from SE Qld, 1, 74

     Note on the nesting habits of the Qld canary, Pseudogerygone cantator (Weatherill), 1, 151

     Birds of the Glass House Mts district, 1, 156

     Field notes on birds observed about midway between Terror’s Ck and Mt Mee during Sept. 1910, 1, 186

― & Tryon, H.  Bulwer, Moreton I., Sept excn 1908. Ornithology, 1, 67

Webb, A.F. Mt Coolum bird list, 25, 26

Webb, L.J. Recent advances in tropical rainforest ecology, 21, 52 

― & Tracey, J.G.  Vegetation of Hinchinbrook I., 22, 31 f.

     Rainforest species recorded from Hinchinbrook I., 1972, 22, 36 

Wedd, J.  Notes on the flora of Wellington Pt, 1, 43

     Excn to Bennett’s scrub, April, 1909, 1, 104

     Excn to Newmarket, Oct. 1910. Report on botany, 1, 177

― & C.T. White. List of the plants collected at Glass House Mts, Sept. 1909, 1, 119

     Glass House Mts. excn, April/May 1910. Botany, 1, 154

White, C.T.  List of plants secured during Sankey’s scrub excn, 1, 56

     Bulwer, Moreton I., Sept excn, 1908.  Botany, 1, 70

     Botanic notes, 1, 204 f, 256; 2, 21, 65

     Brief report on the botany of the excn to Buderim Mtn, Easter 1916, 2, 67

     Report on the botany of excn to Myora, Stradbroke I., Easter 1917, 2, 67

     Two interesting fungi, 2, 80 f.

     A rare and beautiful native Tecoma, 2, 99 f.

     Botany of Stradbroke I., 2, 124

     Four notable native plants, 3, 14 f.

     Three interesting fungi, 3, 37 f.

     Notes on mistletoes, 3, 39

     Net fungi, 3, 64 f.

     Burny vine, 4, 32

     A reputed blue-flowering variety of Portulaca bicolor, 4, 40 f.

     The Eucalypts or gum trees of the Brisbane district, 4, 67, 109; 5, 12, 43, 51, 94; 6, 78; 7, 36; 8,

           52, 80; 9, 8, 31, 114; 10, 72 f.

     Flora of Moreton I., 4, 86

     A brief history of the Naturalists’ Club movement in Qld, 5, 73

     A previously undescribed Dodonaea from SE Qld, 6, 13

     Report on the botany of the Elimbah excn, Sept 1926, 6, 14

     Botanising in Tasmania, 8, 38

     Botany of Mt Edwards and district.  General, 9, 36

     The structure and classification of Qld orchids, 9, 55

     An Aust. plant in the Bermudas, 9, 115

     Albert Morris (obituary), 11, 73

     A rare Lycopod from the Lamington National Park, SE Qld, 12, 32 f.

     On two interesting species of Marsdenia (FamilyAsclepiadaceae), 12, 54

     Wattles or Acacias of the Brisbane district, 12, 107

     Report on the botany of the Mt Alford excn, 14, 35

     A previously undescribed Pomaderris from SW Qld, 14, 48

― & Chisholm, A.H. The late Dr Shirley, 3, 87

― & Rupp, H.M.R.  Two new Dendrobs for N. Qld., 10, 25, 50

― & Wedd, J. List of the plants collected at Glass House Mts, Sept. 1909, 1, 119

     Glass House Mts. excn, April/May 1910. Botany, 1, 154

Whitehead, T., Woodall, P.F., Woodall, L.B., Lamprell, K. & Potter, D. Molluscs from 

          Eurimbula Nat. Pk, 30,112

Whitehead, T., Woodall, P.F. & L.B.  Molluscs from Kinkuna and Deepwater National Parks, 

          central coastal Qld, 32, 66

     Marine molluscs from Scawfell I, 33, 141

Whitehouse, F. W.  Notes on the fossils found on the excn to Darra, April 1929, 7, 30

     The progress and the present needs of Qld palaeontology, 7, 80

     The Aust. Aboriginal as a collector of fossils, 13, 100

     The sandhills of Qld – coastal and desert, 17, 1 

     Dendrites, 17, 31

     Sediments forming, 17, 51 

     Wallum country, 18, 64, f. 

     Fraser I. – geology and geomorphology, 19, 4

Williams, K. A. W. Eucalyptus curtisii – a beautiful South Qld mallee, 17, 103

     Reptiles, 18, 9

     Scrub turkey versus black snake, 18, 73

     Migration of the Caper White butterfly in November 1966, 18, 113 

     Some freshwater fish and Crustacea from Fraser I., 19, 43

     Botanical notes from 1968 Easter excursion to Kilkivan district, 19, 76

     Notes on some fish seen at North West I., 19, 106

     The fishes found in the fresh waters of the Brisbane R., 20, 51 

     Fish observed at Tryon I., 22,139 

Williams, Paul R.  Timing of seed production in a north-eastern Qld savanna, 41, 6

     Post-fire survival within a year of germination by three perennial herbs and a 

          eucalypt of North Queensland, 42, 11

Willis, J.H. Extraordinary Eucalypts, 24, 28 

Wilson, G.L. Opportunities, 27(5-6), 1

Windolf, J. History of settlement around Mt Coolum, 25, 6 f. 

     Climate & weather of Mt Coolum, 25, 9 f.

     Bryophyta of Mt Coolum, checklist, 25, 75

     Marchantia polymorpha discovered in Qld, 27(5-6), 15

― & Jahnke, B.R. Notes on some Bryophytes from Scawfell I, Qld, 33, 108

Winks, B. & Martin, M. A note on the algal food of three marine fish from Qld, 15, 79

Wood, G.A. Life history of Jamides cytus claudia, 28, 52 f. 

     Rediscovery of moth Milionia aetheria, 29, 38 f.

     The life history of Delias aruna inferna, 35, 20 f.

― & Monteith, G.B. Endospermum, ants & uraniid moths in Australia, 28, 35 f.

― & Hasenpusch, J. Simple method of elevating artificial light sources to attract insects, 

          30, 36

Woodall, L.B. & Woodall, P.F. Daily activity and feeding behaviour of Beach Thick-knee 

          Burhinus neglectus on North Keppel I., 29, 71

―, Lamprell, K, Potter, D., Whitehead, T., & Woodall, P.F. Molluscs of Eurimbula Nat.Pk, 30, 112

Woodall, P.F. Queensland Naturalists’ Club archives, 24, 76 

     Mammals at Kroombit Tops, 1983, 27, 76

     Mammals on Carlisle I., Gt Barrier Reef, 29, 10 

     North Keppel I. excursion, 1987, 29, 56 

     Mammals on North Keppel I., 29, 66 

     Butterflies from North Keppel I., 29, 82 

     Defining a songbird: a review of high-level avian interrelationships, 30, 95

     Eurimbula National Park excursion, 1989, 30, 110 

     The distribution and abundance of the Australian Crake (Porzana fluminea) and Baillon’s Crake 

(Porzana pusilla) and their association with lignum (Muehlenbeckia cunninghamii) at Lake Bindegolly, SW Qld, 31, 107 f.

     Some Odonata from SW Qld with notes on relative abundance of Zygoptera at two localities, 31, 123

     Some butterflies from south-western Queensland, 31, 125

     Odonata from the central Qld coast: Deepwater and Kinkuna National Parks, 32, 58

     Marine litter on the beaches of Deepwater National park, Qld, 32, 72

     Drinking behaviour of Blue Tiger butterflies on Scawfell I, 33, 131

     Cicada predated by an ant, 34, 32

     Editorial comment, 34, 21

     Birds’ eggs: form and function, 35, 14 f.

     Range extension of Austrolestes annulosus in southern Qld, 36, 27

     Melanistic Blue-tongued Skink Tiliqua scincoides and other reptiles recorded from Peel Island, Moreton Bay, 38, 78

     Willie Wagtail Rhipidura leucophrys feeding on butterflies: additional prey species and handling methods, 39, 94

     Dental abnormalities in Australian dingoes, Canis lupus dingo, 42, 4 f.

― & Boorman, B. Molluscs from North Keppel I., 29, 85

― & Geeves, J.C. Birds of North Keppel I., 29, 68 

― & Holt, J.  The location and size of nests of the Green Tree Ant Oecophylla smaragdina on Scawfell I, 33, 135

― & Moss J.T.  Some butterflies from Kinkuna National Park, central Qld, 32, 76

―, Moss, J.T., & Monteith, G.B.  Butterfly records from Deepwater and Eurimbula National Parks, 

          central coastal Queensland, 32, 60

― & Pulsford, T. Birds of Eurimbula Natl Pk, 30,121 f. 

― & Reeves, D.M. Some Odonata from Eurimbula Natl Pk, 30,115

― & Woodall, L.B. Daily activity and feeding behaviour of Beach Thick-knee Burhinus neglectus 

          on North Keppel I., 29, 82

      Birds recorded at Kinkuna National Park, central Qld, 32, 79

     Southern range extension of the Green Tree Ant Oecophylla smaragdina in Queensland, 42, 17

―, Woodall, L.B., Samprell, K., Potter, D. & Whitehead, T. Molluscs from Eurimbula Nat. Pk,


―, Woodall, L.B., & Whitehead, T.  Marine molluscs from Scawfell I, 33, 141

     Molluscs from Kinkuna and Deepwater National Parks, central coastal Qld, 32, 66

Wooderson, C.  Beachcombing at Coolum, 17, 34

Woodruff, D.S. N. Qld toadlets & genus Pseudophryne, 21, 142

Woods, J.T.  Notes on rocks, 14, 30, 77

Woodward, T. E.  The natural history of bugs, 16, 41 

Woolard, C.  Jabiru at Camp Mt, 17,105

Woolston, F. P. and F. S. Colliver.  Anthropological notes from Qld, 18, 21, f., 57

Yeates, D.K. Cape Tribulation, N Qld, altitudinal transect studies IV: march flies, 26, 58 

     Protection of egg mass by an Australian march fly, 27, 41 f.

― & Guymer, G.I’. Vascular plants recorded from Cape Tribulation area, 26, 2 f.

― & Monteith, G.B. Butterflies of Mt Moffatt & Carnarvon Nat. Pk, 28 (5-6),14 f 

     Butterflies of Kroombit Tops, 27, 35 f.

Young, H. E.  The romance of the Bunya tree, 11, 4 f.

     Mycorhizas, 11, 121 f.

     Homely herbs, 18, 51

Young, J.E.  Some N Qld birds, 3, 30

     Lakes and middens on Stradbroke I., 6, 4

     Bird notes from Stradbroke I., 6, 17

     Report on the excn to Canungra, Easter 1928. General, 6, 72

     Notes on the natural history of Low I., the home of the Barrier Reef scientific expedition, 7, 6 f.

     General report on Easter outing (1930) to Canungra, 7, 95

     The large-leaved or giant stinging tree, 8, 21, f.

     The red cedar, 8, 71 f.

     Birds of the Bunya Mts, 9, 46

     The fauna of the Lamington National Park, 10, 50

     Nature in relentless mood, 10, 77

     Upper Albert R. and National Park, Easter excn 1939. General account, 11, 41; Ornithology, 11


     Some bird assemblings, 11, 101

     The gathering together of non-migratory birds, 14, 15

Zillman, F. Observations on bird-dropping spider, 28(5-6), 28 f.

Biographies published in 2006 Centenary Edition vol 44(1-3)

Subject / Author / Page in
Bailey, F.M. C.T. WHITE (A.B. CRIBB) 8
Baird, E.E. J.W. CRIBB 9
Ballingall, M.E. J.W. CRIBB 9
Bancroft. J. J.W. CRIBB 10
Bancroft, T.L. A.B. CRIBB 11
Banfield, E.J. M. PREKER 12
Barker, G.H. L. WILLIAMS 13
Barnard family H. HORTON 14
Bidwill, J.C. A.B. CRIBB 16
Blake, S.T. L. PEDLEY 17
Brass, L. P.I. FORSTER 18
Bravery, J. H. HORTON 16
Broadbent, K. D.P. VERNON 19
Cameron, A.C. H. HORTON 20
Chisholm, A.F. J. DON 21
Colledge, W.F. A.B. CRIBB 22
Colliver, S.T. R.A. DATE 23
Coxen, C. A. HANGER 24
Coxen, E. A. HANGER 24
Cunningham, A. D. HANGER 22
Dallachy, J A.B. CRIBB 25
Dietrich, A. M. GYNTHER 26
Diggles, S. P.F. WOODALL 27
Dodd, F.P. G.B. MONTEITH 28
Everist, S.L. M.B. THOMAS 25
Fitzalan, E.F.A. A.B. CRIBB 29
Fleay, D.H. H. HINES 30
Flecker, H. A.B. CRIBB 31
Francis, W.D. W.J. McDONALD 32
Gall, I. I.S. DAVIDSON 29
Geissmann, H.G. H.S. CURTIS 33
Gilbert, J. C. FISHER 34
Gillies, C.D. J.W. CRIBB 34
Gordon, D.M. L.G. MURRAY 35
Herbert, D.A. A.B. CRIBB 37
Illidge, R.I.G G. MONTEITH 38
Keys, J. P.I. FORSTER 39
Jack, N.M R.A. DATE 39
Lahey, R.W. S. LAHEY & A. NEALE 40
Lauterer, J. A.B. CRIBB 41
Leichhardt, F.W.L. R.A. DATE 42
Longman, H.A. I. FILMER 43
Lord, E.A.R H.P. HORTON 44
Lumholz, C.S. J.W. CRIBB 44
McArthur, K.A. L.G. MURRAY 45
McKeon, G.Y. J.W. CRIBB 45
McKenzie, E.E. & W.D. J. MORWOOD 46
Marks, E.N. A. GILLIES 47
Marks, E.O. A. GILLIES 48
Miskin, W.H. G. THOMPSON 49
Petrie, T. R. BLACK 51
Robertson, J.S. P.F. WOODALL 50
Roth, W.E. A.B. CRIBB 51
Rowan, E. B. SHAW 52
Saville-Kent, W. I. LAWN 53
Scarth-Johnson, V. L. WOODALL 54
Scortechini, B. A.B. CRIBB 55
Shirley, J. A.B. CRIBB 56
Simmonds, J.H. (snr) A. GILLIES 57
Simmonds, J.H. (jnr) A. GILLIES 57
Simmons, H.G. H.M. BERRILL & K.W. SIMMONS 58
Simmons, R.J. H.M. BERRILL & K.W. SIMMONS 58
Skertchley, S.B.J. A. GILLIES 59
Smith, E.J. B. JAHNKE 60
Smith, L.S. R.J. HENDERSON 61
Tenison-Woods, J.E. P.F. WOODALL 62
Thomson, E. J.W. CRIBB 63
Thorsborne, A. B. LOWRY 64
Thozet, A. J.W. CRIBB 67
Tryon, H. M. PEARSON 65
Turner, A.J. D. REEVES 66
Watkins, G. M. GYNTHER & G. GOADBY 67
White, C.T. R.W. JOHNSON 68
Whitehouse, F.W. J.S. JELL & P.A. JELL 69
Williams, K.A.W. D. REEVES 70

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