Queensland Natural History Award 2005 – Janice May Sked

The Queensland Natural History Award for 2005 was presented to JANICE MAY SKED.

Jan is a talented amateur naturalist with a special interest in the identification, promotion and conservation of our native flora. She has devoted a lifetime to sharing her knowledge and skills with others.

Jan grew up in Beechmont where her particular interest in native flora especially lowland rainforest species started to develop. This interest and her skills in collecting, identifying and growing native plants have led to the compilation of plant lists for many areas and publications such as Planting a Native Garden which first appeared in 1976.

The list of Jan’s publications alone shows a significant contribution to the study of our native flora, but Jan’s talents in administration and organization have matched it. She has been a member of the Society for Growing Australian Plants Qld Region since 1970 and has held numerous administrative positions with the Society. These include being editor of the Bulletin, the Society’s newsletter for over 28 years. Jan has also been Study Group coordinator for the Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants.

The Pine Rivers area has been of particular interest to Jan. Her contribution to the Shire Council’s understanding of the native flora of the region has been invaluable. It led to Jan being given the 1990 Australia Day Citizen of the Year Award from the Shire and also to the naming of an environmental reserve as the ‘Jan Sked Reserve’ in 1992.

Photo: Mrs Joan Sked being presented with the award by Mrs Myriam Prekker QNC’s president in 2004

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