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Day Excursion –  Coochie Mudlo Island, Redlands.

Excursion Leader:  Susan Nelles    zefarella@icloud.com

Day and Time:  Sunday 14 July at 10.00 am at the Victoria Point ferry terminal at the end of Colburn Ave.  

Allow some time to find a park. It is about 38km from CBD.

Timetable is at amitytrader.com, the fare is $6.50 return, bring your concession card.

If you wish to arrive earlier or later, we will be rambling on the eastern shore track.

We will explore the natural features along the coast, the Melaleuca wetlands and mangroves, following Victoria Pde, past Norfolk Beach to Morwong Beach, less than 2km. The entire island foreshore is public land reserved for conservation and recreation since being gazetted in 2019. Low tide is around 9.15am.

We visited the island 2 years ago, see the species report on inaturalist link –


On the ebird app, see the 121 species list. A plant list is available on registration.

Coochiemudlo Island is listed under the Convention of Wetlands of International Importance you can read about its habitat below.


What to bring – hat, sunblock, binoculars, water, snacks, lunch. Mangroves to Mtns book is useful. There is easy access to drinking water and toilets, food is available at the cafe and restaurant near the ferry.

The website of the Coochiemudlo Island Historical Society cihs.org.au – click on Books, and the link to Chronicles of Coochiemudlo, ed. John Pearn, to read the sections on Botany, and The Sea and sea shells.

Registration: Complete the online form below  or

By email to excursion@qnc.org.au (no final s on the word excursion)

with Coochie Mudlo Island in the subject line. Guests are welcome. Note: guests should email to register.

Please include name, mobile number and email of attendees.

Or by mobile to leader Susan  zefarella@icloud.com

Join us for a ramble on this beautiful, peaceful island.

If you are a current member and interested in joining us please complete the form below. If you are not a current member but would like to join the club please sign up online here.

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