Migrant Waders at Toorbul

This photo was taken during the QNC’s October outing to the wader roost at Toorbul, opposite Bribie Island.

Waders are never easy to identify – in their non-breeding plumage they lack any bright colours. However with some patience, experience, good fieldguides, the QNC’s recent QUID’s and good views it is quite possible to sort them out. This photo shows four common species, listed below with some of their key identification features. Can you find all four?

  1. Bar-tailed Godwit (mainly in background)
    large size
    long straight or slightly upcurved bill, pink at base
  2. Great Knot (scattered individuals)
    medium size
    short straight black bill
    distinctive black spotting on breast/flanks
  3. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (mainly centre foreground)
    medium-small size
    short straight black bill
    heavy mottling on back
    rufous crown
  4. Curlew Sandpiper (mainly centre foreground)
    medium-small size
    longer down-curved bill
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