Excursion McAfee’s Lookout to Enoggera Ck – 22 July 2023

Excursion Saturday 22/0723
at 730am McAfee’s Lookout to Enoggera Ck.
(Day Excursion)

Leader: David Bouchard

DETAILS: The walk involves a 6km loop, consisting of a 200m descent down a long ridge to Enoggera Ck, and then following the creek upstream to a fire trail which leads back up to McAfee’s Lkt. This walk is on rough trails and does not use graded tracks, we will not be rock hopping in the creek.

For the less fit, Judy Haines has kindly offered to lead a second group which will return slowly back up the ridge when people desire, while the other party will carry on with the loop walk. Although the ridge is mostly of gentle grade, there are a couple of steeper pinches where a walking pole would be helpful. This walk is not recommended for those who are unsteady on their feet, or with medical conditions.

HIGHLIGHTS: The ridge supports wet and dry sclerophyll forest, and has a few interesting plants like the stinging vine and the vulnerable Sophora fraseri. Once we reach Enoggera Ck we enter vine scrub which forms quite an extensive area along the creek and shaded slopes and valleys to the north. Common trees in the scrub include python wood Gossia acmenoides, Capparis arborea, Dissiliaria baloghioides, with hoop pine and figs as common emergents. Due to past logging disturbance, lantana is a very common shrub!

Along the creek we might come across the moss like Selaginella brisbanensis.

There should be a good variety of birds due to the varied habitats.

MEET AT: The Gap Park and Ride, Waterworks Rd, The Gap, just before the Enoggera Reservoir. 7.30 am start.

REGISTRATION: By email to excursion @qnc.org.au (no “s” at the end of the word excursion) with the word (McAfee) only in the subject line. Please include the name and contact details of all attendees, guests are welcome.

DIRECTIONS: McAfee’s Lookout is about 7 km up the Mt Nebo Road from The Gap. As parking is limited it would be best to meet at The Gap Park and Ride where we shall carpool.

BRING: Morning tea, lunch, hat, 1 to 1.5 L water, sunscreen, insect repellent, binoculars, camera, hiking shoes and walking pole, no pets.

OTHER: A 385 bus leaves the City at 7.06 AM and arrives at the Park & Ride at 7.31 AM. Please advise the leader if you are catching this bus, so we will wait if it is running late.

AMENITIES: No toilets available, the nearest public toilets are at Bell Bird Grove, about 3km back along the Mt Nebo Road. There is no mobile phone reception after we leave McAfee’s Lookout.

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