Index to the Queensland Naturalist by subject (1908 to 2006)

In Vols. 23, 27 and 28, page numbers from 1 were used again in Parts 5-6.  In Vol. 14, page numbers from 1 were used again in Part 5.  In these cases, part numbers are indicated in brackets.

Abbreviations:     excn: excursion     f. : illustration/s

Aboriginal, Aust., as a collector of fossils; 13, 100

      burial cave, 18, 47

      contacts and the Endeavour, 20, 25, f.

      ‘Possum Tree’, 17, 58, f.

      rock shelters, 11, 92

      sites, Isla Gorge, 21, 104 f.

Aboriginals and Bunya feasts, 11, 4 f.

Aborigine, some food plants of Qld, 21, 22

Aborigines, Channel country, 23(5-6), 10

      growing up with, 21, 46

      Hinchinbrook I., 22, 19

      on Fraser I., I, II, III, 19, 53, f.

Acacia, distribution in Aust., diversity, ecology, uses, 28, 1

Acacia fimbriata, 4, 41 f.

      leiocalyx, response to fire, 28(5-6), 42 f.

Acacias of Brisbane, 12, 107

Acianthus ledwardii, new sp., 10, 113 f.

Acraea andromacha, melanic form of, 2, 135 f.

Acronychia imperforata, fruit of, 5, 48

Aegiceras majus, insects of, 5, 46

Aenetus moth, life history, 16, 102

Agaricus campestris, 14(5), 17 f.

Ageratum conyzoides, white sport of, 11, 3

Agintha temporalis, 8, 30

Albatross, grey headed, parasites of, at Fraser I., 19, 30

Albert R., birds of, 4, 52

      upper, birds of, 10, 10; 11, 42

             ethnology of, 11, 43

             geology of, 10, 5; 11, 45

             insects of, 11, 46

             plants of 11, 42

             report on 1939 exc., 11, 41

Albizia canescens, on Bukkulla and wider aspects, 42, 66

Alga, blue-green, an unusual occurrence of, 15, 71

      Chlorotylium cataractum, new record from Australia, 33, 33 f.

      green, growing on caterpillar, 17, 86, f.

in flooded wheat fields, 16, 101

Microspora quadrata, new record from Aust., 38, 33 f.

      non-marine, Enteromorpha flexuosa, 27(5-6), 21

Oedogonium flexuosum, new rec. from Aust., 39, 80 f.

on crocodile, 23, 31

parasitic, Cephaleuros parasiticus, recorded from Australia, 34, 68

parasitic, Phyllosiphon arisari, in Qld, 25, 119 f.

Trentepohlia ellipsiocarpa var. africana, new to Australia, 32, 14 f.

Zygnema melanosporum, new record from Australia, 32, 139 f.

Algae,    Blackdown Tableland, 21, 132; 27(5-6), 21

      blue-green, fairy rings in colonies of, 15, 46 f.

      Burdekin R., freshwater, 24, 101 f.

      Cape Tribulation, marine, 26, 26 f.

      Cape York area, marine, 28, 65 f.

      Carlisle I., freshwater, 29, 38

                marine, 29, 33 f.

      Fraser I., freshwater, 21, 7 f.

      freshwater, assoc. with mangroves, 30, 128 f.

      Hinchinbrook I., 24, 57

                marine, 22, 62 f.; 67

      inland Australia, 24, 53

      Jardine R., freshwater, 28, 69 f.   

      Kroombit Tops, 27, 24 f.

      Masthead I., 21, 79; 37, 48

      Mt Moffatt, 28 (5-6), 23 f.

      on canopy of aquatic insect, 16, 21 f.

on cattle dung, 31, 45

      on hawk’s-bill turtle, 19, 108

      on mud crab,  23, 29

      Portland Roads, marine, 30, 15

      Qld, 20, 14

Queensland marine, the first 150 years, 35, 83

Running Creek, 31, 17 f.

      Scawfell I., 33, 110 f

Sea Lettuce on Capricorn/Bunker reefs, 32, 84

      terrestrial, two new to Qld, 27 (5-6), 21

western Darling Downs  (Burradoo Station), 39, 37 f.

      See also Trentepohlia.

Algal balls, in SE Qld, 32, 130 f.

Algal food, of the Rock Cale, 16, 31                     

      of three marine fish, 15, 79

Algal pollution of surf in S Qld, 14, 123

Algal staining on ocean beaches, 23, 30

Alocasia macrorrhiza, seed set, 24, 71

Amegilla (burrowing bee), behaviour of, 16, 63

Amity Pt., birds of, 5, 38

Amonodontomerus noblei, new sp., 11, 107

      poeta, new sp., 11, 17

Amphibians, N. Keppel I., 29, 78

      See also Toadlets.

Anagyropsis cinctithorax, new sp., 11, 20

      smaragdus, new sp., 11, 19

      spondyliaspidis, new sp., 11, 19

Anapheis java teutonia, a flight of, 11, 88

      Capparix canescens a host plant for, 31,41

Angiopteris in Qld., 12, 45 f.

Angiosperm hybrids in the Aust. flora, 17, 32

Angophora lanceolata, 5, 40 f.

Animals, Aust., earliest descriptions of, 4, 107

      miscellaneous, Fraser I. 19, 9

Anisolabis colossea, 4, 64

Anniversary address, 75th, 24, 6

Annual reports 1907, 1, 1; 1908, 1, 81; 1909, 1, 117; 1910, 1, 197; (1911-1921 not published); 1922, 4, 3; 1923, 4, 65; 1924, 5, 3; 1925, 5, 67; 1926, 6, 22; 1927, 6, 68; 1928, 7, 23; 1929, 7, 59; 1930, 7, 93; 1931, 8, 18; 1932, 8, 62; 1933, 9, 18; 1934, 9, 71; 1935, 10, 3; 1936, 10, 43; 1937, 10, 82; 1938, 11, 30; 1939, 11, 78; 1940, 11, 115; 1941, 12, 21; 1942, 12, 58; 1943, 12, 103; 1944, 13, 4; 1945, 13, 22; 1946, 13, 59; 1947, 13, 105; 1948, 14, 4; 1949, 14, 38; 1950, 14,

86; 1951/2, 14(5) 4; 1952/3, 15, 4; 1953/54, 15, 56; 1954/5, 15, 80; 1955/6, 15, 82; 1956/7, 16, 32; 1957/8,16, 33; 1958/9, 16, 77; 1959; 60, 16, 112; 1960/1,16, 114;1961/2, 17, 36; 1962/3, 17, 75; 1963/4, 17, 115; 1964/5, 18, 36; 1965/6, 18, 76; 1966/7, 18, 118; 1967/8, 19, 121; 1968/9, 20, 60; 1969/70, 20, 129; 1970/1, 20, 131; 1971-2, 21, 42; 1972-3, 21, 44; 1973-4, 21, 86; 1974-5, 21, 143; 1975, 22, 76; 1976-7, 23, 36; 1977-8, 23, 41; 1978-9, 23, 46; 1979-80, 23(5-6), 50; 1980-1, 23(5-6), 55; 1981-2, 24, 77; 1982-3, 25, 84; 1983-4, 25,133; 1984-5, 26,129; 1985-6, 27(5-6), 36; 1986-7, 28(5-6), 44; 1988, 29,125; July 1987-Feb.1988, 30, 38; 1989, 30, 89;1990, 31, 46; 1991, 31, 148; 1992, 32, 85; 1993, 32, 140; 1994, 33, 148; 1995, 34, 71; 1996, 35, 92; 1997, 36, 88; 1998, 37, 57; 1999, 38, 89; 2000, 39, 96; 2001, 40, 71; 2002, 41, 114; 2003, 42, 76;2005,44,97

Anostostoma australasiae, 1, 275.

Ant, exotic, naturalization of, 1, 224

Green tree, nests on Scawfell I., 33, 135

southern range extension of, in Qld, 42, 17

predation on a cicada, 34, 32

Antarctic beech forest, an advancing, 10, 8

Antheraea eucalypti, life history of, 1, 277

Anthropological notes from Qld, 18, 21, f., 57, f.

Ant-lion, new, 6, 11 f.

Ants, and Lycaenid butterfly larvae, 12, 14, 47

      Endospermum & uraniid moths in Aust., 28, 35

      feeding habits of bull-dog, 17, 73

      Gibraltar Ra., NSW, 38, 61

Anvil, washed away, 17, 50

Apleurotropis lalori, new sp., 10, 74

Apoidea from Fraser I., 19, 51

Aquarium and Terrarium Society of Qld, affiliation of, 7, 94

Aquatic discomycete fungus, Hymenoscyphus varicosporoides, in Qld, 31, 26 f.

Aquatic discomycete fungus, Pachyella babingtonii, in Qld, 44, 94.

Aquatic insects, algae on silken canopy of, 16, 21 f.

Aradidae from Fraser I., 19, 46

Araucaria bidwillii, 11, 4 f.

      cunninghamii, 2, 114 f.; 10, 2

                flowering and fruiting, 16, 23, f.

Archimantis latistylus, peculiar habit of, 1, 152

Archives, QNC, 24, 76

Arculario livescens, new record, 2, 46

Arthropoda of Running Ck, 12, 12

Arundell, W., obituary, 13, 57

Asclepiadaceae, insects, pollen and seed set, 16, 99

Ashgrove, birds of, 10, 38

      pond life of, 1, 278

Ash, Moreton Bay, 4, 112 f.

Astrotia stokesii, 8, 60

Atherine, a rare, 4, 95

Austrolestes annulosus, range extension southern Qld, 36, 27

Austrosialis, a record from the Qld Palaeocene, 31, 84 f

Avicennia in upper Brisbane R., 6, 83

Avifauna. See Birds.

Badu I., Torres Str., vegetation of, 24, 40 f.

Bag moth, 5, 36

Bailey, F. M., biography, 44(1-3), 8

Baird, E. E., biography, 44(1-3), 9

Baird, E. E., in memoriam, 17, 41, f.

Bald Knob, Blackall Ra., birds of, 9, 85

Ballingall, M.E., biography, 44(1-3), 9

Balonophora fungosa, 14, 66 f.

Bambu (bamboo) borer, a, 5, 75

Bancroft J., biography, 44(1-3), 10

Bancroft T.L., biography, 44(1-3), 11

Bancroft, T. L., obituary, 9, 25 f.

Bandicoot, a rabbit-, 3, 52

      and scrub ticks, 19, 108

Bandicoots, 7, 5

Banfield E.J., biography, 44(1-3), 12

Banksia, flowering and seeding habits in some species, 20, 21, f.

Barakula State Forest, butterflies and mistletoes, 33, 10 f.

excursion report, 33, 9

Bark of trees, 16, 1, f.

Barker G.H., biography, 44(1-3), 13

Barker, G. H., in memoriam, 18, 1, f.

Barnard family, biographical, 44(1-3), 14

Barnard, H. G., obituary, 18, 74, f.

Bat, Dusky Leafnosed, Hipposideros ater, new roost for, McIlwraith Ra., 34, 35

Little Pied Chalinolobus picatus, in central Qld, 33, 35

Bat fauna of Kroombit Tops, 32, 18 f.

Bat survey, Lady Musgrave I., 32, 135

Batfish, Silver, diet & reproduction, 28, 18

Bats, Cape Melville Nat. Pk, 34, 53

Jourama Falls Nat. Pk, 34, 9

Mt Sturgeon & Chudleigh Park Stations, nth of Hughenden, 34, 48

Beachcombing at Coolum, 17, 34

Bee, burrowing, Amegilla, behaviour, 16, 63, f.

Beech forest, Antarctic, an advancing, 10, 8

Bees, and Iceland poppies, 17, 34

      Carlisle I., 29, 25

      Jardine R., 28, 33

      kookaburras eating, 17, 30

Beetles, predaceous ground, 2, 97

      staghorn, two notable, 3, 29

Bennett’s scrub, plants of, 1, 104

Biarra district, Esk, birds of, 19, 77

Bidwill J.C., biography, 44(1-3), 16

Biggenden, birds of,  7, 99

Bilbi, 3, 52

Binna Burra, birds of, 10, 97

Biological collecting, Cape York Pen. 1770-1970, 28, 42 f.

Biology, 1, 241

      teaching, using ‘RACSES’ system, 36, 29

Bird, dragoon, 1, 221

      mystery – Red tailed quail, ‘Blue Regent’, ‘Purple-crowned honeyeater’, 17, 87, f.

Bird assemblings, 11, 101

      Island, vegetation of, 11, 94

      notes, 8, 45; 10, 37

      protection, 6, 39

      rain, 2, 106

      seeking in Qld, 3, 66 f., 93, 115

      visitors to garden, unusual, 18, 20

Bird-lore, ancient, 13, 63

Birds, a chat about, 12, 62 f.

      and habitats, 5, 84

      courtship among, 2, 83 f.

      eating bladder cicadas, 18, 73

      migration of, 2, 121; 13, 108

      mimicry amongst, 6, 51

      mutton, 8, 54 f.

      native, a plea for, 14, 80

             disappearance of in central Qld, 9, 3

      nestling, and frost, 7, 67

      night-calling, 2, 102 f.

      night-flying, 8, 14

      night-singing, 1, 40, 41, 112

      non-migratory, gathering together of, 14, 15

      of prey, economic value of some, 8, 7

      ‘orange’, 6, 18

      some uncommon, seen recently, 15, 77

      why they should be protected, 4, 19

Birds of: Albert R., 4, 52

              upper, 10, 10; 11, 42

      Amity Pt, 5, 38

      Ashgrove, 10, 38

      Bald Knob, Blackall Ra., 9, 85

      Barrier Reef, 6, 102; 8, 54

      Biarra district, Esk, 19, 77

      Biggenden, 7, 99

      Binna Burra, 10, 97

      Bribie I., 9, 12

      Brisbane, some uncommon, 15, 77

      Brookfield, Upper, 6, 18

Bukkulla, 42, 56

      Bulimba, 6, 9

      Bulwer, 1, 67

      Bunya Mts, 9, 46

      Burdekin R. area, 24, 113

      Cairns to Iron Ra., 30, 6

      Caloundra, 8, 75

      Camp Mtn, 5, 31; 74, 25 f.

      Canungra, 6, 76; 7, 96

      Cape Tribulation, 26, 32

      Cape York, 6, 94

      Capricorn Is, 5, 82

Carlisle I., 29, 15

      Cedar Ck and D’Aguilar Ra., 4, 34

             upper, 8, 44

Chinchilla, Murilla & Tarooma shires, 36, 43

      Cooloola Nat. Pk, 21, 58; 35, 64

      Cowan Cowan, 4, 99

Currawinya Nat. Pk, SW Qld, 31, 114

      D’Aguilar Ra., 4, 34

Deepwater Nat. Pk, 32, 110

      Dunwich, 2, 128

      Eight Mile Plains, 8, 11

      Enoggera, 1, 167

             Creek, 35, 66

             water reserve, 9, 112

      Esk, 13, 84

Eulo district SW Qld, 31, 103

      Eurimbula Nat. Pk, 30, 121 f.

Fairfax I., 26, 127

      Fraser I., 7, 99; 19, 31 f, 42

      Gayndah, 2, 16      .

Gibraltar Ra., NSW, 38, 47

      Glass House Mts 1, 156; 11, 127

      Hinchinbrook I., 22, 44; 24, 61

Hoskyn I., 20, 120

Iron Range, 30, 6

Isla Gorge, 21, 100

      Jandowae, 3, 59

      Jardine R., 28, 55

Java, 27(5-6), 25

Kinkuna Nat. Pk, 32, 79

      Kroombit Tops, 27, 72

      Lamington National Park, 10, 10, 51, 97

      Masthead I., 21, 67 f.; 37, 34

      Mitchell River, Qld, 17, 91, f.

      Moreton Bay, 3, 4; 5, 47

      Moreton I., 1, 67; 4, 99

      Mt Coolum, 25, 26

      Mt Coot-tha, 10, 114

      Mt Edwards, 9, 40

      Mt Mee, 1, 186

      Murphy’s Ck, 14, 21

      Myora, 2, 128

      Noosa, 13, 53

      North Keppel I., 29, 68, 76

      North Qld., 3, 30

      North Reef I., 26, 99

      North West I., 19, 99

      Northgate, 1, 162

      Numinbah Valley, 9, 82

Princess Hills, Lumholtz Nat. Pk, 41, 82, 90

      Pumice Stone Passage, 9, 12

      Redcliffe, 4, 75

      Round Hill Head, Notes, 20, 56      

      Running Ck, 12, 13;  31, 15

      Samford, 14, 25, f.

      Sandgate, 1, 144; 4, 50; 10, 37

      Sandy Cape, Fraser I., 19, 31, f.

      Sankey’s scrub, 1, 56

Scawfell I., 33, 116

Shelburne Bay, 31, 76

Solomon Is., western province, 38, 12

      Somerset Dan, 13, 84

      South-west Qld, 23(5-6), 13; 39, 72

      Stradbroke I., 2, 128; 3, 107; 4, 23, 43; 5, 38; 6, 4, 17

      Sunnybank, 6, 50

      Tamborine Mt., 26, 89, 96

      Toowong, 12, 62

      Tryon I., 22,132

      Victoria Park, Brisbane, 13, 34, f.; 21, 140

      Western Qld, 17, 70

      Woogaroo scrub, 7, 78

Birds’ eggs, form and function, 35, 14 f.

Birdsong, aspects of, and variation in, 38, 37 f.

Biting flies, Carlisle I., 29, 27

Biting midges (Ceratopogonidae) on Qld’s coral cays, 19, 121

Blackdown Tableland, algae, 21, 132; 27(5-6), 21

      excursion report, 21, 118 f; 27(5-6), 18

      history & floristics, 21, 119

      mosquitoes (Culicidae), 21, 118

      plants, 21, 125

Blackdown Tableland & Expedition Range, butterflies, 34, 41

Blake S.T., biography, 44(1-3), 17

Blake, Stanley Thatcher, botanist extraordinary (obituary) 21, 31 f.

Bloodwood, brown, 9, 115 f.

      common, 9, 31 f.

      red, 9, 32 f.

      white, 9, 114 f.

Blue triangle [butterfly], 6, 47 f.

 ‘Blue Regent’ mystery bird, 17, 87 f., 102; 18, 29

Bora ground, Samford, preservation, 18, 107

Bora grounds near Tamborine Village, 18, 31

Bora ring, Ferny Grove, 8, 64

      Keperra, 10, 94 f.

      Nudgee, 11, 2; 14, 5

Borer, bambu (bamboo), a, 5, 75

Borgia’s bouquet, posy of poisonous plants of Qld, 27, 80

Boronia pinnata, 4, 41 f.

Botanic Gardens, Brisbane, 14, 69

             early history of, 11, 78

      notes, 1, 204 f., 256; 2, 21, 65

Botanical work, recent, in the Pacific, 6, 85

Botanising in Tasmania, 8, 38

Botany, contribution of some women to, 8, 34

Botany to ecology, 24, 83

Bottle Ck, Port Curtis district, sedges (Cyperaceae) of, 9, 90

Bowen, Mollusca of, 2, 45

Bowerbird, Regent, at St. Lucia, 17, 30

Bower-birds, spotted, 3, 81 f.

Bowers & playgrounds, 2, 117

Box, gum-topped, 5, 52 f.

Brake-blocks, cycad wood for, 5, 30

Bramble Cay, 1987, flora & fauna, 28(5-6), 32 f.

Brass L.J., biography, 44(1-3), 18

Bravery J.A., biography, 44(1-3), 16

Breeding behaviour of frog (Pseudophryne) in Cen. Qld, 17, 94, f.

Brenan, J. O’N., obituary, 11, 88

Bribie I., birds of, 9, 12

      Mollusca of, 2, 35

Brisbane, Acacias of, 12, 107

      birds, some uncommon, 15, 77

      Botanic Gardens, 14, 69

             early history of, 11, 78

      butterflies of Fam. Papilionidae, 6, 33, 47, 55 f.

      Eucalypts or Gum trees of, 4, 67, 109; 5, 12, 43, 51, 94; 6, 78; 7, 36; 8, 52, 80; 9, 8, 31, 114; 10, 72 f.

      honeyeaters of, 14(5) 14, 126

      Tertiaries, 1, 28 f., 50

      testaceous Rhizopoda of, 2, 110 f.

      wattles of, 12, 107

      wrens of, 2, 87

Bristow, W., obituary, 44, 75

Broadbent K., biography, 44(1-3), 19

Brolgas at Nudgee, 8, 23

Brookfield, Upper, birds of, 6, 18

Bryan, W. H., obituary, 18, 34, f.

Bryophyta, Mt Coolum, 25, 75

      on Moreton I., 30, 50

Buderim Mtn, plants of, 1, 256; 2, 67

      shower of shrimps at, 1, 2 16

Buffon, Linnaeus and, 1, 4

Bugs, natural history of, 16, 41

Bukkulla, 42, 21, 32

Albizia canescens on, 42, 66

birds, 42, 56

conservation assessment, ‘Lorna Vale’, 42, 22

fern, Cheilanthes nudiuscula, 42, 64

grazing, monitoring and sustainability on, 42, 69

mammals and reptiles, 42, 61

plants, 42, 34

route descriptions for, 42, 49 f.

vegetation monitoring on, 42, 71

Bulldog ants, feeding habits, 17, 73

Bulimba, birds of, 6, 9

Bulimba swamps, insects of, 1, 58

Bulwer, birds of, 1, 67

      fish at, 1, 66

      insects of, 1, 63

      plants of, 1, 70

      shells of, 1, 70

Bunya Mts, birds of, 9, 46

Bunya tree, romance of the, 11, 4 f.

Buprestid, a beautiful, 5, 42

Burdekin River area, algae, freshwater, 24, 101 f.

      aquatic vascular plants, 24, 110

      birds, 24, 113

      butterflies, 24, 111

      fauna in the riparian zone of, 33, 57

      fish, 24, 118

      Gasteromycetes, 24, 119

      photomap guide to historical landscape geology, BB, 120 f

      plants, B, 94

Burdekin Riv., Burnett Riv., & lungfish, B, 5 f.

Burhinus neglectus, feeding behaviour, 29, 71

Burny vine, 4, 32

Burradoo Station, Darling Downs, algae on, 39, 37 f.

gasteromycete fungi on, 39, 33 f.

Bush, scents of, 21, 94

Bustard, full protection of, 10, 4

Butcherbird, black-throated, mimicry of, 72, 118

      Pied, comparison of song variation, 38, 41 f.

Butterflies, a flight of, 11, 88

      African orange tip, 1, 165

      Blackdown Tableland & Expedition Range, 34, 41 f.

      Blue Tiger, drinking behaviour, Scawfell I., 33, 131

      Brisbane, of Fam. Papilionidae, 6, 33, 47, 55 f.

      Burdekin R. area, 24, 111

      Canungra, 6, 77

      Cape Tribulation, 26, 30

      Carlisle I., 29, 21

Carnarvon Gorge & Mt Moffatt, 40, 69

Chinchilla region and Barakula State Forest, 33, 10 f.

Danis danis serapis (Large Green-banded Blue), early stages of, 33, 39

Deepwater & Eurimbula National Parks, 32, 60

Delias aruna inferna, life history of, 35, 20 f.

             Delias spp., two, 2, 79

                rare, 2, 103 f.

      Erskine I., Capricorn Group, 20, 54

      Eurimbula Nat. Pk, 30,117

      Fraser I., 21, 5

Gibraltar Ra., NSW, 38, 53

      Hinchinbrook I., 22, 50

      Hoskyn I., 20, 118

Kinkuna Nat. Pk, 32, 76

      Kroombit Tops, 27, 35 f.

      Lycaenid, life-histories of, 12, 14, 47

             two, 13, 75

Masthead I., 37, 40

      Moreton I., 4, 97;  30, 66

      Mt Moffatt, 28(5-6), 14 f.; 40, 69

      NE Qld, distribution and range extensions, 32, 121

      North Keppel I., 29, 82

      North West I., 19, 103

Scawfell I., 33, 124

skipper, in cen. & sth. Qld, distribution, notes, 38, 31

Slade Point Res., Mackay, 39, 90

      Stanthorpe district, food plants, 17, 106

      Stradbroke I., 6, 8

SW Qld, 31, 125

Butterfly, a Nymphalid, 4, 36 f.

      big greasy, 6, 57 f.

      blue triangle, 6, 47 f.

      common skipper, aberration in a, 6, 10 f.

      cupid blue, 13, 79; 14, 17

      small orange, 6, 56 f.

Butterfly migration, Caper White, 18, 113

      13th November 1966, 18, 115

Buttresses, in rainforest trees, 4, 105  

Cairns fern world, glimpses of, 1, 60

Caladenia carnea, 3, 56 f.

      var. gracillima, new var., 11, 86 f.

Calliostoma indistinctus, new record, 2, 45        .

Caloundra, birds of, 8, 75

      insects of, 8, 78

      littoral fauna and flora of, 2, 53

      plants of, 8, 74

Cameron, E. A., biography, 44(1-3), 20

Cameron, E. A., Obituary, 17, 74

Camp Mtn, birds of, 5, 31; 14, 25 f.

      Jabiru at, 17, 105

Canary, mangrove, 10, 37

      Qld, nesting of, 1, 151

Canberra, trees of, 9, 95

Candalides absimilis, 12, 48

      acasta, 12, 50

      consimilis, 12, 48

      erinus, 12, 49

      hyacinthina, 12, 49

      margarita, 12, 47

      xanthospilos, 12, 49

Candle Mtn district, geology of, 7, 27

Canoe, dug-out, from Sierra Leone, 12, 81 f.

Canungra, birds of, 6, 76; 7, 96

      butterflies of, 6, 77

      excursion reports, 6, 72; 7, 95

      geology of, 6, 73

      plants of, 6, 75

Canungra Creek, fungal spores from foam in, 33, 75 f.

Capparis canescens, a host plant for Anaphaeis java teutonia, 31, 41

Cape Flattery – report on visit, 23, 1 f.

Cape Melville Nat. Pk, bats of, 34, 53

Cape Tribulation, algae, marine, 26, 26 f.

      altitudinal transect studies,

  1. Introduction & summary, 26, 40
  2. Geological notes, 26, 49 f.

                III. Soils, 26, 53 f.

  1. March flies, 26, 58
  2. Mosquitoes, 26, 62
  3. Culicoides, 26, 67

                VII. Coleoptera & Hemiptera, 26, 70 f.

                VIII. Oligochaeta, 26, 81

  1. Palms, 26, 85 f.

      birds, 26, 32

      butterflies, 26, 30

      climbing plants, 26, 20 f.

      excursion report, 1982, 26, 1

      vascular plants, 26, 2 f.

Cape York Pen., biolog. collecting 1770-1970, 28, 42 f.

      birds of, 6, 94

      fern records, 30, 34

      Castoreum on, 30, 25 f.

Caper White butterfly, migration, 18, 113

Capricorn Is, bird and turtle life of, 5, 82

Capricorn-Bunker Is, marine molluscs, 23(5-6), 39

      See also Fairfax I., Heron l., Lady Musgrave I., North Reef I., Tryon I.

Carabs, frog-eating, 2, 132

Carbide, reaction of flies to, 1, 254

Carissa ovata, fruit of, 3, 16

Carlisle I., algae, freshwater, 29, 38

      algae, marine, 29, 33 f.

      bees, 29, 25

      birds, 29, 15

      biting flies, 29, 27

      butterflies, 29, 21

      cicadas, 29, 29

      dragonflies, 29, 21

      excursion report, 29, 6

      insects, 29, 17 f.

      mammals, 29, 10

      orchids, 29, 8

      reptiles, 29, 13

      spiders, 29, 31

Carnarvon Gorge,  butterflies, 40, 69

      mosquitoes, sandflies, march flies, 16, 106, f.

      Trentepohliaceous algae, 20, 90

Castoreum on Cape York Pen., 30, 25 f.

Catacanthus punctus, foodplant, range extension, 32, 64 f.

Catadromus lacordairei, 2, 132

Caterpillar, green alga growing on, 17, 86, f.

Cedar, red, 8, 71 f.; 10, 2

Cedar Ck, birds of, 4, 34

      insects of, 4, 34

             upper, birds of, 8, 44

                plants of, 8, 41

Cedrela toona var. australis, 8, 71 f.; 10, 2

Centipedes of Glass House Mts, 1, 156

Cephaleuros parasiticus, recorded from Australia, 34, 68

Cetonidae, notes on, 2, 50

Chaetomiium homopilatun on Carpet Python dung, 37, 55 f.

Chaetomium murorum, on wombat dung, 37, 22 f.

Chaetura caudacuta and its food, 1, 38, 112

Chalcid wasps (Chalcidoidea), new, 10, 74; 11, 14, 103, 132

Chalinolobus pictatus, notes on, in cen. Qld, 33, 35

Changing face of countryside, plants of SE Qld, 16, 73

Channel country,  Aborigines, 23(5-6), 10

      plants, 23(5-6), 1

      See also south-west Qld

Charogia spp., 1, 164

Cheilanthes nudiuscula¸ a survivor fern, 42, 64

Chelmer swamp, pond life of, B, 57

      rotifers of, 4, 57

Chelodina longicollis, egg-laying of, 6, 66

Chinchilla and Murilla Shires (Columboola excursion)

birds, 36, 43

butterfly records, new, 33, 10 f.

cicadas, and their songs, 36, 55 f.

excursion report, 36, 35

mistletoe/hostplant associations, 36, 73 f.

Chisholm, A.H., and the Naturalists’ Club, 13, 81

Chisholm, A.H., biography, 44(1–3), 21

Chlamydera maculata, 3, 81 f.

Chlidonias leucoptera, 5, 47

Chlorotylium cataractum¸ new record from Australia, 33, 33 f.

Christmas bells, destruction of by emus, 8, 72

Cicada, predated by ant, 34, 32

      and birds, 18, 73

      song of a, 1, 229

Cicadas, Carlisle I., 29, 29

      Gibraltar Ra., NSW, 38, 53 f

      Kroombit Tops, 27, 50 f.

      Moreton I., 30, 68

      Tasmania, 29,102

Miles-Chinchilla region, 36, 54 f.

South-western Qld, 39, 52 f.

Tara & Waroo Shires, Sth Cen. Qld, 40, 15 f.

Cintractia iseilematis, new sp., 10, 60

Cladophora glomerata, new rec., 1, 159

Clathrus gracilis, 3, 64 f.

Clavulina cinerea, new rec., 14, 83

Club members, amusing incidents, 18, 92

Corella, strange idiosyncrasies of a, 7, 189

Cowan Cowan, birds of, 4, 99

Coccophagoides aurithorax, new sp., 11, 18

Coccophagus clariscutellum fasciafacies, new ssp., 11, 16

      horatti, new, Lamington National Park, 11, 18

Cockroaches on Fraser I., 19, 45

Coleoptera, Cape Tribulation, 26, 70 f.

      Moreton I., 4, 98

Collecting for Qld Museum, 16, 45, f.

Colledge W.R., biography, 44(1–3), 22

Colledge, W.R., obituary, 6, 93 f.

Colliver S.C., biography, 44(1–3), 23

Colliver, Frederick Stanley, obituary, 31, 49 f.

Colliver shell collection, 31, 54

Columboola.  See Chinchilla & Murilla Shires.

Confessions of a Field Naturalist, 17, 26

Conifers, Mt Coolum, 25, 27

Conservation, perspectives, 20, 1

Cook, Capt., naturalists with, 5, 83

Cooloola – an ecological mosaic, 20, 7, f.

Cooloola, birds, 21, 58; 1996, 35, 64

      excursion report, 30, 126

      freshwater crustaceans, 21, 60

vegetation diversity in young parabolic sand dune, 35, 57

Coolum, beachcombing at, 17, 34

      geology of, 10, 102

      plant communities of, 10, 106, f

Cootharaba Lake and the wreck of the ‘Stirling Castle’, 15, 41

Copepod (Diaptomus), a,B, 105, f.

Corals at Low I., 7, 8 f.

Cordyceps, new to Qld, 16, 92, f.

Cordyceps myrmecophila, Iron Ra., 30, 23 f.

Cordyline fruticosa native to Aust., 29, 124

Corella, strange idiosyncracies of, 1, 189

Coxen C., biography, 44(1–3), 24

Coxen E.F., biography, 44(1–3), 24

Crabs, commensal, Lady Musgrave I., 21, 112

      mud, algae on, 23, 29

Cracticus nigrogularis, 12, 118

Crakes, Australian and Baillon’s, and lignum, L. Bindegolly, 31, 107 f.

Crayfish, spiny freshwater, in Qld, 31, 29 f.

Cretaceous deep sea deposits of England, 11, 134

Crinum, germination of, 17, 112

Crinum flaccidum, flowering behaviour of, 34, 25 f.

Crocodile, alga on, 23, 31

Crows, economic value of, 8, 7

Crustacea of Fraser I., 19, 45

Crustaceans, freshwater, Cooloola, 21, 60

      Jardine R., 28, 19 f.

      Channel country, 23 (5-6), 17

C.T. White Memorial Lectures:

      1952, The Brisbane Botanic Gardens, D.A. Herbert, 14, 69

      1954, Some features of the grasses and grasslands of Qld, S.T. Blake, 15, 61

      1958, Stoneflies, F. A. Perkins, 16, 18, f.

      1959, The changing face of the countryside, R. Lahey, 16, 73

      1960, The hydrologist at large, C. Ogilvie, 16, 81

      1961, The sandhills of Qld, coastal and desert, F. W. Whitehouse, 17, 1

      1962, Silvester Diggles, Qld naturalist one hundred years ago, E. N. Marks, 17, 15, f.

      1962-63, The Mitchell grass country, S. L. Everist, 17, 45, f.

      1963-64, J. R. Elsey, surgeon, naturalist, explorer, A. H. Chisholm, 17, 60, f.

      1964-65, Diseases of plants in Qld, J. H. Simmonds, 18, 5

      1965-66, Homely herbs, H. E. Young, 18, 51

      1966-67, The culture of Aust. plants, F. D. Hockings, 18, 81

      1967-68, The earth beneath Qld, D. Hill, 18, 97, f.

      1968-69, Pollination, special reference to Qld plants, J. W. Cribb, 19, 70

      1969-70, Perspectives in conservation, F. N. Ratcliffe, 20, 1

      1970-71, Great Barrier Reef-past, present and future, W. G. H. Maxwell, 20, 65, f.

      1972: Some plant foods of Qld Aborigine, F.S. Colliver, 21, 22

      1973: Recent advances in tropical rainforest ecology, L.J. Webb, 21, 52

      1974: Scents of the bush, A.B. Cribb, 21, 94

      1975: Larger fungi: hobby & research, J.E.C. Aberdeen, 21, 113

      1976: New flora for Qld, L. Pedley, 22, 8

      1977: Forest, foresters & forest botanists, A. Gardner, 22, 96

      1979: Qld palm flora, R.W. Johnson, 23, 10

      1980: Plants of channel country, SW Qld, R.W. Purdie, 23(5-6), 1

      1981: Extraordinary eucalypts, J.H. Willis, 24, 28

      1982: From botany to ecology, J.E. Coaldrake, 24, 83

      1983: Grasses & grasslands, Beauty & the Beast, J.C. Tothill, 25, 107 f.

      1985: Opportunities, G.L.Wilson, 27(5-6), 1

      1987: Writing for Flora of Australia, R.J.F. Henderson, 28, 75

      1989: Insect-plant relationships, E.M. Exley, 29, 93

      1990: Future forest, D. Doley, 30, 100

      1991: Defence systems in plants – variants on ‘Don’t Bug Me’, M.P. Hegarty, 31, 58

      1992: To name a plant – a historical perspective, J.B. Hacker, 32, 2

      1993: The Australian Vigna species – beans, bush-tucker, beach cover, R.J. Lawn, 32, 92

      1994: On underground N factories, R.A. Date, 33, 41

      1996: Birds’ eggs: form and function, P.F. Woodall, 35, 14

      1997:  Sustainable grazing systems and Australian vegetation history. J.B. Lowry, 36, 3

      1998:  Parasites of Australian wildlife. T.H. Cribb, 37, 3 f.

      2000:  Gayndah, lungfish and beetles – a fishy tale, G.B. Monteith, 39, 5 f.

      2001:  Symbiosis & other interactions between organisms in nature, I.D. Lawn, 40, 3 f.

      2002:  Cyanide, strychnine, bush & other poisons in Qld flora, R.A. McKenzie, 41, 6 f.

Cuckoo, brush, 1, 112

      channel-bill, 2, 106

Culicoides brevitarsis, bionomics of, 24, 33

Culicoides, Cape Tribulation, 26, 67

Cupid blue [butterfly], 13, 79; 14, 17

Culture of Aust. plants, 18, 81

Cunningham A., biography, 44(1–3), 22

Currawinya National Park, Lakes Numalla & Wyara, birds at, 31, 114

Currawong, a pied, in the city, 41, 84

Currumbin, pond and shore life of, 1, 278

Curtis, Hilda, obituary, 29, 42

Cyanide, strychnine, bush & other poisons in Qld flora, 41, 6 f.

Cyathea in Qld, 12, 41 f.

Cyathus gracilis, newly recorded from Australia, 34, 66 f

Cycad wood for brake-blocks, 5, 30

Cyclophorus in Aust., 10, 45 f.

      intermedius, new sp., 10, 48 f.

Cyperaceae of Bottle Ck, Port Curtis district, 9, 90

Cyperus disjunctus, new rec., 12, 91

      laevigatus, new rec., 2, 67

D’Aguilar Ra., birds of, 4, 34

      insects of 4, 34

Dallachy J., biography, 44(1–3), 25

Danis danis serapis, early stages of, 33, 39

Darling Lily, flowering behaviour of, 34, 25 f

Darnley and Murray Is, a visit to, 14, 112

Darra, fossils at, 7, 30

Darwin, Charles Robert, 1, 84

Darwin and evolution, 16, 85

Dawson R., central, nature notes from, 9, 64

Death adder, 2, 120

Deepwater National Park, birds, 32, 110

butterflies, 32, 60

excursion report, 32, 56

marine litter on beaches of, 32, 72

molluscs, 32, 66

odonata, 32, 58

vegetation transects, 33, 17 f., 24

Defence systems in plants, 31, 58

Delias, two spp. of, 2, 79

Delias argenthona argenthona, two host plants of, in Nth Qld, 32, 82

Delias aruna inferna, life history of, 35, 20 f.

Dendrites, 17, 31

Dendrobium adae, 12, 114 f.; 13, 12

      ancorarium, n. sp., 12, 115 f.; 13, 12

      bigibbum, protection of, 14, 5

      carrii, n. sp., 10, 26 f., 50; 12, 19

      delicatum, 9, 61 f.

      fleckeri, new sp., 10, 25 f., 50

      kestevenii, 9, 6l f.

      kingianum, 9, 62 f.

      mortii, 9, 51 f.

      phalaenopsis, 11, 109

      schneideroe var. major, new var., 11, 3

      superbiens, protection of, 14, 5

      tenuissimum, 9, 52

      whiteanum, new sp., 14, 60, 82

Deserts, 12, 24

Deyeuxia parviseta, new rec., 12, 92

      rodwayi, new rec., 12, 92

Diaptomus sp., 2, 105 f.

Diatomaceous rock in S Qld, 1, 59

Dicksonia in Qld, 12, 44 f.

Dietrich, Amalie, 8, 82

Dietrich A., biography, 44(1–3), 26

Diggles, Silvester, a Qld Naturalist 100 years ago 17, 15 f.;(correction 17, 102)

Diggles S., biography, 44(1–3), 27

      Ornithology of Australia – Notes on, 17, 99

Dingoes, dental abnormalities in, 42, 4 f

Dinoura apiomorphae, new sp., 11, 16

Diplazium cordifolium, new rec., 10, 96 f.

Dipieris conjugata, new rec., 11, 85 f.

Diseases of plants, Qld, 18, 5

Diurus sulphurea, 4, 41 f.

Dodd F.P., biography, 44(1–3), 28

Dodonaea rupicola, new sp., 6, 13

Doodia in Aust., 11, 23, f.

Dosinia nitens, new rec., 2, 45

Dove, peaceful, 2, 129 f.

Dragon, Water, seed dispersal by, 23(5-6), 49

Dragonflies,  Carlisle I., 29, 21

      Hinchinbrook I., 22, 50

  Jardine R., 28, 31

      See also Odonata

Dragonfly, two libellulid species from Moreton I, 31, 42

Dragoon bird, 1, 221

Drosera, moths feeding on, 17, 31

Duboisia myoporoides, 1, 104

Duke of York I., plants of, 2, 133

Dune stability, Fraser I., 21, 15 f.

Dung beetles, from three inland national parks, Nth Qld, 41, 101 f.

Dung, emu, fungi on, 30, 130 f.

      wombat, fungi on, 29,114 f.

Dunk I., fungi from, 7, 49

Dunwich, birds of, 2, 128

      mosquitoes of, 14, 9

      orchids of, 14, 12

      report on Easter excn, 1948, to, 14, 8

Dyers Lagoon, Laidley, boats versus birds, 18, 18, f.

      Fauna Sanctuary, 18, 116

Eagle, Wedge-tailed, predation on koalas, 41, 38

Early Club members, amusing incidents, 18, 92

Earth beneath Qld, 18, 97, f.

Ecology, of littoral fauna and flora of Caloundra, 2, 53

      plant, of Palm I., 7, 51, 68, 87; 8, 24

Editorial comment, 34, 21

Eight Mile Plains, birds of, 8, 11

Elimbah; plants of, 6, 14

Elsey, J. R., Surgeon, Naturalist, Explorer, 17, 60

Endeavour and Aboriginal Aust. contacts, 20, 25 f.

England, Cretaceous deep sea deposits of, 11, 134

Engraver, stone, a microlithic mounted, 12, 83 f.

Enoggera, birds of, 1, 167

      geology of, 4, 106

      water reserve, birds of, 9, 112

Enoggera Creek, flora and fauna, 35, 66

Endiandra insignis, fruits of, 1, 196

Endogone macrocarpa, new rec., 15, 45 f.

Endospermum, ants & uraniid moths in Aust., 28, 35

Enteromorpha flexuosa, non-marine alga occurrence in Qld, 27(5-6), 21

Entomologist in the interior (SW Qld), 3, 17, 40

Entomology, for Qld naturalists, 9, 22

      See also Insects.

Epimegastigmus darlingi, new sp., 11, 105

Epiphytes, humus-collecting, natural air layering, 16, 22

Eria liparoides, new sp., 15, 33 f.

Erskine I., butterflies, 20, 54

Esk – Somerset Dam district, birds of, 13, 84

Ethnobotany & pre-Columbian America, 35, 45

Ethnology. See also Anthropology.

Ethnology of Albert R., upper, 11, 43

Eucalypts, curious family of, 30, 85 f.

      extraordinary, b, 28

Eucalypts of Brisbane:

      Eucalyptus acmenioides, 7, 36 f.

             var. carnea, 7, 37 f,

      baileyana, 5, 95 f.

      corymbosa, 9, 31 f.

      crebra, 9, 8 f.

      curtisii, 7, 91; 10, 72 f.; 15, 48 f.;  17, 103

      eugenioides, 6, 80 f.

      hemiphloia, 5, 52 f.

      leaves as tobacco, 6, 21

      maculata, 5, 12 f.

      melanophloia, 8, 52 f.

      micrantha, 5, 14 f.

      microcorys, 6, 81 f.

      oils, 7, 42

      paniculata, 8, 80 f.

      papuana, drought resistance of, 8, 13

      planchoniana, 5, 94 f.

      propinqua, 5, 44 f.

      resinifera, 6, 78 f.

      robusta, aerial roots of, 34, 64 f.

      saligna, 4, 109 f.

      seeana, 5, 51 f.

      siderophloia, 8, 53 f.

      tereticornis, 5, 43 f.

      tessellaris, 4, 112 f.

      trachyphloia, 9, 114 f.    

      umbra, 7, 38 f.              

Euchrysops cnejus cnidus, 12, 51; 13, 79; 14, 17

Eugenia cyanocarpa, new rec., 2, 67

Eulepis sempronius, 2, 64

Eulo district, birds, 31, 103

butterflies, 31, 125

excursion report, 31, 101

freshwater fish, 31, 119

Odonata, 31, 123

puffballs, 31, 127

Eunicidae (Polychaeta) from Moreton B., 17, 13

Eupelmus fuligispina, new sp., 11, 22

      grayi brevicinctus, new ssp., 11, 19

      mawsoni solis, new ssp., 10, 76

      scarabaei, new sp., 10, 75

Euphorbia prostrata, change in rust-infected plants of, 32, 16

Euphrasia bella, new sp., 12, 88 f.

Euporismus albatrox, 4, 78

Euri Ck, Bowen, mollusca of, 2, 45

Eurimbula Nat. Pk, birds, 30,121 f.

      butterflies, 30, 117; 32, 60

      excursion report, 30, 110

      molluscs, 30,112

      Odonata, 30,115

Eurycus cressida cressida, 6, 57, f.

Eutermes magnus, association with fungus, Podaxis pistilloris, l4, 120 f.

Everist S.L., biography, 44(1–3), 25

Everist, Selwyn Lawrence, obituary, 24, 68

Evolution and Darwin, 16, 85

Evolutionary thought, modern, 2, 8

Excursions, Barakula State Forest, 1993, 33, 9

  Blackdown Tableland, 21,118; 27(5-6), 18

      Bukkulla, 2003, 42, 21

      Cape Tribulation, 26, 1

      Carlisle I., 29, 6

      Channel country, 23(5-6), 8

      Columboola, 1997, 36, 35

      Cooloola, 30,126

      Deepwater National Park, 1992, 32, 56

      Eulo, 1991, 31, 101

      Eurimbula National Park, 30, 110

      Fraser I., 19, 63; 21, 1

      Goodnight Scrub, 28(5-6), 25 f.

      Hinchinbrook I., 22, 15; 24, 54

      Indonesia, 30, 77

      Iron Ra., 30, 1

      Isla Gorge, 21, 100

      Jardine R., 28, 11 f.

      Java, 27(5-6), 23; 29, 40

      Kalimantan and Bali, 1992, 32, 22

      Kroombit Tops, 27, 1

      Masthead I., 21, 64; 1998, 37, 32

      Moreton I., 30, 43

      Mt Moffatt, 28(5-6), 10

      North Keppel I., 29, 56

Princess Hills, Lumholtz Nat. Pk, 2002, 41, 49

Running Creek, 1991, 31, 13

Scawfell I., 1994, 33, 82 f.

Shelburne Bay, 1990, 31, 73

Solomon Islands, 1999, 38, 5

      SW Queensland, 23(5-6), 8; 2000, 39, 49

      Tasmania, 29, 100

      Tryon I., 22, 112

      Warrumbungles & Pilliga Scrub, 27(5-6), 16

Excursions fifty years ago, 18, 118

Exhibition, Natural History, report on, 2, 90

Expedition Range & Blackdown Tableland, butterflies, 34, 41 f.

Fairfax I., Great Barrier Reef, birds, 26, 127

      historical notes, 26, 115 f.

      vegetation, terrestrial, 26, 119 f.

Fairy ring, growth rate, 26, 103

Fairy rings in colonies of blue-green algae, 15, 46 f.

Fauna, Bramble Cay, 28(5-6), 32 f.

      Caloundra (littoral), 2, 53

      Lamington National Park, 10, 50

Fern, a survivor, Cheilanthes nudiuscula, 42, 64

Fern world, Cairns, glimpses of, 1, 60

Ferns (Cyclophorus), 10, 45 f.

      collecting, 2, 30

      filmy, a new, from N Qld, 11, 126 f.

      Iron Ra., 30, 2

      Krakatau, new rec. 27(5-6), 34 f

      Mt Coolum, 25, 57

      new records of, 10, 96, f.; 11, 85 f.

      northern Cape York Pen., 28, 62 f.

                additional recs, 30, 34

      rasp (Doodia), of Aust., 11, 23 f.

      shield (Polystichum), 10, 66 f.

      tree, of Qld, 12, 40 f.

Ferny Grove bora ring, 8, 64

Fife & Stainer Is – Survey of terrestrial flora, 25, 104

Fifty years, our [Qld Nats’ Club’s] first, 15, 72

Finch, red-browed, 8, 30

Fire, heathland regeneration after, 22, 88 f.

response of two rare species after, Girraween & Bald Rock, 33, 146

survival after, of 3 perennial herbs & eucalypt, Nth Qld, 42, 11

Fish, 8, 40

      Bulwer, Moreton I., 1, 66

      Burdekin R., 24, 118

      Eulo and district, freshwater, 31, 119

      Fraser I., freshwater, 19, 43

      Hinchinbrook I., 24, 64

      Iron Ra., freshwater, 30, 12

      Jardine R., freshwater, 28, 13 f.

      Moreton I., 1, 66

                freshwater, 30, 62

      new records of southern in Qld waters, 17, 104 (Correction 18, 8)

      North West I., 19, 106

      Somerset Dam, 13, 88

      Tryon I., 22,139

Upper Herbert River, Princess Hills, Lumholtz Nat. Pk, 41, 98

      See also Rainbow fish, Batfish.

Fishes, common fresh-water, of S Qld, key to, 15, 21 f.

      found in fresh waters of Brisbane, Bremer and Stanley Rs, 20, 51

Fitzalan F.A., biography, 44(1–3), 29

Flaggy Rock and Sarina, N Qld, forest trees between, 1l, 67

Fleay D.H., biography, 44(1–3), 29

Flecker H., biography, 44(1–3), 31

Flies, fruit, 7, 22

      reaction to carbide, 1, 254

      stone, 16, 18

Flindersia oxleyana, 9, 50 f.

Flora, littoral, of Caloundra, 2, 53

      native, first effective Bill for preservation of, 7, 93

      new, for Qld, 22, 8

      Qld, records & conservation codings, 30, 79

Flora of Aust., writing for, 28, 75

Flowers, wild, Qld (four), 4, 41 f.

Fly (Simulium sp.), story of a, 2, 76 f.              

Flycatcher, white-eared, 10, 37

Flying-fox, Little Red, diurnal feeding of, 35, 34

Food plants, of butterflies, Stanthorpe district of Qld, 17, 106

      of Lepidoptera in Qld, 16, 68

Footprints, Triassic, in Qld, 15, 78

Forest, flora, soil, and geological formation, relationship between, 3, 91

      future, 30, 100

      lets to the, 13, 7 f.

      trees between Flaggy Rock and Sarina, N Qld, 11, 67

Forestry on Fraser I., 19, 10

Forests, foresters & forest botanists, 22, 96

Fossil alga, 8, 60

      footprints, 15, 78  

      plant, new, 2, 82

             Triassic, from Rewan, 24, 90 f.

      remains of man, 5, 35

Fossils, Aust., aboriginal as a collector of, 13, 100

      Cambrian, 7, 1

      Darra, 7, 30

      Petrie’s Quarry, 2, 82

Francis W.D., biography, 44(1–3), 32

Franzenia, new genus, 7, 31

      irrorata, new sp., 7, 32 f.

Franzen, L., obituary, 13, 18

Fraser I., Aborigines, I, II, III, 19, 53, f.

      albatross, grey-headed, parasites of, 19, 30

      algae, freshwater, 21, 7 f.

      animals, miscellaneous, 19, 9

      Apoidea, 19, 51

      Aradidae, 19, 46

      birds of, 7, 99; [Sandy C.] 19, 31 f., 42

      botany, general, 19, 21

      butterflies, 21, 5

      cockroaches, 19, 45

      Crustacea, 19, 43

      dune stability, 21, 15

      excursion, Club, 19, 2, 63

      fish, freshwater, 19, 43

      forestry, 19, 10

      fungal diseases of plants, 19, 20

      Gasteromycetes, 21, 11

      general account of, 21, 1

      geology and geomorphology, 19, 4

      historical notes, 19, 61

      insects, 19, 44

      map, 19, 3

      midges, biting (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae), 19, 50

      mosquitoes (Culicidae), 19, 47

      mosquitoes, II, 22,12

      Neuroptera & Megaloptera, 27 (5-6), 7 f.

      plants and plant communities, 19, 23

      rainforest flora, additions, 21, 13

      Restiads & sedges, zonation, 21, 12

      Simuliidae, 19, 50

      spiders, 19, 52; 21, 4

      Tabanidae, 19, 51

      vegetation, 19, 11, f.

Fringed violet [lily], 3, 80

Frog (Pseudophryne), breeding behaviour, Cen. Qld, 17, 94

Frogs trapped with inanimate bait, 21, 141

Frogs, Kroombit Tops, 27, 61

                torrent, 27, 68

      Solomon Is. New Georgia group, Western province, 38, 16

Frost, nestling birds and, 7, 67

Fruit flies, 7, 22  

Fungal diseases of plants, Fraser I., 19, 20

Fungal pathogens, of spiders in SE Qld, 31, 143 f.                        

Fungal spores from foam, Canungra Ck, 33, 75 f.

Running Creek, 31, 21 f.

Fungal spores in freshwater foam, Lord Howe I., 32, 114 f.

Fungi, ascomycete, from SW Qld, 39, 82

dung-inhabiting, 2 new records for Qld, 34, 62 f.

      Dunk I., 7, 49

      from pademelon dung, 43, 19 f.

gasteroid, from SW Qld, 39, 86 f.

gasteromycete, from Burradoo station, w. Darling Downs, 39, 33 f.

      interesting, 2, 80; 3, 37 f.

      larger: hobby & research, 21, 113

      marine, from Great Barrier Reef, 19, 118, f.

      Masthead I., 21, 73

      net, 3, 64 f.

Noosa, 13, 52      

on dead ants, Masthead I., 37, 52 f.

on dung of a Carpet Python, 31, 137 f.

      on emu dung, 30, 130 f.

      on wombat dung, 29,114 f.

parasitic on aquatic plants in Qld, 31, 94 f.

      puff balls and related, 16, 13, f.

      Qld, records of, 9, 44; 10, 59

slime, new to Qld, 27, 22 f.

stinkhorns, variations in SE Qld, 43, 14 f.

two coprophilous, on koala dung, 35, 91 

Xylaria, a species of, on cattle dung, 34, 22 f.

          species at Iron Range, 30, 17 f.

Fungus, aquatic, in Nepenthes, 28, 72 f.

aquatic discomycete Hymenoscyphus varicosporoides in Qld, 31, 26 f.

bird’s nest, new record from Australia, 34, 66 f.

Chaetomiium homopilatun on Carpet Python dung, 37, 55 f.             

Chaetomium murorum, on wombat dung, 37, 22 f.

Mesophellia sp. eaten by mammals, 36, 25

      on termite mounds, 14, 120 f.

      parasites from Newmarket, 1, 181

Panus tuber-regium in Qld Araucaria forest, 32, 137

Secotium fragariosum new record for Lord Howe I., 33, 32 f.

Xenosporium berkeleyi, new record for Qld, 33, 71 f.            

Xylaria poitei, large specimen of, from Qld, 33, 54 f.

Galahs, near Brisbane, 17, 30

Gall I., biography, 44(1–3), 29

Galls, host specific, use of in identification of vascular plants, 35, 26 f.

Gannets, 6, 102; 8, 54 f.

Garden, a hunting ground, 16, 104   

      diary, leaves from a, 11, 80

Gasteromycetes, Burdekin R. area, 24, 119

      Burradoo Station, w. Darling Downs, 39, 33 f.

      Cape York, near, 28, 73 f.

      Fraser I., 21, 11

      new Qld records, 30,135 f.

Gayndah, birds of, 2, 16

      lungfish and beetles, historical records, 39, 5

Geaster sp., 3, 38 f.

Geastrum pectinatum, 14, 83

Gecko and honeyeater, 17, 114

Geckos, Asian House, density in suburban Brisbane, 43, 8

Geissmann H.G.( Mrs Herbert Curtis, biography, 44(1–3), 33

Gelopellis, a new species from northern Australia, 35, 30 f.

Gems, Qld, 2, 123

Gemstones, Qld, in the Prince’s casket, 3, 6 f

Geological formation, soil, and forest flora, relationship between, 3, 91

      history, local, 12, 72

      record, so-called imperfection of, 1, 125

      sketch map of part of the Moreton district, 13, 93 f:

      trip to Moogerah, 1, 222

Geology, Albert R., upper, 10, 5; 11, 45

      Burdekin R. area, 24, 120 f.

      Candle Mtn, district, 7, 27

      Canungra, 6, 73

      Cape Tribulation, 26, 49 f.

      Coolum, 10, 102            

      Cretaceous deep sea deposits, England, shallow sea, Libyan desert, 11, 134

      Enoggera, 4, 106

      Fraser I.(& geomorphology) 19, 4

      from pebbles on a garden path, 10, 83

      Hinchinbrook I., 22, 25 f

      Mt Coolum, 25, 1 f.

      Mt Edwards, 9, 34

      Nerang Valley, upper, 9, 78

      Noosa district, 13, 43

      of Queensland, 18, 97 f.

      Rosewood, 1, 232

      scenery & natural history interrelationship in Qld, 25, 89 f.

      Somerset Dam, 13, 90 f.

      Stradbroke I., 5, 91

Geology and physiography, of Moreton I., 4, 92

      Mt Isa, 6, 88

Geomorphology, Tryon I., 22,113 f.

Gerygone cantator, 10, 37

Gibraltar Range, NSW, ants, 38, 61

birds, 38, 47 f.

cicadas, butterflies, moths, 38, 53 f.

Gigantolina magna, first record from an Australian host, 31, 87 f.

Gilbert J., biography, 44(1–3), 34

Gillies, C. D., biography, 44(1-3), 34

Gillies, C. D., obituary, 18, 32, f.

Girraween & Bald Rock, fire response of two rare species, 33, 146

Glass House Mts, birds of, 1, 156; 11, 127

      centipedes of, 1, 156

      insects of, 1, 153

      mammals of, 11, 127     .

      plants of, 1, 119, 154

      pond life of, 1, 155

      termites of, 1, 155

Glass Houses, the name, 1, 184

Glenoleon franzeni, new sp., 6, 11 f.

Glider, Squirrel, trap success relative to moon phase & rainfall, SEQld, 38, 69

Gliders, petaurid, field discrimination of, in SE Qld, 40, 50

Glomus pubescens in Qld, 23, 32 f.

Glossamia aprion, 2, 29

Glossopteris in Trias-Jura rocks, 1, 110

Glow-worms, Numinbah. 9, 84

Goat I., vegetation of, 11, 94 f.

Gold Ck reserve, notes on, 1, 120

Gompholobium pinnatum, 4, 42, f.

Gonifer tricolor, 9, 88

Goodnight Scrub excursion 1987, 28(5-6), 25 f.

Gordon A.M., biography, 44(1-3), 35

Gould League of Bird-lovers, amalgamation with, 3, 1

GGoy D.A., biography, 44(1-3), 36

Grantiella picta, Painted Honeyeater, in SW Qld, 18, 116

Grass, Mitchell, 17, 45, f.

Grasses, Mt Edwards, 9, 37

      natural history of, 22, 1

      sea, 17, 71, f.

      some features of Qld, 15, 61

Grasses and grasslands, 25, 107 f.

      Petrie district, 11, 52

Grazing, sustainable systems, and Aust. vegetational history, 36, 3; 42, 69

Greasy, big, [butterfly], 6, 57 f.

      little, [butterfly], 6, 58

Great Barrier Reef , 6, 3

      birds of, 6, 102, f.; 8, 54

      marine fungi, 19, 118, f.

      naturalist’s holiday on, 6, 102 f.; 8, 54

      past, present and future, 20, 65, f.

Green alga growing on caterpillar, 17, 86, f.

Grevillea kennedyana, distribution of, 40, 63 f.

Gum, blue, 5, 43 f.

      cabbage, 5, 40 f, 41

      flooded, 4, 109 f.

      grey, 5, 44 f.

             narrow-leaved, 3, 51 f.

      scribbly, 5, 14 f.

      spotted, 5, 12 f.

      trees, manna from, 3, 110

      See also Eucalypts.

Gymnodactylus, 1, 108

Gyrolasella iphigenia, new sp., 11, 16

      hyacinthus, new ssp., 11, 16

Gyrolasella morgiscutellum, new sp., 11, 14

Hare, Brown, opportunistic use of suburban habitats by, 38, 64

Harp traps, incidental captures in, 35, 37

Hawken, Marjory Isobel, obituary, 24, 1 f.

Health, some aspects of natural history and environmental, 18, 41

Heathland regeneration after fire, Noosa, 22, 88 f.

Helmholtzia glaberrima, origin of common name of, 3, 17 f.

Hemiodoecus veitchi, 10, 80

Hemiptera, Cape Tribulation, 26, 70 f.

Henslowia queenslandiae, new sp., 14, 62 f.

Herbert D.A., biography, 44(1-3), 37

Herbert, Desmond Andrew, obituary, 22, 72 f.

Herbs, homely, 18, 51

Heredity, 1, 267

Heron I. & Capricornia group, changing flora on coral cays, 25,126.

Heron I., changes in terrestrial flora, 21, 110

Hesperilla donnysa icoria, 12, 52

      idothea, 12, 52

      ornata, 12, 52

      picta, 12, 52

Hibiscus insularis, as a garden plant, 33, 78 f.

High-water indicator, 23, 25 f.

Hinchinbrook I., Aborigines, 22, 19

      algae, 24, 57

      algae, marine, 22, 67

      birds, 22, 44; 24, 61

      butterflies, 22, 50

      dragonflies, 22, 50

      excursion report, 22, 15; 24, 54

      fauna sanctuary, 7, 4

      fish, 24, 64

      geology, 22, 25 f.

      historical aspects, 22, 17

      insects, 22, 53

      marine algal vegetation, 22, 62 f.

      microfungi, 22, 58 f.

      mosquitoes (Culicidae), 22,51

      mosquitoes & other biting insects – II, 24, 66

      plants, vascular, 22, 38; 24, 56

      rainforest species, 1972, 22, 36

      reptiles, 22, 69; 24, 64

      vegetation, 22, 31 f.

Hirneola polytricha, 3, 38, f.

Historical notes, Fraser I., 19, 61

      North West I., 19, 82

History, Blackdown Tableland, 21,119

      Fairfax I., 26, 115 f.

      Hinchinbrook I., 22, 17

      Mt Coolum, 25, 6 f.

      QNC, past and the future, 37, 25

Homoranthus lunatus, further record for northern NSW, 35, 24

Hobler, Mrs. M.T., obituary, 5, 48

Holdaway, E. C., obituary, 13, 57

Holland, C. W., obituary, 14(5), 20

Honeyeater, and gecko, 17, 114

      Brown, spiders’ sacs in nest of, 17, 31

      Lewin, 6, 18

      Painted, occurrence in SW Qld, 18, 116

Honeyeaters, Brisbane, 14(5), 14, 126

Hoop pine, and its allies, 2, 114 f.

      flowering and fruiting, b, 23, f.

Hoskyn Island, birds, notes,.20, 120

      butterflies, notes on some, 20, 118

      marine and terrestrial vegetation, 20, 92, f.

      observations on green turtle, 20, 116

Hybrids, Angiosperm in the Aust. flora, 17, 32

Hydrologist at large, 16, 81

Hydromys chrysogaster, some observations, 17, 43

Hymenophyllum whitei, new sp., 11, 127 f.

Hyperlophus copii, 2, 30

Hypochrysops apelles, 12, 17

      delicia delicia, 12, 17

      epicurus, 12, 16

      ignita chrysonotus, 12, 17

      protogenes miskini, 12, 47

Hypolimnas bolina nerina, 4, 36 f.

Ialmenus ictinus, 13, 75

  1. ? (schraderi ??), 13, 75

Ichthyology, See Fish.

Iceland poppies and bees, 17, 34

Illidge, R., biography, 44(1-3), 38

Illidge, R., honorary member, 6, 67

      obituary, 7, 13 f.

Implements, prehistoric, from Meteor Ck, Mt Moffat Station, Qld, 20, 79, f.

Indonesian excursion, 1989, 30, 77

Insect attraction – elevating artificial light for, 30, 36

Insect, importation, unusual mode of, 1, 165

      larva [Parnididae], an interesting, 4, 39 f.

      notes, 4, 78

      protective colouring and mimicry, 1, 92

Insect-plant relationships, 29, 93.

Insects, Albert R., upper, 11, 46

      aquatic and algae, 16, 21, f.

      Austrosialis, record from the Qld Palaeocene, 31, 84 f

      Bulimbo swamps, 1, 58

      Bulwer, 1, 63

      Caloundra, 8, 78

      Canungra, 6, 77

      Carlisle I., 29, 17 f.

      Cedar Ck. and D’Aguilar Ra., 4, 34

      collected on Fraser I., 19, 44

      garden, 1, 276

      Glass House Mts., 1, 153

      Hinchinbrook I., 22, 53

      inland (SW Qld), 3, 17, 40

      Kroombit Tops, 27, 72

      Masthead I., 21, 65

      marine, Tryon I., 22,140

      Moreton I., 1, 63; 4, 97, 98

      Mt Edwards, 9, 43

      nesting in mud wall, behaviour, 21, 63

      Numinbah, 9, 84

      pollen and seed set in the Asclepiadaceae, 16, 99

      river mangrove, 5, 46

      Rocklea, 1, 123

      Rosewood, 1, 274

      Sandgate,  1, 144

      Stradbroke I., 2, 127; 6, 7, 8

      wattle trees, 3, 61

      Wellington Pt., 1, 42

      photographing flight of, 1, 173

Iron Range, Cape York Pen. birds, Cairns to Iron Ra., 30, 6

      Cordyceps myrmecophila, 30, 23 f.

      excursion report, 30, 1

      ferns, 30, 2

      freshwater fish, 30, 12

      fungal genus Xylaria sp. 30, 7 f.

      rainforests, checklist & notes, 30, 26

Ironbark, broad-leaved, 8, 53 f.

      grey, 8, 80 f.

      narrow-leaved, 9, 8, f.   

      red, 8, 53, f.

      silver-leaved, 8, 52, f.

Isla Gorge, Aboriginal sites, 21, 104 f.

      birds, 21, 100

      camp at, 21, 100

      plants, 21, 107

      spiders, 21, 104

Island love affair, 22, 106

Isoplatoides westraliana, new sp., 11, 16

Jabiru, 1, 255

      at Camp Mountain, 17, 105

Jacana, 7, 5

Jack, N.M., biography, 44(1-3), 39

Jackson, G. K., obituary, 12, 56, 79 f.

Jamides cytus claudia, life history, 28, 52 f.

Jandowae, birds of, 3, 59

      Rhopalocera of, 3, 23, 48

Jardine R. excursion, Cape York Pen., algae, freshwater, 28, 69 f.

      algae, marine, 28, 65 f

      bees, 28, 33

      birds, 28, 55

      Cheraz quadricarinalus, crustacean, 28, 19 f.

      dragonflies, 28, 31

      excursion report, 28, 11 f.

      ferns, 28, 62 f.

      freshwater fish, 28, 13 f.

      fungus, aquatic, in Nepenthes mirabilis, 28, 72 f.

      fungus, Gasteromycete, uncommon, 28, 73 f.

      leafy liverworts, 28, 64

      reptiles, 28, 22 f.

      sedges, with new record for Aust., 28, 61

Jasminum simplicifolium, a pest in the Bermudas, 9, 115

Java excursion, 27 (5-6), 23

      birding, 27 (5-6), 25

      fern newly recorded from Krakatau, 27 (5-6), 34 f.

      Trentepohlia species from Java & Bali, 27 (5-6), 31 f.

Java – second excursion, 29, 40

J.C.Slaughter Falls & Simpson Falls area, vertebrate fauna of, 32, 101

Jellyfish from Moreton B., 16, 94

Jezabel, Orange, Delias aruna inferna, life history of, 35, 20 f.

Jourama Falls Nat. Pk, bats of, 34, 9

Junglefowl, Red, man’s development of, 40, 45

Junior Members’ Project Award, 18, 28

Kalimantan and Bali, excursion report, 32, 22

Kenny, F.H., obituary, 6, 40

Keperra bora ring, 10, 94 f.

Keppel Bay, Mollusca of, 9, 26

      shells of, 9, 109

Keys, J., biography, 44(1-3), 39

Keys, James, contribution to botanical exploration in SE Qld, 29,116 f.

Kilkivan district, botanical notes from Easter camp, 1968, 19, 75

Kinkuna National Park, birds, 32, 79

butterflies, 32, 76

molluscs, 32, 66

odonata, 32, 58

Koala, open season for, 6, 42 f.

      predation by raptors, 41, 38

Koel, female, 2, 84 f.

Kolombangara Island, geography & vegetation, 38, 7 f.

Kookaburra, eating bees, 17, 30

      pranks, 3, 101

Krakatau, fern new record, 27(5-6), 34 f.

Kroombit Tops, central Qld, algae, 27, 24

  Australian march flies, protection of egg mass, 27, 41 f.

      bat fauna of, 32, 18 f.

      birds, 27, 72

      butterflies, 27, 35 f.

      cicadas, 27, 50 f.

      Coleoptera, site survey, 27, 27

      creek survey, 27, 60

      excursion report, 27, 1

      flora, vascular, checklist, 27, 11

      frog, Torrent, with key to species of Taudactylus, 27, 68

      frogs – distant exiles, 27, 61

      fungi, slime – new to Qld, 27, 22 f.

      insects, 27, 27

      mammals, 27, 76

      map, 27, 44 f.

      mosquitoes (Culicidae), 27, 46

      plant communities & flora, 27, 3

      reptiles, 27, 61

      spiders, 27, 58 f.

Lace-wings, 4, 78

Lady Musgrave I., bat survey, 32, 135

Lahey, R.W., biography, 44(1-3), 40

      commensal crabs, 21, 112

Lake Broadwater, additional vertebrate fauna records, 37, 12

Lamington National Park, birds of, 10, 10, 51, 97

      commemoration first visit, 18, 48, f.

      fauna of, 10, 50

      Lyrebird at, 18, 105

      new records of plants from, 12, 85 f.

      noteworthy Coleoptera from, 4, 80

      rare Lycopod from, 12, 32 f.

      shells of, 3, 32 f.

Lamprima mondibularis, 3, 29

Laportea gigas, 8, 21 f.

      spp., 15, 66 f.

Lauterer, J., biography, 44(1-3), 41

Layering in humus-collecting epiphytes, 16, 22

Leichhardt, F.W.L., biography, 44(1-3), 42

Lepidoptera, food plants, 16, 68

Lepidosperma canescens, new rec., 12, 91

Lepiota spp., 15, 26 f.

Leptospermum luehmannii Bailey, distribution of, 31, 37

Leucopogon cicatricatus, further record for Qld, 34, 20

Leucopogon confertus, conservation coding, 30, 35

Libyan Desert, shallow sea deposits of, 11, 134

Lichens, Mt Coolum, 25, 78, 81

      North Keppel I., 29, 66

Life forms, some Aust., and their significance, 5, 19

Lincolna, new genus, 11, 103

      aldrovandii, new sp., 11, 104

Linnaeus and Buffon, 1, 4

Lithothamnion, fossil, new record, 8, 60

Liverworts, leafy, Cape York Pen., 28, 64

Living with nature five miles from G.P.O., 19, 65

Lizard, leaf-tail, 1, 108

      rate of growth of new tail, 1, 143

Longman, H. A., biography, 44(1-3), 43

Longman, H.A., obituary, 15, 38 f.

Lord, E.A.R., biography, 44(1-3), 44

Lord, C.E., obituary, 8, 88

Lord Howe I., 3, 25

acquatic fungi, 32, 114 f.

fungus Secotium fragariosum new record, 33, 32 f.

Lorilet, blue-faced, 4, 113

‘Lorna Vale’, conservation assessment, 42, 22

Lotus bird, 20, 122

Low I., natural history of, 7, 6 f.

Lumholtz, C.S., biography, 44(1-3), 44

Lumnitzera racemosa, pink flowering form in Nth Qld, 34, 58; 37, 18

Lungfish, & Gayndah, 39, 5 f.

Lycaenid butterflies, life-histories of some, 12, 14, 47

      two, 13, 75

Lycopodium varium, 12, 32 f.

Lyrebird, Prince Albert’s, at Lamington National Park, 18, 105

Lysurus gardneri, 2, 80 f.

      pentagonus, new combination 2, 82 f.

Mack, G., obituary, 17, 75

Macrobiocarpy in Aust. plants, 10, 63

Macrozamia denisonii at Tamborine Mtn, 10, 2

Maesa dependens var. pubescens, 1, 206 f.

      haplobotrys, 1, 206 f.

Magnesite from near Toowoomba, 1, 32

Malaisia tortuosa, 4, 32

Mallee, Eucalyptus curtisii, 17, 103

      Plunkett, 10, 72; 15, 48 f.

Mammals,  Bukkulla, 42, 61

      Carlisle I., 29, 10

      Glass House Mts, 11, 127

      Kroombit Tops, 27, 76

McIlwraith Range, 34, 35

      Moreton I., 30, 53 f.

  North Keppel I., 29, 66

      See also Vertebrates

Man, fossil remains of, 5, 35

Mangrove, grey, in upper Brisbane R., 6, 83

      river, insects of, 5, 46

Mangrove canary, 10, 37

Manna from gum trees, 3, 110

Mangroves, field identification and distribution in E. Aust., 20, 35, f.

      freshwater algae assoc. with, 30, 128 f.

Mantis, peculiar habit of a, 1, 152

Mantis Prawn, Stomatopoda, 10, 61

Maps: Brisbane Tertiaries, 7, 28

      Fraser I., 19, cover and 3

                northern end, 19, 32

      Goat I., vegetation of, 11, 95

      Kroombit Tops, 27, 44 f.

      Moreton district, geology of, 13, 93

             streams in, 6, 26

      Nerang River, sand accumulations at mouth, 17, 56

      Northern Eastern Aust. explorers’ routes, 1844-1865, 17, 66

      Qld , geologic, 18, 99

                (part), Mitchell grass, 17, 50

                sandhills of, 17, 11

      Rabbits, distribution of, in Aust., 4, 14

      Redland Bay, Qld, butterfly migration, 18, 115

      Samford-Camp Mtn district, 14, 27

      Victoria Park, Brisbane, 13, 30

      Yarraman, Qld, Easter campsite, 16, 9

March flies, Cape Tribulation, 26, 58

      Carnarvon Gorge area, 16, 106

      Fraser I., 19, 51

      Kroombit Tops, 27, 41 f.

Marchantia polymorpha discovered in Qld, 27(5-6),15

Marks, E.N., biography, 44(1-3), 47

Marks, E.O., biography, 44(1-3), 48

Marks, E.O., obituary, 20, 124 f.

Marks, Elizabeth Nesta (obituary), 43, 3 f.

Marsdenia araujacea, 12, 54

      flavescens, new rec., 12, 87

      glandulifera, new sp., 12, 54

      longiloba, new rec., 12, 88

Marsupial reproduction, 8, 1

Marsupials of Aust., 3, 90

      Lamington National Park, 10, 55

Masthead I., algal vegetation, 21, 79

      birds, population studies, 21, 67 f.;  37, 34

butterflies & dragonflies, 37, 40

      excursion report, 21, 64; 37, 32

      fungi, 21, 73

on dead ants, 37, 52 f.

      insects, 1934, 21, 65

marine algae, 37, 48

mites & ticks from shearwater burrows, 37, 43

      terrestrial vegetation, 21, 74 f.

McArthur, K.R., biography, 44(1-3), 45

McIlwraith Range, mammals, 34, 35

McKenzie, E.E. and W.D., biography, 44(1-3), 46

McKenzie, Betty, obituary, 38, 3 f.

McKenzie, Wallace D., obituary, 29, 45 f.

MKeon, G.Y., biography, 44(1-3), 45

Megafauna, marching after the, 43, 24

Megaloptera, Fraser I., 27(5-6), 7 f.

      Mt Moffatt, 28(5-6), 12

Megapodes, comparative look at, 29, 49

Members,list of (1908), 1, 34

Memories and milestones, W. M. Bristow, 17, 81

Mesastymachus keatsi, new sp., 11, 21

Mesodina halyzia, new rec., 1, 63, 77

Mesophellia sp., eaten by mammals in Qld, 36, 25

Meteor Ck, Mt Moffat Station, prehistoric implements, 20, 79

Meteoric stones, 1, 167

Microfungi, Hinchinbrook I., 22, 58 f.

Microspora quadrata, new record from Aust., 38, 33 f.

Middens on Stradbroke I., 6, 4

Midges, biting (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) from Fraser I., 19, 50

      on Qld coral cays, 19, 121

Migration, and night flying, 8, 16

      birds, 2, 121; 13, 108

      butterflies, Nov. 1966, 18, 115, f.

      caper white butterflies, 18, 113

      rufous whistler, 12, 93

Milnesium sp., 3, 28 f.

Mimicry, amongst birds, 6, 51

      black-throated butcher-bird, 12, 118

      insect, 1, 92

Miskin, WH., biography, 44(1-3), 49

Mistletoe, hostplant associations, Barakula, Columboola, Gurulmundi, 36, 73 f

      Lycaenid butterfly larvae on, 12, 78

Mistletoes, 3, 39, 58

      mysteries and myths, 32, 47

Mites & Ticks, from shearwater burrows, Masthead I., 37, 43

Mitchell R., birds, 17, 91, f.

Mitchell grass country, 17, 45, f.

Modiola striatula, new rec., 2, 45

Molluscan notes, 10, 26, 61

Molluscs, Bribie I., 2, 35

      Channel country, 23(5-6), 17

      Euri Ck, Bowen, 2, 45

      Eurimbula Nat. Pk, 30, 117

      Keppel Bay, 10, 26

      Kinkuna & Deepwater Nat. Pks, 32, 66

      marine, Capricorn & Bunker Group, 23(5-6), 39

      North Keppel I., 29, 85

      Scawfell, 33, 141

      Tampian Beach, near Emu Park, central Qld, 10, 6l

      Tryon I., 22,141

      See also Shells.

Monitor, Gould’s, 10, 12

Monotaxis macrophylla, occurrence of, in Qld & NSW, 36, 21

Monotremes, history and habits of, 1, 105

Moogerah, geological trip to, 1, 222

Morchella elata, fungus, new to Qld, 29, 47

Morel, a, from Queensland, 15, 65

Moreton B., Eunicidae, 17, 13

      jellyfish, 16, 94

Moreton Bay, birds of, 3, 4

      terns of, 5, 47

      geological sketch map of, 13, 93 f.

Moreton I., Atherine from, 4, 95

      birds of, 1, 67; 4, 99

      Bryophyta, 30, 50

      butterflies of, 4, 97; 30, 66

      camp, 1908, 13, 31, f.

      cicadas, 30, 68

      Coleoptera of, 4, 98

      dragonflies, damselflies (Odonata), 30, 71; 31, 42

      excursion report, 30, 43

      fish, at, 1, 66

                freshwater, 30, 62

      flora, 30, 46

      geology and physiography of, 4, 92

      Gould’s Petrel, 30, 61

      insects of, 1, 63

      mammals, 30, 53 f.

      plants of, 1, 70; 4, 86; 19, 30, f.

      shells of, 1, 70

      vertebrates, land, of, 4, 93

      whirligig beetles, 30, 74

      See also Bulwer, Cowan Cowan

Morris, A., obituary, 11, 73

Morton, not Mor(e)ton Bay, 9, 68

Mosquitoes, Blackdown Tableland, 21, 118

      Cape Tribulation, 26, 62

      Carnarvon Gorge area, 16, 106, f.               

      Dunwich, 14, 9

      Fraser I., 19, 47

      Fraser I., II, 22, 12

      Hinchinbrook I., 22, 51

      Hinchinbrook I., II, 24, 66

      in changing Aust. environment, 20, 101

      Kroombit Tops, 27, 46

      Noosa-Tewantin area, 13, 54

      on Qld coral cays, 19, 94; 22, 146

      salt marsh, of SE Qld, biology, 21, 134

      Stradbroke I., 25, 116

      Tewantin district, 15, 43, 65; 19, 49

Moth, bag, 5, 36

      (Fam. Schoenobiadae), new sp. of, 4, 55, f.

      Milionia aetheria, rediscovery, 29, 38

      Trichoptilus sp., feeding on Drosera, 17, 31

Moths, Aenetus, life history notes, 16, 102

      Gibraltar Ra., NSW, 38, 60

      some city, 3, 112

      timber, from WA., 1, 164

Mouse, New Holland, at Ravensbourne, SE Qld, 41, 42

Mt Alford, journey of Logan, Cunningham, Fraser near, 14, 34

      plants of, 14, 35

Mt Ballow, orchids of, 14, 125

Mt Coolum, birds, 25, 26

      Bryophyta, 25, 75

      climate & weather, 25, 9 f.

      conifers, 25, 57

      ferns, 25, 57

      flora & vegetation, 25, 28 f.

      flowering plants, 25, 57

      geology, 25, 1 f.

      history of settlement, 25, 6 f.

      lichens, 25, 78, 81

      spiders, 25, 20

Mt Coot-tha, birds of, 10, 114

Mt Edwards, birds of, 9, 40

      burial cave on, 18, 47      –

      geology of, 9, 34

      grasses of, 9, 37

      insects of, 9, 43

      plants of, 9, 36

Mt Isa, physiography and geology of, 6, 88

Mt Lindesay, summit plants, 17, 35

Mt Mee, birds of, 1, 186

Mt Perigian, view from, 10, 108 f.

Mt Moffatt, algae, 28(5-6), 23 f.

      butterflies, 28(5-6), 14 f.; 40, 69

      excursion report, 28(5-6), 10

      Megaloptera, 28(5-6), 12

      Neuroptera, 28(5-6), 12

Mueller, Ferdinand, as a paleobotanist,  40, 40

Murchie’s scrub, Rosedale, plants of, 10, 28

Murphy’s Ck, birds of, 14, 21

      plants of, 14, 21

Murray and Darnley Is, a visit to, 14, 112 f.

Muscideopsis leconii, new sp., 10, 76

Mutton birds, 8, 54 f.

Mycorhizas, 11, 121 f.

Myora, plants of, 2, 67

Myths & legends, plant, 28(5-6), 1

Nacaduba palmyro tasmanica, 12, 50

      perusia parma, 12, 50

Native companions at Nudgee, 8, 23

Native rock shelters of Sydney & Moreton Bay, comparison of, 11, 92

Natural history, contribution of the QNC to, 34, 28

exploring Queensland’s, 31, 63

nature of, 39, 41

recording of, 35, 3

thinking about, 33, 1

Natural history and environmental health, 18, 41

Naturalist, diversions, 20, 87

Naturalist, E. J. Smith, 17, 26 f.

  1. R. Elsey, 17, 60, f.

Naturalist, field, and his place in the community, 14(5), 8

      ideal of a, 1, 200

      in the Philippines, 5, 53

      the photographer, 4, 5

Naturalists, with Capt. Cook, 5, 83

Naturalists’ Club, Field, scope of, 2, 47

Naturalists’ movement, Qld, brief history of, 5, 73

      first fifty years of, 15, 72

      origin and early years of, 13, 26 f., 81

      N Qld, activities of, 10, 20

Naturalist’s rambles, 18, 88

Nature, in relentless mood, 10, 77

      man & history, 22, 81

      notes, 4, 44

             from the central Dawson R., 9, 64

      prehistoric, 4, 29

Nature’s way and harmony, 8, 66

Nelumbium speciosum, 13, 101

Nematode, procamallanid in Siganus, new record, 22, 149 f.

Neodrepta luteotoctella, host plants of, 6, 7

Nepenthes, aquatic fungus in, 28, 72 f.

Nerang R., marshlands at mouth of, 1, 116       .

      Valley, upper, geology of, 9, 78

      wanderers in, 9, 74

Nerita polita var. aurora, n. rec., 2, 46

Nest building, comparisons, 10, 30

Neurochaeta inversa & seed set in Alocasia, 24, 71

Neuroptera, Aust., V., 6, 11 f.; VI., 7, 31 f.

      Fraser I., 27 (5-6), 7 f.

      Mt Moffatt, 28 (5-6), 12

      new, 13, 114 f.; 14, 17

Neurorthus brunneipennis, n. sp., 7, 33 f.

New Guinea, Dutch, vegetation of, 13, 13

      recent botanical work in, 6, 85

Newmarket, fungus parasites from, 1, 181

      plants of, 1, 177

      pond life of, 1, 181

Newcastelia velutina, 28, 84 f.

Nitrogen fixation, underground, 33, 41

Noddies, white-capped, 6, 104 f.

Noeggerathiopsis tryoni, new sp., 2, 82

Noosa, birds of, 13, 53

      district, geology of, 13, 43

      fungi from, 13, 52

      mosquitoes of, 13, 54

      orchids of, 13, 50

      vegetation of, 13, 47 f.

North Keppel I., amphibians, 29, 78

      Beach Thick-knee, 29, 71

      birds, 29, 68

      butterflies, 29, 82

      excursion report, 1987, 29, 56

      lichens, 29, 66

      mammals, 29, 66

      molluscs, 29, 85

      Osprey & White-bellied Sea-Eagle, 29, 76

      reptiles, 29, 78

      spiders, 29, 80

      vegetation, 29, 58

North Queensland, some birds of, 3, 30

North Queensland Naturalists Club,  10, 20

North Reef I, birds, 26, 99

      vegetation, 28(5-6), 37 f.

North West I, birds, 19, 99

      butterflies, 19, 103

      chickens, 19, 100

      excursion, 19, 81

      fish, 19,106

      historical notes, 19, 82, f.

      Rhizobium, 19, 93

      vegetation, 19, 85, f.

Northgate, birds of, 1, 162

      Junction, pond life of, 1, 162

Nothofogus moorei, advancing forest of, 10, 8

Notothixos subaureus growing direct on host tree, 5, 35

Nudgee bora ring, 11, 2; 14, 5

Numinbah, insects of, 9, 84

      Valley, birds of, 9, 82

Nymphalid butterfly, a, 4, 36 f.

Oberonia iridifolia, 13, 116

      muelleriana, 13, 116


      Arundell, W., 13, 57

      Bailey, F.M., 2, 38

      Baird, E. E., 17, 43, f.

      Bancroft, T.L., 9, 25 f.

      Barker, G. H., 18, 1, f.

      Barnard, H. G., 18, 74, f.

      Blake, Stanley Thatcher, 21, 31 f,

      Brenan, J.O’N., 11, 88

      Bryan, W. H., 18, 34, f.

      Cameron, E. A., 17, 74

      Colledge, W.R., 6, 93 f.

  Colliver, Frederick Stanley 1908-1991, 31, 49 f.        

      Curtis, Hilda, 29, 42 f.

      Everist, Selwyn Lawrence, 24, 68

      Franzen, L., 13, 18

      Gillies, C. D., 18, 32, f.

      Hawken, Marjory Isobel, 24, 1 f.

      Herbert, Desmond Andrew, 22, 72 f.

      Hobler, Mrs M.T., 5, 48

      Holdaway, E.C., 13, 57

      Holland, C.W., 14(5), 20

      Illidge, R., 7, 13, f.

      Jackson, G.K., 12, 56, 79 f.

      Kenny, F.H., 6, 40

      Longman, H.A., 15, 38 f.

      Lord, C.E., 8, 88

      Mack, G., 17, 75

      Marks, E.N., 43, 3 f.

      Marks, E. O., 20, 124 f.

      McKenzie, Betty, 1915-1999, 38, 3 f.

      McKenzie, Wallace D., 29, 45 f.

      Morris, A., 11, 73

      Petrie, W.R., 11, 74

      Richards, H.C., 13, 81

      Sanderson, W. J., 16, 40

      Shirley, J., 3, 87

      Simmonds, John Howard, 1901-1992, 32, 24 f.

      Skertchly, S.B.J., 5, 64, 70, f.

      Smith, J. Cossar, 16, 111, f.

      Smith, Ernest James, 21, 34 f.

      Smith, Lindsay, 20, 62

      Sylow, P.G., 10, 16

      Tanner, W. M., 4, 81 f.

      Tryon, H., 12, 117

      Turner, A.J., 13, 119

      Wheeler, J., 4, 82 f.

      White, C.T., 14, 43 f.

      Whitehouse, Dr. F.W., 21, 33 f.

Odonata, Deepwater, Kinkuna Nat. Pks, cen. Qld, 32, 58 

      Eurimbula Nat. Pk, 30, 115

Masthead I., 37, 40

      Moreton I., 30, 71

Princess Hills, Lumholtz Nat. Pk, 41, 110

range extension of Austrolestes annulosus, southern Qld, 36, 27

SW Qld, 31, 123

Odonatist diverted, 29, 1

Oecophylla smaragdina, southern range extension in Qld, 42, 17

Oedogonium flexuosum, new record from Aust., 39, 80 f.

Ogyris oroetes, 2, 104

Oligochaeta, C. Tribulation, 26, 81

Omphalea queenslandiae, 10, 42

Opopsitta coxeni, 4, 113

Opportunities, 27(5-6), 1

 ‘Orange’ birds, 6, 18

Orchid, Cooktown, 11, 109

Orchids, Carlisle I., 29, 8

      Dunwich, 14, 12

      Mt Ballow, 14, 125

      Noosa, 13, 50

      native, at wild flower show, 1933, 9, 7

      notes on two Aust., 10, 27, f.

      protection of, 14, 5

      Qld, structure and classification of, 9, 55

      Springbrook district, 15, 53

      Tamborine Mtn, 3, 53 f.

Origin of life: a theory, 8, 47

Ornithological history of Qld, 3, 66 f., 93, 115

Ornithologists, Aust., at Qld Museum, 1910, 3, 126 f.

Ornithology of Aust. by Diggles, Notes on, 17, 99

Osprey & White-bellied Sea-Eagle, prey remains of, 29, 76

Oyster, Aust., life history, cultivation & pests of, 6, 89

Pacific, recent botanical work in the, 6, 85

      regions, volcanic activity in, 8, 5

Palaeontology, Qld, progress and needs of, 7, 80

Palm flora, Qld, 23, 10

Palm I., plant ecology of, 7, 51, 68, 87; 8, 24

Palms, C. Tribulation, 26, 85 f.

Pandanus ‘palms’, 8, 55 f.

Paneolus ovatus, 14(5), 16 f.

Panus tuber-regium, in Qld Araucaria forest, 32, 137

Papilio aegeus aegeus, 6, 37 f.

             large specimen of, 6, 54

      anactus, 6, 56 f.

      demoleus sthenelus, 6, 55 f.

      eurypylus lycaon, 6, 48 f.

      fuscus capaneus, 6, 39 f.

      leosthenes, 6, 50 f.

      macleayanus, 6, 49 f.

      sarpedon choredon, 6, 47 f.

Papilionidae of Brisbane, 6, 33, 47, 55 f.

Papuina turneri, new sp., 3, 36 f

      fucata, 3, 37 f.

Parandra frenchi, 4, 79

Parasites, of Australian wildlife, 37, 3 f.

      of grey headed albatross on Fraser I., 19, 30

      of pests, some new, 10, 74

Parasitic flowering plant, a little known, 14, 66

Parnidae, larva of a, 4, 39, f.

Paropsis splendidissimus, new sp., 1, 146

Parrakeet, Coxen’s fig, 4, 113

Parrot, ground, 8, 72

Parsonsia induplicata, new rec., 12, 87

Parsonsia straminea, blistering caused by, 35, 28

Passiflora alba, 1, 115

Paucumara trigonocephala, new southernmost record Qld, 38, 24 f.

Pebbles on my garden path, 10, 83

Peel Island, reptiles, 38, 78

Peewees given cheese, 10, 31, f.

Pentatomids, jealousy in, 1, 255

Peripatoides leuckarti, 11, 47; 12, 12

Peristeranthes, new genus, 15, 17

      hillii, new combination, 15, 17 f.

Pesticide activity, in N Qld rainforest plants, 36, 11

Petrel, Gould’s, 30, 61

Petrie, W. R., obituary, 11, 74

Petrie district, grasses and grasslands of, 11, 52

Petrie’s quarry, fossils of, 2, 82

Petrie, T., biography, 44(1-3), 51

Petrified wood, peculiar structure, 16, 61, f.

Phalacrognathus muelleri, 3, 29

Phallus multicolor, 3, 37 f.

Phascogale, brush-tailed, 1, 62; 18, 50

Pheidole megacephola, naturalization of, 1, 224

Philippines, a naturalist in the, 5, 53

Photographer naturalist, the, 4, 5

Physarum compressum, on Emu dung, 32, 71 f.

Physcus atrithorax, new sp., 11, 19

Phytochemical screening of north Qld rainforest plant extracts, 36, 11

Pigeon, bronzewing, 4, 72

      crested bronzewing, strange refuge of, 17, 98

Pigeons, Torres Str., 17, 114

Pilchard, Aust., 1, 66

Pine, Bunya, 11, 4 f.

      hoop, and its allies, 2, 114 f.

                flowering and fruiting, 16, 23, f.

      tree, effect of phosphate applications on, 11, 125 f.

Pingasa deteriorata, new rec., 6, 7

Pisonia, 19, 110, f.

      forest, 8, 55 f.

Pitta, noisy, 1, 221

Plant, a clever, 11, 87

      colonization of Southport sand spit, 15, 29

      communities of Coolum, 10, 106 f.

      distribution, the sun and, 6, 58

      ecology of Palm I., 7, 51, 68, 87; 8, 24

      life, subterranean, 11, 34

Plant diseases, 18, 5

Plant naming, 32, 2

Plant pathology in Qld, early years of, 31, 4 f.

Plant records, 38, 81

Plants, Albert R., upper, 11, 42

      Australian, culture of, 18, 81

      Badu I., Torres Str., 24, 40 f.

      Bennett’s scrub, 1, 104

      Blackdown Tableland 21,119, 125

      Bramble Cay, 28 (5-6), 32 f.

      Buderim Mtn, 1, 256; 2, 67

Bukkulla, 42, 34

      Bulwer, 1, 70

      Burdekin R. area, 24, 94, 110

      Caloundra, 8, 74

      Canungra, 6, 75

      Cape Flattery, 23, 1 f

      Cape Tribulation, 26, 2 f.; 20

      Channel country, 23(5-6), 1, 21

      Cedar Ck., upper, 8, 41

      Coolum district, 10, 106 f.

      defence systems in, 31, 58

      Duke of York I., 2, 133

      Elimbah, 6, 14

Enoggera Creek, 35, 66

      Fairfax I., 26, 119 f.

      Fife & Stainer Is, 25, 104

      Fraser I., 19, 23, f.

      Glass House Mts, 1, 119, 154

      Goat & Bird Islands, Moreton B., 11, 94 f.

      Heron I., changes in flora, 21, 110

                & Capricornia, changing flora, 25,126

      Hinchinbrook I., 22, 31 f, 36, 38; 24, 56

      Isla Gorge, 21, 107

      Kilkivan, 1968, 19, 75

      Kroombit Tops, 27, 3, 11

      Masthead I., 21, 74 f. 

      Moreton I., 1, 67; 4, 86; 19, 23, f.; 30, 46

      Mt Alford, 14, 35

      Mt Coolum, 25, 57

      Mt Edwards, 9, 36

      Mt Lindesay summit, 17, 35

      Murchie’s scrub, Rosedale, 10, 28

      Murphy’s Ck, 14, 21

      Myora, 2, 67

      myths & legends, 28(5-6), 1

      naturalised in Qld, 16, 49

      Newmarket, 1, 177

      North Keppel I., 29, 58

      North Reef I., 28 (5-6), 37 f.

Paluma rainforest, & phytochemical activity, 36, 11

poisonous, in Qld flora, 27, 80; 41, 6 f.

Princess Hills, Lumholtz NP ecosystems, 41 52

Running Creek, 31, 16

      Sankey’s scrub, 1, 56

Scawfell I., 33, 84 f., 92, 97, 104, 107, 108

      Stradbroke I., 2, 67, 124; 19, 23, f.

      Tamborine Mtn, 2, 23

      Tasmania, 8, 38

      Tryon I., 22, 127 f.

      Wellington Pt, 1, 43

      western Qld, 14, 52 f.

Plectranthus alloplectusP. graveolens, a putative hybrid of, 31, 38 f.

Plectranthus argentatus, range extension in Qld, 29, 123

Plover, black-breasted, 9, 88

Podaxis pistillaris on termite mounds, 14, 120 f.

Podocarpus spinulosa, new rec., 2, 126

Poisonous hazards, cyanide, strychnine, other, in Qld flora, 41, 6 f.

Poisonous plants, Qld, 27, 80

Pollination in Qld plants, 19, 70

Polyporus fruiting following bushfire, 20, 59

Polyporus portentosus, 4, 33

Polystichum in Aust., 10, 66 f.

Pomaderris notata, new sp., 12, 85 f.

      queenslandica, new sp., 14, 48

Pomatocalpa macphersonii, new combination, 16, 27, f.

Pond and shore life of Currumbin, 1, 278

Pond life, Ashgrove, 1, 278

      Chelmer swamp, 4, 57

      Glass House Mts, 1, 155

      Newmarket, 1, 181

      Northgate Junction, 1, 162

Pond-lifer, jottings of an amateur, 15, 71

Portulaca bicolor, blue-flowering variety of, 4, 40

Possum and Glider records, annotated, from the Queensland Naturalist 44,84

Possum, ring-tailed, eating habit of, 15, 65

Possum tree, aboriginal, 17, 58 f

Prasophyllum parvicallum, new sp., 12, 52 f.

Prawns, mantis, Stomatopoda, 10, 61

Prehistoric nature, 4, 29

Presidential addresses: 1973, 21, 46; 1974, 21, 91; 1975, 22, 1; 1977, 22, 106; 1981, 25 (5-6), 89;

      1984, 26, 105 f.; 1985, 28, 1; 1986, 28(5-6), 1; 1987, 29, 1; 1988, 29, 49; 1989, 30, 95; 1990, 31,

1; 1991, 31, 63; 1992, 32, 47; 1993, 33, 1; 1994, 35, 3; 1996, 35, 45; 1997, 36, 29; 1998, 37, 25; 1999, 38, 37; 2000, 39, 41; 2001, 40, 45; 2003, 43, 24;44,77

Presidents, five past, (photograph), 16, 93, f.

Presidents of The Queensland Naturalists’ Club 44(1-3), 71

Prince’s casket, Qld gemstones in, 3, 6 f.

Princess Hills, Lumholtz Nat. Pk, birds, 41, 82, 90

dung beetles, 41, 101 f.

excursion report, 41, 49

freshwater fish, 41, 98

Odonata, 41, 110

regional ecosystems, 41, 52

vertebrates, terrestrial, 41, 68 f.

Procamallanid nematode in the fish, Siganus, new record, 22,149 f.

Proceedings, 1955, 16, 35; 1956, 16, 35; 1957, 16, 38; 1958, 16, 79 and 16,

116; 1959, 16, 116; 1960, 16, 117; 1961, 16, 119; 1962, 17, 38; 1963,

17, 77; 1964, 17, 117; 1965, 18, 37; 1966, 18, 78; 1967, 19, 123; 1968,

19, 126; 1969, 20, 133; 1970, 20, 137; 1971-72, 21, 36; 1973, 21, 88; 1974, 21, 145; 1975, 22, 78; 1976, 23, 39; 1977, 23, 44; 1978, 23, 48; 1979, 23 (5-6), 52; 1980, 23 (5-6), 58; 1981-82, 24, 79; Jul-Nov 1982, 24, 140; Feb-June 1983, 25, 87; Jul-Nov 1983, 25,136; Feb-June 1984, 26,131; 1984-5, 27, 87; 1985-6, 27 (5-6), 39; June 1986-87, 28 (5-6), 47; Jul-Dec 1987, 29, 44; 1988, 30, 40: 1989, 30, 92.: 1990, 31, 97; 1991, 31, 151; 1992, 32, 89; 1993, 32, 144; 1994, 33, 151; 1995, 34, 74; 1996, 35, 94; 1998, 37, 58; 1999, 38, 92; 2000, 39, 99; 2001, 40, 74; 2002, 41, 118; 2003, 42, 81;

Proteoid type roots on Qld rainforest trees, 31, 1

Protection, of birds, 4, 19; 6, 39

      native fauna and flora, 1, 173

Protection Act, native animals and birds, 6, 84

Protective colouring, insect, 1, 92

Pseudechis guttatus, cannibalism amongst, 3, 22

Pseudodipsas cephenes, 12, 14, 50

      digglesi, 2, 103 f.

      myrmecophila illidgei, 12, 15

Pseudogerygone cantator, new sp., 1, 74

      nesting of, 1, 151

Pseudomys novaehollandiae, at Ravensbourne, SE Qld, 41, 42

Pseudophryne, breeding behaviour, 17, 94

Pseudotaenia ajax, 5, 42

Psychopsidae, 4, 78

Pteropus scapulatus, diurnal feeding of, 35, 34

Pterostylis daintreyana, 12, 35

      hildae, new sp., 10, 39, f.

      longifolia, new rec., 12, 92

      parviflora, 12, 35

  1. [aff. obtusa], 13, 56, f.

      speciosa sp.nov. from Stradbroke I., 10, 7 f .

Pt Lookout, rock shelters at, 11, 94

Pultenaea petiolaris, 1, 205, f.

      whiteana, new sp., 14, 49 f.

Pumice Stone Passage, birds of, 9, 12

Pyrazus fluviatilis, new rec., 2, 46

Pyronema omphalodes, new rec., 14(5), 18

Puffballs, from Eulo, Western Qld, 31, 127

      Qld, 16, 13, f.

Queensland, anthropological notes from, 18, 21, f.

      the earth beneath, 18, 97, f.

Queensland, Sth-western, ascomycete fungi on dung from, 39, 82

birds, 39, 72

cicadas, 39, 52 f

excursion report, 39, 49

gasteroid fungi from, 39, 86 f.

Oedogonium flexuosum, new record from Aust., 39, 80 f.

Queensland canary, nesting of, 1, 151

Queensland Flora, a new, 22, 8

Queensland Natural History Award:

      1992, Mrs Joan Cribb, 31, 147 f.

      1993, Mr Keith Williams, 32, 1 f.

      1994, Dr A.G. Harrold, 32, 91 f.

      1995, Mrs Jean Harslett, 33, 81 f.

      1996, Mr David Gordon, 34, 33 f.

      1997, Dr Alan Cribb, 35, 1 f.

      1998, Dr Geoff Monteith, 36, 1 f.

      1999, Dr Pat Marks, 37, 1 f.

      2000, Mrs Anne Atkinson, 38, 1 f.

      2001, Mrs Cecily Fearnley, 39, 1 f.

      2002, Dr John Swarbrick, 40, 1 f.

      2003, Ms Jeanette Covacevich, 41, 1 f.

      2004, Dr Ross A. McKenzie, 42, 1 f.

      2005, Ms Jan Sked, 43, 1 f.

      2006, Mrs Margaret Thorsborne, 44, 73 f.

Queensland Naturalists’ Club, archives, 24, 76

      first 50 years, 15,72

      origin and early years, 13, 26 f., 81

Rabbit-bandicoot, a, 3, 52

Rabbits and their introduction, 4, 7 f.

Rafting Ground Park, vegetation of, and re-afforestation, 31, 132 f.

Rain, bush signs of, folklore or fact, 31, 128

Rain-bird, 2, 106

Rainbow fish – experimental crossing of eastern & western populations, 23, 34

Rainforest, ecology, tropical, recent advances, 21, 52

      Fraser I., additions to flora, 21, 13

      Hinchinbrook I., 22, 36

Rainforests, Iron Ra., checklist & notes, 30, 26

Randia moorei, 1, 205 f.

Rat, water, Hydromys chrysogaster, 17, 43

Rats, swamp, 17, 113

      water, 4, 115

Red Caustic-creeper, change in rust-infected plants of, 32, 16

Redcliffe, birds of, 4, 75

Refuge, strange, 17, 98

Report, annual. See Annual Report

Reproduction, marsupial, 8, 1

Reptiles, Aust., 18, 9

      Bukkulla, 42, 61

      Cape York Pen., northern, 28, 22 f.

      Carlisle I., 29, 13

      Hinchinbrook I., 22, 69; 24, 64

      Kroombit Tops, 27, 61

      North Keppel I., 29, 78

Peel I., 38, 78

Scawfell I. & Cumberland group, 34, 1

      SW Qld, 23(5-6), 11

Restiads & sedges, Fraser I., 21, 12

Reviews and notices of books and papers:-

      Baker, R.T. Building and ornamental stones of NSW, Ed.2, 1,157

      ­­­­― & H.G. Smith. A research on the pines of Australia, 1, 191

      Barrett, C., & W.H. Nicholls. Gems of the bush, 9, 32

      Breedon, S. & K. Tropical Qld Vol. 1 of Natural History of Aust., 20, 63

      Cayley, A.B. An intermediate botany, 9, 67

      Cayley, N. What bird is that? 19, 129

      Chisholm, A.H. The bird wonders of Aust., 9, 68; Ed.3, 14, 18

             Strange new world, 12, 33

             An explorer and his birds, John Gilbert’s discoveries in 1844-45, 13, 56

             Fairy wrens, 13, 118

             News from nature, 14, 18

      Chisholm, A. H. (Editor). Land of Wonder: The Best Aust. Nature Writing, 17, 120

                Bird Wonders of Aust. 6th Edition, 1965, 18, 35

                Aust. Wild Life, 18, 75

                Joy of the Earth, 20, back cover

      Clyne, D. A Guide to Aust. Spiders, 19, 129

      Cogger, H. Aust. Reptiles in Colour, 18, 121

      Dupain, G.Z. Elementary dietetics for the student of domestic science and the housewife, 11, 134

      Francis, W.D. Aust. rain-forest trees, 7, 79

The origin, classification and organic relationships of the protein produced by inorganic ferruginous material, 4, 10

The mechanism of the production of protein from inorganic material by iron: the relationship of the iron bacterium Leptothrix to nuclear chromosomes, 9, 66

             Iron as the original basis of protoplasm: the generation of life in   space and time, 9, 116

The origin of the electric potentials of organisms in iron: electro-magnetic phenomena as the common basis of the physical sciences and of the life sciences, 10, 80

      Frauca, H. Harry Frauca’s Book of Reptiles, 18, 121

      Helmsing, I.W. & W.E. China. Life history of Hemiodoecus veitchi (Fam. Peloridiidae), 10, 80

      Hort, Sir A. The ‘Critica Botanica’ of Linnaeus. Revised by Miss M. L. Green, 10, 124

      Hunt, T.E. A census of S Qld orchids, 13, 118

      Lam, H.J. Fragmenta papuana. Translated by L.M. Perry, 13, 13

      Lydekker, R., Sir H. Johnston, & Prof. Ainsworth. Harmsworth’s natural history, Pt. 1, 1, 157

      Montcrieff, R.A. The fiddler of the gorge, 14, 126

      Nicholls, L. H. Orchids of Aust., 20, 64

      Norris, K. R. The Collection and Preservation of Insects, 18, 73

      N Qld Naturalists’ Club. Check list of N Qld orchids, 13, 19; Ed.2, 14(5), 19

             Check list of N Qld ferns, 13, 57

             List of birds occurring in N Qld, 14, 19

      Palastrier, C.M. le. The story of our plants; first steps in Aust. botany, 9, 32

      Pescott, E.E. The orchids of Vic., 7, 50

      Power, E. Small birds of NZ bush, 20, 64

      Rose, R. Papua and New Guinea, 18, 75

      Rupp, H.M.R. The orchids of NSW, 12, 120

      Stead, D.G. Giants and pigmies of the deep, 9, 9

      Stevens, N. C. Geological excursions in SE Qld, 17, 114

      Waterhouse, G.A. What butterfly is that, 8, 65

      Weisman, C. and A. Keast. Aust. Bird Songs, 17, 90

      White, C.T. An elementary text book of Aust. forest botany, 4, 26

             Principles of botany for Qld farmers, 10, 99

Rhadinocentrus ornatus, 4, 95

Rhizobium microflora of North West I., 19, 93

Rhizopoda, of Stradbroke I., 2, 69

      testaceous, of Brisbane, 2, 110 f.

Rhizopogon roseolus in association with roots of Pinus taeda, 11, 124 f.

Rhopalocera of Jandowae district, 3, 23, 48

      S Qld, 2, 86

Richards, H. C., obituary, 13, 81

Richardsonia stellaris, new rec., 1, 116

Riparian zone fauna, Burdekin River, 33, 57

Robertson, J.S., biography, 44(1-3),50

Robin, rose, 10, 14

      white-faced, 3, 73 f.

Rock cale (Crinodus lophodon), algal food, 16, 31

Rock shelters, native, 11, 92

Rocklea, insects of, 1, 123

Rocks, notes on, 14, 30, 77

Roentgen or X-rays, 7, 62

Root-systems of some W Qld plants, 14, 52 f.

Rosedale, Murchie’s scrub, plants of, 10, 28

Rosewood, geology of, 1, 232

      insects of, 1, 274

Roth, W.E., biography, 44(1-3), 51

Rotifer, a telescoping, Actinurus neptunius, 3, 111 f.

      a new, 4, 116

      a wonderful, 3, 50 f.

Rotifers, Antarctic, 1, 172

      cannibalistic, 1, 193

      notes on, 1, 33, 52

      of Chelmer swamp, 4, 57

      within Vaucheria, 17, 74

Round Hill Head, birds, 20, 56

Rowan , E., biography, 44(1-3), 52

Rule, suspension of for 1910, 1, 115

Rules, alteration of, 1, 1, 79; 2, 40; 7, 57; 11, 76

      revision of, 5, 67

Running Ck, algae, 31, 17 f.

      Arthropoda of, 12, 12

      birds of, 12, 13; 31, 15

excursion report, 12, 2; 31, 13

fungal spores, 31, 21 f.

plants, 31, 16

      vegetation of, 12, 4 f.

Saccodomus formivorus, 15, 15 f.

Saccolabium tierneyanum, new sp., 12, 18 f.

      virgatum, new sp., 15, 50 f.

Saissetia hemisphaerica, new host for, 15, 60

Salad Bowl, Redland B., 17, 11

Samford, birds of, 14, 25, f.

      Bora Ground, preservation, 18, 107

      district, notes on scrub ticks, 18, 16

Sand flies, Carnarvon Gorge area, 16, 106, f.

Sand hills of Qld, coastal and desert, 17, 1, f.

Sanderson, W. J., obituary, 16, 40

Sandgate, birds of, 1, 144; 4, 50; 10, 37

      insects of, 1, 144

Sandy Cape, birds of, 19, 31, f.

Sankey’s scrub, birds, 1, 56

      excn, 1908, 13, 31 f.

      plants of, 1, 56

Sarcochilus falcatus, 3, 55 f.

Sarina and Flaggy Rock, N Qld, forest trees between, 11, 67 o:p>

Scarth-Johnson, V., biography, 44(1-3), 54

Scarab beetles from central Qld, new records, 28, 87

Marks, E.N., biography, 44(1-3), 47

Scawfell Island, ants, green tree, 33, 135

birds, 33, 116

bryophytes on, 33, 108

butterflies, 33, 124

Tiger, drinking behaviour, 33, 131

excursion report, 33, 82 f.

flora diversity, 33, 92

marine algae, 33, 110 f.

marine molluscs, 33, 141

orchids, 33, 107

reptiles, 34, 1

vascular plant catalogue, 33, 97

vegetation, 33, 84 f.

weed species, 33, 104

Scents of the bush, 21, 94

Scortechini, B., biography, 44(1-3), 55

Scrub ticks, and bandicoot, 19, 81

      on native fauna in Samford district, 18, 16

Scrub smell, source of, 19, 76

Scrubfowl, Orange-footed, mounds on Scawfell I., 33, 118

Scrub-turkey versus black snake, 18, 73

Sea grasses of Qld, 17, 71, f.

Sea Lettuce, Ulva lactuca, occurrence on Capricorn & Bunker coral reefs, 32, 84

Sea life, 8, 40

Sea sawdust, 19, 115, f.

Seaballs, in SE Qld, 32,130 f.

Secotium fragariosum, new record Lord Howe I., 33, 32 f.

Sediments forming, 17, 51, f.

Sedges, Bottle Ck, Port Curtis district, 9, 90

  1. York Pen., with new record, 28, 61

      restiads & Fraser I., 21, 12

Seed dispersal, blue waterlily, 16, 12, f.

Seed dispersal by water dragons, 23(5-6), 49

Seed production, timing of, in NE Qld savanna, 41, 31

Seed set in Alocasia macrorrhiza & occurrence of Neurochaeta inversa in Qld, 24, 71

Seventy-fifth anniversary address, 24, 6 f.

Shearwater, Wedge-tailed, breeding colony Heron Is, 1985-90, 33, 66 f.

Shelburne Bay, birds, 31, 76

excursion report, 31, 73

Shell collection, Colliver, 31, 54

Shells, Bulwer, Moreton I., 1, 70

      Keppel Bay, 9, 109

      Lamington National Park, 3, 32 f.

      Tamborine Mtn, 2, 37

      See also Mollusca.

Sherwood Forest Park, 7, 2

Shield bug, Catacanthus punctus, foodplant, range extension, 32, 64 f.

Shirley, J., biography, 44(1-3), 56

Shirley, J., obituary, 3, 87

Shrimps, shower of, 1, 216

Sierra Leone, dug-out canoe from, 12, 81 f.

Silviculture in Qld, 11, 77

Simmonds, J.H.(snr), biography, 44(1-3), 57

Simmonds, John.Howard., biography, 44(1-3), 57

Simmonds, John Howard, obituary, 32, 24 f.

Simmons, H.G., biography, 44(1-3), 58

Simmons, R.J., biography, 44(1-3), 58

Simpsons Falls & J.C. Slaughter Falls area, vertebrate fauna of, 32, 101

Simuliidae from Fraser I., 19, 50

Simulium sp., 2, 76 f.

Singapore daisy, environmental weed in tropical, subtropical Qld, 31, 91 f.

Siphonluridae, new rec., 11, 46

Sirex gigas, unusual mode of importation of, 1, 166

Skertchly, S.B>J., biography, 44(1-3), 59

Skertchly, S.B.J., obituary, 5, 64, 70 f.

Skink, Blue-tongued, melanistic, on Peel I., 38, 78

Skipper butterfly, Arrhenes marnar affinis, range extension in Qld, 30, 14

      common, 6, 10 f.

Skippers, notes on some, 12, 47

Slade Point, central Qld, butterflies at, 39, 90

pitfall trapping at, 34, 16

Slaughter Falls, vertebrate fauna, 32, 101

Slime fungus, Physarum compressum, on Emu dung, 32, 71 f.

Slime moulds, from Cape York peninsula, 31, 81 f.

Slugs, two introduced, 2, 87

Smith, E. J., 86 years, 17, 26, f.

Smith, E.J., biography, 44(1-3), 60

Smith, Ernest James, obituary, 21, 34

Smith, J. Cossar, obituary, 16, 111, f.

Smith, L.S., biography, 44(1-3), 61

Smith, L. S., obituary, 20, 62

Snake, Children’s Liasis, 1, 110

      climbing habits of a, 2, 68

      sea, giant, 8, 60

Snakes, cannibalism amongst, 3, 22

Snipe, 9, 17

Soil, forest flora, and geological formation, relationship between, 3, 91

Soils, CapeTribulation, 26, 53 f.

      modern study of, 7, 44

Solomon Is., birds (western province), 38, 12

excursion report, 38, 5

frogs (Georgia group, western province), 38, 16

Kolambangara I., 38, 7

marine observations, 38, 9

Somerset Dam – Esk district, birds of, 13, 84

      fish at, 13, 88

      geology of, 13, 90, f.

      vegetation at, 13, 94

Song-bird, defining a, 30, 95

Southport sand spit, plant colonization of, 15, 29

South-west Queensland – channel country, anthropological notes, 23(5-6), 10

      birds, 23(5-6), 13

      crustaceans & molluscs, 23(5-6), 17

      excursion report, 23(5-6), 8

      reptiles, 23(5-6), 11

      vegetation, 23(5-6), 21

      See also Queensland, south-western

Spider, bird-dropping, observations on, 28(5-6), 28 f.

      the basket nest, 15, 15 f.

Spider captures silver-eye, 16, 101

Spider egg sacs in honeyeater’s nest, 17, 31

Spiders, Carlisle I., 29, 31

      Fraser I., 19, 52; 21, 4

      in our gardens, 16, 95

      Isla Gorge, 21, 104

      Kroombit Tops, 27, 58 f.

      Mt Coolum, 25, 20

      North Keppel I., 29, 80

      two fungal pathogens on, in SE Qld, 31, 143 f.

Spirogyra, the Qld, 1, 96 f.

Spodoptera mauritia, life history of, 1, 146

Springbrook district, orchids of, 15, 53

Stainer I. & Fife I., vegetation, 25, 104

Stanley River-Somerset Dam, fish at, 13, 88

Stanthorpe district, butterflies from and food plants of, 17, 106

Stellaria flaccida, new rec., 12, 85

Stigmodera, 4, 96

Stilbopteryx brocki, new sp., 13, 114 f.; 14, 17; 17, 50

      costalis, 13, 118 f.

Stinging tree, large-leaved or giant, 8, 21 f.

      trees, Aust., 15, 66 f.

Stinkhorns, variations in SE Queensland, 43, 14 f.

Stomatopoda in Qld, 16, 61

Stone-curlew, 2, 102 f.

Stoneflies, 16, 18, f.

Stradbroke I., birds of, 2, 128; 3, 107; 4, 23, 43; 5, 38; 6, 4, 17

      butterflies of, 6, 8

      Easter camp, 1921, 2, 125 f.

      geology of, 5, 91

      insects of, 2, 127; 6, 7

      lakes on, 6, 4

      middens on, 6, 4

      mosquitoes, 25, 116

      new Pterostylis from, 16, 7, f.

      notes on, 5, 90

      orchids of, 14, 12

      plants of, 2, 124; 19, 23 f.

      Rhizopoda of, 2, 69

Streams and their past, 6, 24 f.

Stringybark, Bailey’s 5, 95 f.

      Planchon’s 5, 94 f.

      red, 6, 78 f.

      rough, 5, 94 f.

      white, 6, 80 f.

      yellow, 7, 36, 37, 38

Styphlolepis hypermegas, 4, 55 f.

Subterranean plant life, 11, 34

Sun and plant distribution, 6, 58

Sunbirds, 18, 20

Sunnybank, birds of, 6, 50

Supella supellectillium, new rec., 4, 115

Surf, algal pollution of, in S Qld, 14, 123

Swallows, welcome, 4, 76

Swamp rats, 17, 113

Swift, spine-tailed, and its food, 1, 38, 112

Sylow, P G., obituary, 10, 16

Symbiosis & other interactions between organisms in nature, 40, 3 f.

Tabanidae from Fraser I., 19, 51

Taeniochorista pallida, 7, 73

Taeniophyllum in Qld, 14, 127

Tagetes minuta, range extension in Qld, 33, 74

Tallow-wood, 6, 81, f.

Tam o’Shanter Pt and Rockingham Bay, 3, 69 f.

Tamborine Mtn, 1, 46

      bird life, 26, 89

      bird list at June 1986, 26, 96

      Macrozamia denisonii at, 10, 2

      orchids of, 3, 53 f.

      plants of, 2, 23

      shells of, 2, 37

Tamborine Village bora ground, 18, 31

Tampion Beach, near Emu Pork, central Qld., Mollusca of, 10, 61

Tanner, W. M., obituary, 4, 81 f.

Tardigrada, 3, 28 f.

Tasmania, botanising in, 8, 38

Tasmanian excursion, algal genus, Trentepohlia, 29, 107 f.

      cicada fauna & its uniqueness, 29, 102

      excursion report, 29, 100

      fungi on wombat dung, 29, 114 f.

Taxonomy, horizons of, 15, 7

Tecoma hillii, 2, 99 f.; 3, 16

Telicota anisodesma, 12, 51

Tenison-Woods, J.E., biography, 44(1-3), 62

Termite mounds, fungus on, 14, 120 f.

Termites of Glass House Mts, 1, 155

Tern, white-winged black, 5, 47

Terns, crested, 6, 104 f.

      of Moreton Bay, 5, 47

Tertiaries, Brisbane, 1, 28 f., 50

Tetrastichus palgravei, 11, 21

Tettigids swimming, 1, 254

Tewantin-Noosa area, mosquitoes of, 13, 54 ; 15, 43, 65; 19, 49

Thalotia tricingulata, new rec., 2, 45

Theclinesthes scintillata, 12, 51

Theristriella, new genus, 7, 34

      stigma, new sp., 7, 35 f.

Thespesia populnea (Hibiscus populnea), on Coochiemudlo I., 34, 60 f.

Thismia, does it occur in Qld? 16, 90, f.

Thismia rodwayi, extension of range to Qld, 27, 18 f.

Thismia yorkensis sp. nov., a saprophytic flowering plant, 33, 51 f.

Thomson, E., biography, 44(1-3), 63

Thopha saccata, song of, 1, 229

Thorsborne, A., biography, 44(1-3), 64

Thozet, A., biography, 44(1-3), 67

Thrixspermum tridentatum, new combination, 16, 27

Thyridopteryx herrichii, 5, 36

Thysanotus tuberosus, 3, 80

Ticks, Lady Musgrave I., 19, 98

      Masthead I., in Shearwater burrows, 37, 43

      scrub, and bandicoot, 19, 81

                on native fauna in Samford district, 18, 16

Tidal contours, 23, 21

Tide gauge, simple self-registering, 21, 84 f.

Tiliqua scincoides, melanistic, on Peel I., 38, 78

To each his own, 2l, 91

Toadlets of N Qld, genus Pseudophryne, 21, 142

Toadstool, can I eat that, 14(5), 16; 15, 26 f.

Tobacco, Eucalyptus leaves as, 6, 21

Todea in Qld, 12, 46

Tools, weapons and other relics on Fraser I., 19, 58, f.

Toowong, birds of, 12, 62

Toowoomba, magnesite from near, 1, 32

      municipal quarry, vent structures and jointing of, 2, 94

Toowoomba Naturalists Club, 1, 52, 76

Torres Str. pigeons, 17, 114

Tortoise, eating habits, 17, 102

      long-necked, egg-laying of, 6, 66

Toxins in Qld flora, 41, 6 f.

Trap success, relating to rainfall & moon phase, Squirrel Gliders, 38, 69

Trapezites eliena, aberration in, 6, 10 f.

Tree, Aboriginal ‘possum’, 17, 58, f.

      Bunya, romance of the, 11, 4 f.

Tree growths, two compound, 14, 84 f.

Tree hollows, artificial, fauna use of, 40, 31

Tree-ferns of Qld, 12, 40 f.

Trees, bark of, 16, 61, f.

      forest, between Flaggy Rock and Sarina, N Qld, 11, 67

      of Canberra, 9, 95

      of southern gardens, 8, 61

      vertical growth of, 5, 41, f

Trentepohlia, Java & Bali, 27 (5-6), 31 f.

      Tasmania, 29,107 f.

Trentepohlia ellipsiocarpa var. africana, new to Aust., 32, 14 f.

Trentepohliaceous algae, Carnarvon Gorge, 20,  90

Triassic footprints in Qld, 15, 78

Trichoulax marginipennis, life history of, 2, 50

Trichopeltula sp., 15, 36 f.

Tristania conferta, variegated form of, 3, 14

      pachysperma, new combination, 14, 56

Trochosphaera equatorialis, 3, 50 f.

Troides priamus richmondius, 6, 34 f.

Truffle new to Qld, 25, 124 f.

Tryon, H., biography, 44(1-3), 65

Tryon, H., obituary, 12, 117

      Retirement, 7, 40

Tryon I., birds, 22, 132,

      excursion report, 22, 112

      fish, 22, 139

      geomorphology, 22, 113 f.

      marine insects, 22, 140

      marine molluscs, 22, 141

      mosquitoes, 22,146

      sea turtles, nesting behaviour, 22, 6

      terrestrial vegetation, 22, 127 f.

Turner, A.J., biography, 44(1-3), 66

Turner, A.J., obituary, 13, 119

Turtle life of Capricorn Is., 5, 82

Turtle, hawk’s-bill, algae, 19, 108

      observations on green, 20, 116

Turtles, sea, nesting behaviour, T’ryon I., 22, 6

Twining direction of some Qld plants, 25, 122

‘Twisted Arc Shells’, drawing by Betty McKenzie, 38, 35

Uraniid moths, Endospermum & ants in Aust., 28, 35

Vanda whiteana, new sp., 14, 57 f., 82

Varanus gouldiae, 10, 12

Vaucheria, rotifers in, 17, 74, f.

Vegetation, Dutch New Guinea, 13, 13

      Fraser I., 19, 11, f.

      Goat and Bird Is, Moreton Bay, 11, 94 f.

      Hoskyn I., 20, 92

      Noosa, 13, 47 f.

      North West I., 19, 85, f.

      Running Ck, 12, 4 f.

      Somerset Dam, 13, 94

      See also Plants

Vegetation diversity in young sand dune at Cooloola, 35, 57

Vegetation transects, Deepwater Nat. Pk, 33, 17 f., 24

Vent structures and jointing of municipal quarry, Toowoomba, 2, 94

Vertebrates, land, of Moreton I., 4, 93

Vertebrate captured by spider, 18, 101

Vertebrate fauna, Burdekin River, riparian zone, 33, 64

Lake Broadwater, additional records, 37, 12

Princess Hills, Lumholtz Nat. Pk, 41, 68

Simpson & Slaughter Falls, 32, 101

Vertebrates, pitfall trapping at Slade Pt, 34, 16

Victoria Park, Brisbane, birds of, 13, 34 f.; 21, 140

Vigna species, Australian, 32, 92

Volcanic activity in Pacific regions, 8, 5

Volcanoes, 9, 103


Wagtail, Willie, feeding on butterflies, 39, 94

Wallum country, 10, 108 f.; 18, 64, f.

Warbler, mangrove, 10, 37

Warrumbungle Nat. Pk & Pilliga Scrub excursion, 1984, 27(5-6), 16

Wasp, nest of a social, 16, 62

Water bears, 3, 28 f.

Waterlily, seed dispersal, 16, 12, f.

Watkins, G., biography, 44(1-3), 67

Wattle trees, insects of, 3, 61

Wattles of Brisbane, 12, 107

Weather, influence of the sun on, 6, 41

Wedelia trilobata, an environmental problem in tropical, subtropical Qld, 31, 91 f.

Wellington Pt, insects of, 1, 42

      plants of, 1, 43

West Aust., notes on a visit to, 2, 24

Western Qld, some birds of, 17, 70

      some plants of, 14, 52 f

Wheeler, J., obituary, 4, 82 f.

Whirligig beetles, Moreton I., 30,74

Whistler, olive, and rufous scrub-bird, 18, 87

      rufous, song and migration of, 12, 93

White, C. T., lecture, 14(5), 19

      biography, 44(1-3), 68

      obituary, 14, 43 f,

      photo, 41, 7

Whitehouse, Dr F.W., biography, 44(1-3), 69

Whitehouse, Dr F.W., obituary, 21, 33 f

Wild flowers, [four] Qld, 4, 41 f.

Wildlife Land Fund, 42, 28

Williams, K.A.W., biography, 44(1-3), 70

Wind-shear, low scrub showing, 10, 108 f.

Wombat, fungi on dung of, 29,114 f.

Women, contribution to botany of some, 8, 34

Wood, cycad, for brake-blocks, 5, 30

      petrified, peculiar structure, 18, 61, f.

Wood-moth, Giant, eaten by man, 16, 92

Woogaroo scrub, birds of, 7, 78

Wrens, blue, in mangroves, 17, 30

Wrens of Brisbane, 2, 87

Xanthorrhoea arborea in Antarctic beech forest, 10, 9

Xenosporium berkeleyi, new record Qld, 33, 71 f.

X-rays, Roentgen or, 7, 62

Xylaria, a species of, on cattle dung, 34, 22 f.

      at Iron Ra., 30,17 f.

Xylaria aristata in Qld, 30, 87 f.

Xylaria poitei, large specimen of, from Qld, 33, 54 f.

Xyleutes boisduvali, as food for man, 16, 92

Xyleutes cinerea, 5, 11

Xylopsocus gibbicollis boring into lead, 6, 53

Yarraman, Easter camp report, 16, 9, f.

Yellow-wood trees, 9, 50 f.

Zachobiella submarginata, new sp., 7, 33 f.

Zamenhofello, new genus, 11, 132

      voltai, new sp., 11, 133

Zizeeria (Chilodes) trochilus putli, 12, 51

Zygnema melanosporum, new record from Australia, 32, 139 f.

Zygoptera, abundance at two localities SW Qld, 31, 123

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